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            The party to celebrate Charlie's christening was in full swing, all of the invited guests had been escorted back to Tommy's manor, and the drinks were flowing. "Oh Grace he's just so much bigger than he used to be," I cooed, smiling down at the baby in my arms as his mother smiled happily next to me. "It's hard to believe he's already six months old," she chuckled. "I am going to love you forever, my darling," I whispered to him as he wrapped a tight hand around my finger. "You really were the best choice for godmother you know. Tommy is the closest with you, and you really do have a natural maternal instinct," Grace confirmed, and I grinned, handing her baby back to her. "I was honored to be chosen," I told her. "So when are you and Alfie going to have one of your own?" she asked, and my eyes went wide, scanning the room for anyone that might've heard. "Keep your fucking voice down, woman," I hissed, and Grace chuckled. "Oh calm down, everyone here's far too drunk to even pay attention to us," she said. I rolled my eyes at her, lifting my eyebrows as a waiter approached me. "Champagne for you, miss Shelby," he said, his accent a little strained, almost like he was trying too hard. Must've been the stress from the party getting to him. I gave him a polite nod, taking the glass from his outstretched hand.

            I sipped it as women flitted about Grace and I, congratulating her on Charlie and cooing over his adorable features. "Congratulations on becoming godmother, Elena," Isaiah whispered to me as he elbowed my side. "Thanks Isaiah. Is your father here?" I asked him. He shook his head in response. "He had a sermon to give this morning down at the chapel. He sends his best though," Isaiah said. "Give him mine," I replied, and Isaiah nodded, trotting off presumably to find Michael. Before I knew it my glass was empty, and right on cue the waiter from before handed me another one. "Does anyone else know about Alfie yet?" Grace asked as I followed her to put Charlie down for his afternoon nap. "Only you, Ada and Polly," I replied, reaching a hand into Charlie's crib and fixing his blankets. "It's bound to come out sometime you know," she sighed, and I nodded, downing the contents of the glass in my hand. "I know. I was thinking of bringing him as my guest to your wedding actually," I told her, and she raised her eyebrows, her lips turning up into a soft smile. "There won't be any violence, Tommy would kill them all if there was, since it's your day and all that. Figured it might be the right time," I mused, setting the glass down on a table outside Charlie's room.

            Grace nodded, her mouth opening as she said something, but it sounded muffled and far away. My eyesight began to blur slightly and I felt as though everything around me was happening in slow motion. I screwed my eyes shut as my brain began to thud against my skull, the only sound I could hear my rapidly increasing heartbeat. "Lena, are you alright?" I heard Grace's voice ask, though it echoed, and her face wasn't clear as I opened my eyes. "Y-yes. I've had a bit too much to drink. I-I'll just head off to the bathroom," I mumbled, and Grace's features became concerned. "I've never known a Shelby to not be able to hold their liquor. And you're slurring your words," Grace commented, but I pushed her away and stumbled down the hallway into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and collapsing to the tiled floor. My breathing became more ragged as I began to panic, black edges starting to obscure my vision. Just as my eyes closed, I heard the door open and the shuffling of feet. "Hello, Elena Shelby," came the voice of the waiter who'd handed me the champagne. I tried feebly to get myself out of his grip, but I could hardly move. The last thing I felt were arms gripping under my shoulders, dragging me from the bathroom.

            My eyes flew open, and I swallowed hard, my throat dry. My eyes flitted about as I started to panic, finding myself in a cold dark room, the only exit being a single metal door. I slowly gathered myself up, standing on shaky legs and made my way to the door, slamming my hand against the hard surface. "Hello?" I screamed out, my voice hoarse from disuse. I jumped backwards a moment later, falling to the floor with a cut adorning my cheek as the door flew open and a knife was quickly stashed back in a pocket. "Well, well, well," an Italian accented voice mused as three figures entered the room. "Sabini," I spat at the ground in front of his feet. "I told you we'd be meeting soon my dear," he chuckled, stepping inside the room. "What do you want from me?" I hissed, gathering myself and standing as straight as I could manage, the effects of the drugs still not completely worn off yet. "Oh my dear it's not what we want from you, it's what we want from your...how shall I put this....your lover," he said, a sick smile forming across his features. "He'll find me. And he'll make you sorry you ever came near me," I said with confidence, drawing myself up straighter.

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