I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, a pounding echoing around my head. I groaned in response, bringing my hands up to my temples as I opened my eyes. I was in shock taking in the room around me before I remembered where I was, settling back down. I stretched out my legs, only feeling the sheets around my ankles, knowing I must've kicked them down during the night. I let out another groan, trying to gently remove the makeup that must have been stained under my eyes from the Garrison party the previous night. A knock sounded on the door, and I groaned, my brain thudding against my skull. "Come in," I groaned through clenched teeth, sitting up in the bed. A large figure walked in through the door carrying a tray. "G'morning, angel. Thought ya might need some coffee and bread," Alfie said softly. "Is it actual bread this time? Because if I see any of your 'liquid bread' I'm more than likely to get sick," I mumbled, massaging my temples. Alfie chuckled, slowly bringing the tray over to me, setting it down on the empty side of the bed. I closed my eyes, groaning at the pain in my head, failing to notice Alfie's eyes widening at the sight of me in nothing but his large shirt that fell to my mid thighs, barely covering my modesty. I hadn't seen his eyes trail over my exposed thighs, his fingers twitching as if he ached to touch the smooth skin.

            He'd composed himself by the time I opened my eyes and I looked over at the tray, taking the cup of coffee from it and slowly drinking deep from the cup. "The fearsome Alfie Solomons, making a woman breakfast in bed, and he didn't even sleep with her," I chuckled, looking over to where he stood at the bedside. "Right, you fuckin' tell anyone about this, I'll....I'll..." Alfie trailed off and I laughed. "You'll what? Stutter?" I joked, ripping off a piece of bread and popping it into my mouth. "Right, you've got quite the mouth on ya, haven't ya," Alfie crossed his arms over his chest, stroking his beard. "What else did you expect? I'm a Shelby. And as technically, in a sense, I work for you, I figured it best to just forgo all the formalities," I replied with a shrug, sipping some more of the bitter black coffee. Alfie chuckled, and the bed dipped with his weight as he sat down on the edge of it. "You've just got a way with words, haven't ya," he chuckled, and I shrugged, popping another piece of bread into my mouth. "So riddle me this, angel, what's a girl like you with a whole life ahead of 'er working as a part of 'er fuckin' brothers gang?" Alfie asked quietly. I shrugged again. "Can't ever really get away from the Shelby name. It follows you. The rumors follow you. You can't ever have a normal relationship with people because they're all too scared of what your brothers will do to 'em," I answered, slowly sipping some more coffee.

            For whatever reason, maybe it was the hangover, maybe it was that he brought me breakfast in bed, or maybe it was the fact that I was lying in his bed with only his large shirt covering my frame, that I was allowing myself to be completely vulnerable with this man I hardly knew. "So...you 'aven't ever...been with..." Alfie trailed off uncomfortably. "I've been with a man once of twice, if that's what you're asking. But no, never a relationship. I tried, once. Kept my identity a secret, he promised to love me forever, blah blah blah. I thought he was in love with me enough that he'd understand when I finally told him who I was. Thought he'd stick around...he didn't," I told him, my eyes downcast, "That's why I work for my brother. I've got almost no other friends, a relationship would be near impossible. Everyone's too afraid of 'em. Too afraid of the life I live. I could never beat the Shelby name. You know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em." Alfie remained silent as I sipped the coffee and continued eating the bread. "Well, that's everyone else's loss now, innit," he said softly, reaching out a gentle hand to push one of my curls behind my ear. I froze at the unexpected gesture. His tattooed hand strayed down my hair, and he lifted his thumb to run it down my cheek. I removed my gaze from the coffee cup in my hand, looking up at the hardened gangster who was showing a surprising amount of vulnerability I hadn't known he had.

            Our eyes met as we fell into a comfortable silence, gazing into each others eyes. We were then interrupted by the weight of the bed dipping again as the large mutt jumped onto it, tail wagging as he rushed over to me. "Oi Cyril! Get down ya fuckin' mutt," Alfie shouted, grabbing the dog by the collar and shoving him down off the bed. "Oh, I-I'm sorry," I muttered, looking down at the coffee that had spilled down onto the shirt he'd given me. "No worries, angel. I've got plenty more," Alfie chuckled, taking the cup of coffee from my outstretched hand. "I-I should get dressed," I mumbled, rising from the bed. Alfie nodded, stroking his beard before replying, "Your family will want to know you're alright." I nodded, and he grabbed the tray from the bed, softly closing the door behind him as he left. I crossed the room to rifle through my bags, pulling out undergarments and clothes that were suitable to ride in for the journey ahead of me. I opened the door, after changing and gathering my things. I descended the stairs to find the back door open. Making my way through it, I found Alfie standing in the grass tacking up Odin, softly patting his neck. "That fuckin' woman...she's got a fuckin' hold on us both, eh boy," he sighed quietly. He didn't know I was there. "A fuckin' angel, that one," he muttered. I waited a moment before closing the door loudly behind me.

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