Chapter 15

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I woke up peacefully after a long slumber. I didn't even get to watch the sunset go down last night. The past two days had made me so mentally exhausted, I had to rest.

Today is my bornday, I am no longer a child. I no longer can desire to be regular kid. What I had before, I have to be grateful for now. For my mother, for Ollade, and especially...


He is occasionally on my mind, But I tend to not overthink about him. Luke says that mourning the dead too much can cause pain from the inside and out.

I do miss him though, every bornday I wonder what it would've been like to grow up with him every year. Ben and Declan would've definitely become good friends. He had so much life to give, it was way too early for him to leave.

But now, I have to live for the both of us. I've done it throughout my childhood, now I have to do it throughout adulthood.

I looked out the window and was a sunny day. The sun was out with rays of gold filling my room.

What a beautiful bornday.

I did my usual stretch whenever I woke up. I didn't feel much from my scarring on my stomach or thigh. It was like nothing happened. I got out of my bed, I headed to my bathroom and got ready for the day.

Once I got ready, I picked out my outfit. I went with a nice short day dress, it was white and had a upside down triangle lace pattern in the middle, it was one of my favorite dresses. On the sides, it had a white silk ribbon to tie on each side. I decided to leave my hair down. I put on some tan cream medium heigh heels to compliment the dress.

I looked in the mirror to review my look, simple yet alive. I was ready for my bornday. I then left my room and started to walk downstairs. I was then greeted by Luke, Han, Leia, chewie, and the droids. Ben was no where to be seen.

"Happy Bornday!!!" They all screamed. Luke was holding a white cake with candles lit. They were all so sweet.

"Aww...Guys thank you so much!" I said with a happy expression on my face. I could feel all their love radiate just for me. I truly did not deserve any one of them. I love them so much.

"Here, blow it out." Luke said and came closer to me with the cake. "But make a wish first!"

A wish? What could I possibly wish for? I had what I needed, except for Ben to be here. Would it be a fool of me to use it on Ben? To wish his anger away? To wish the best for him? All I felt I needed at this moment was Ben.

I closed my eyes.

I wish...the world for Ben.

I then opened my eyes and blew the candles out. Everyone clapped in response. Luke then put the cake down and gave me one of the biggest hugs I had from him.

"You have grown into a fine, strong woman, I love you Sembrey." He said with compassion.

"Thank you Luke, I love you too." I said unto his ear. We pulled out of the hug. I gave everyone else a hug, even 3PO. I loved chewie's hugs, he was so tall and big.

"Alright let's eat this cake!" Han celebrated. We all got a piece of cake and sat down at the table.

Ben was still not here. I wanted to ask Leia about it, but I felt I shouldn't impose. But should I?

"So what's your plans today Sembrey?" Han asked.


"I can answer that for you." He said interrupting me, "you're coming with Chewie and I, and we're gonna go the shooting range and hit some targets!" He sounded so excited to do that. I was somewhat excited as well, but it wasn't on my top ten things to do.

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