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            I walked into Polly's house, setting my things down as I breathed in the fresh country air. "Come on, love, we've got to tailor your bridesmaids dress," Polly's voice called out. I sighed, climbing the stairs to my room where she awaited me. "Lavender?" I asked in surprise as Polly nodded. I stripped off my dress and stepped into the one Polly was holding out for me. "And how are your living arrangements going?" she asked as she buttoned up the dress and started pinning around where the alterations needed to be done. "They're amazing Polly. Tommy's not been to see Ada in ages, so I've had no problems," I replied, and she nodded, inserting more pins into the dress. "Has the business finally gone legit yet?" I asked, and she shook her head. "I've got Michael working on it, but Tommy's got some business planned with the Russians. He's been in contact with them," she mumbled. "The fucking Russians?" I asked in surprise. "Hold fucking still will you? I don't want to stab you with a needle," she grumbled. I composed myself quickly, allowing her to finish pinning the dress.

            "What the fuck does he think he's doing. They are not people to be trifled with," I whispered under my breath, and Polly nodded in response. "You know your brother as well as I do, love. He's going through with this, and he says this will be the last move. Apparently after this, we'll be set for our lives and we can leave all the black market shit alone," Polly told me, rising to her feet, "You're all done, it'll be ready in a month or two for a final fitting. And you better fit into it, no...surprises alright?" "Jesus Pol, I won't get pregnant before the wedding," I sighed in annoyance as she unbuttoned the dress for me to step out of. "When are you going to tell them?" she asked, as I put my clothing back on. "I don't know Pol. Maybe at the wedding," I replied, still unsure as how to approach that situation. "Well, if things keep going like they have it won't be long before you've got a diamond on your finger and a babe in your belly. You can't hide things forever, love," Polly said shortly, and I nodded as we descended the stairs to the kitchen.

            "I'm not going to hide things forever. Just until I figure out what and how to tell them," I replied. Polly nodded, remaining silent as she took the screaming kettle from the stovetop, pouring hot water into mugs and steeping tea bags in them. "Hello?" a voice called from the doorway. "In here," Polly shouted back. "Grace, what are you doing here?" I asked in surprise as she entered the kitchen. "I have a few things to ask you about," she replied, and Polly rolled her eyes before leaving the room, handing me a cup of tea on her way out. "Look at you," I gushed with a smile. She grinned in response, placing a hand over her swollen belly as she gingerly took a seat across from me. "You have a glow," I commented, sipping from my mug. Grace rolled her eyes at me. "A glow? That's a load of shit. It's sweat, sweet Lena. I've been throwing up all day," she grumbled in response. "Welcome to motherhood," I replied with a laugh, remembering when Ada had gone through the same thing.

            "So what was so urgent you had to make the trip out to Polly's to tell me?" I asked. "Firstly, the wedding. I have no one. My father's men will be attending, soldiers. But I'll have no one standing next to me at the end of the aisle. So, I'd like you to do it," she started. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "I want you to fill the position of matron of honor. I'd like you to walk down the aisle accompanied by one of your brothers, who are Tommy's groomsmen, and stand up there next to me during the ceremony," she said. I reached across the table, placing a hand on top of hers as the corners of my lips turned up into a smile. "Grace, I would be honored," I answered. She smiled with relief, before launching into her second item of business. "Secondly, Tommy and I have talked about the baby, and if something should happen to either of us. We'd like you to be the godmother," she said, and I gasped. "Oh, Grace. I would love to be the godmother," I beamed at her. She smiled in response, running a hand over her belly.

            "I couldn't think of anyone he'd be in better care with," she said, and I froze. "I-it's going to be a boy?" I asked, and she sighed, closing her eyes tightly. "Shit, I wasn't supposed to tell anyone. We only found out last week," Grace mumbled softly. "Congratulations, I know Tommy's always wanted a boy," I replied, and she smiled.

            "There will also be a place set for a date at the wedding, should you choose to bring that lawyer you've been seeing," she said after a short silence. "Erm, I-I don't know," I mumbled, and Grace's eyes narrowed. "Why?" she asked, her eyes searching my face. "I don't know if that'd be appropriate," I answered, avoiding her gaze and sipping my tea. "Is that because he's not really a lawyer?" she asked, and I slowly placed my cup back on the table. "You forget, I used to do this for a living," she chuckled, and I let out a sigh. "Grace, Tommy likes to keep you out of business things," I started, and she rolled her eyes. "For the love of God, Lena, just tell me what the problem is," she said shortly. "You'll have to keep this secret from Tommy, Grace. And I don't want to cause problems between the both of you," I replied, but she pursed her lips in response, her eyes narrowing once more. Grace had been stubborn before the pregnancy, but now she was even more so. "Alright, alright," I sighed, toying with my hands in my lap. "The man I've been seeing is Alfie Solomons. It started out simply as part of one of Tommy's contracts. But then...he was so kind and gentle with me, and we fell in love with each other," I said softly.

            "Why doesn't your family know? Hasn't it been over a year since you two have been seeing each other?" she asked curiously. "I just...I don't know how to tell them without Tommy disowning me," I sighed. "Lena, if Tommy wants to disown the godmother of his child, he'll have to go through me first," she said sternly, placing a comforting hand on my knee. I smiled at her actions, placing a hand over hers in thanks. "Either way, maybe you should bring him to the wedding," she said, reaching into her handbag and pulling out a card. She pushed it over the table towards me. It listed the date of the wedding, time and place, and a picture of her and Tommy. "Wait...I haven't seen this address before," I furrowed my eyebrows, looking up at my soon to be sister in law. "Tommy bought us a manor," she gushed with a broad grin. "Wow, Grace, that's so exciting," I smiled, and she nodded. "We'll have a maid and a caretaker for our son. It's three stories, twenty rooms, and six bathrooms," she said, and my jaw dropped. "Damn," I whispered, and she laughed. Placing a hand on her belly she slowly rose from the table. "I'll see you soon, sister," Grace smiled, and I chuckled as I followed her out of the house, waving goodbye as she got into the car Tommy had arranged for her to take. 

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