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            I bustled around the kitchen at the house Tommy had bought for Polly and I, having arrived back in Birmingham the night before. I looked out the window as I heard a car approach, watching Polly and Michael step outside. I turned from the window, grabbing two more cups for tea, removing the kettle from the stove. "Miss Shelby, please, let me," Polly's maid insisted, but I waved her off. "My aunt and cousin have just arrived, besides, it's only tea," I told her, "Go and make sure the room for Michael is in order." She nodded, departing swiftly from the room. "I thought we could spend the week here," Polly's voice rang out as they entered into the house, "You know, get to know each other, again." "That sounds lovely," I said, striding into the parlour. Polly grinned, pulling me close in a hug. We broke apart and I nodded, smiling at Michael in greeting. He removed his hat and nodded back to me, a slight smile across his face. "I'll go get the tea," I said, leaving the room and returning moments later carrying a tray with three steaming mugs on it.

            Michael sat down on the couch and I put a cup in front of him before placing one in front of Polly and holding the third between my hands. The room fell into an awkward silence before I spoke up. "We've got ham, if you're hungry," I said, nodding to Polly. "Do you like ham?" she asked hurriedly. "I like ham, yes," Michael replied. Polly moved forward to the kitchen before stopping and shifting her hands. "I've got a maid," she said, reminding both herself and Michael. "Yes, you said," Michael replied, the ghost of a smile etched on his face. "She's upstairs," I said to Polly, who nodded in response. "Look, I ring this bell. Watch," Polly said, reaching for the bell on the table and giving it a short ring. There came the sound of footsteps on the stairs and Polly's maid entered a moment later. "Yes, madam?" she asked. "Um...nevermind, that'll be all," Michael spoke up as Polly drew herself up straight, looking proud. The maid left the room, leaving my cousin and aunt and I alone. "You get used to it," Michael informed us. The room fell into another awkward silence. "Do you still like horses?" I asked him, breaking the silence. He looked to me, nodding with a sparkle in his eyes. "Well, come on then," I said, placing my cup of tea on the table and leading him to the back. We strode through the grass in silence, letting ourselves into the pasture and closing the gate behind us. I clicked my tongue, and Odin looked over before plodding over to me.

            "What kind of horse is he?" Michael asked as his eyes shone with excitement. "He's a friesian. They're from the Netherlands. Used for riding and farm work," I told him and he nodded, reaching out a hand to stroke Odin's muzzle. "You know, I do have vague memories of visiting the stables quite often with a girl not much older than me," he said. "Yeah, well. That would have been me. We were always disappearing from our families to go visit the horses," I chuckled, and he smiled, "Tommy thinks he's better with them than me, but I'm the real horse whisperer in the family." "Really?" Michael asked, and I nodded. "Watch," I told him, and I clicked my tongue, reaching up and pressing down on Odin's withers. The horse followed my command, laying down in the grass as I climbed on top of him. He immediately stood up and started off in a trot as I gathered his mane in my fingers. I urged him faster, giving him a kick to the side and he transferred into a smooth gallop. I tugged on his mane urging him to the right, looping back around to where Michael stood. "Whoa, whoa," I whispered as we reached him, pulling straight back on the hair. Odin slowed to a stop before Michael, and I slid off his back. "Alright, I'm impressed. You really are a horse whisperer," Michael laughed, patting Odin on the shoulder and running his hand over the glossy coat.

            "He's got a smooth gait," he noted, and I nodded. "Smoothest I've ever seen. Tommy did a good job picking him out," I replied. "Tommy got him for you?" Michael asked. "I did him a favor and he owed me," I told him, carefully choosing my words so as not to let Michael know about any Peaky business. "Why do you live in London half the time?" Michael asked as I reached down to inspect Odin's hooves. "To be with my sister. She moved out there, and we can't go without each other for very long," I lied smoothly. "And the other days you live with Polly?" he asked, and I nodded, letting go of Odin's back hoof. We fell into a short silence at the mention of his mother's name. "She's trying, you know. She's just scared. When they took you and Anna away...it scarred her. She's afraid you won't think she's good enough," I said quietly, and Michael nodded, "My mother never had much time for me, you know? Five other kids, one being an infant, the other four getting into trouble half the time. So Polly stepped in. Especially after they took you. I became like a daughter to her rather than a niece. And she's been there for me every single day of my life. She covered for me when I'd come home late, she listened to me when I needed a good cry, brought me soup when I was sick, patched me up if I scraped my knee. And she never let anyone hurt me. She is an incredible woman. And you don't know it yet, but you are so lucky to have her as a mother. I for one, don't know where I'd be without her." Michael nodded in response, taking in my words. "Come on then, let's go back inside. Her nerves will have calmed by now," I told him, and he followed be out of the pasture and back into the house.

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