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            I took a deep breath as Alfie buttoned up the back of my light lavender dress, unable to hold my thoughts in any longer. "Alfie, I think it's time we told my brothers. Ada, Polly and Grace all know already, and it won't be long until they figure things out. They're bound to notice this ring on my finger at the wedding, and...I just don't think we can keep this a secret much longer. We can't just get married in secret and live our whole lives in a lie. They're all bound to notice once there's a babe in my belly and then there'll be far more questions than I can answer," I sighed as I turned in his arms to face him. There was a short silence as I gazed up at him with pleading eyes, my bottom lip caught between my teeth in anxiety. I could see the wheels in his mind turning as he sighed, looking down at me. "Alright, alright. I'll go with ya to the fuckin' weddin'," Alfie sighed, and I finally relaxed, letting my shoulders out of their tense position. I turned to face him, my lips curling up into a soft smile as I met his eyes. "But this is only because I love ya, yeah? You and those puppy dog fuckin' eyes," he sighed, pushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "But, I'm bringin' a gun with me, yeah?" he growled as he pointed a determined finger at me. "Alright, alright. Just go and get dressed," I told him with a chuckle. He turned from me and disappeared into the closet, shaking his head and grumbling all the while.

            His hand rested on my thigh the entire drive to Birmingham, and I couldn't resist sneaking glances at him all the while. He was dressed in my favorite suit of his, his wide brimmed hat pulled low over his face so no one would recognize him sitting in the back pew. The closer we drove to the church, the more my stomach started to twist itself into knots. My smiles became less frequent as worry started to cloud my mind. "It's all gonna be alright, angel. And if they don't take to it well, well then that's why I brought the gun, innit?" Alfie chuckled as he put the car into park. I nodded, breathing deeply. "I'll see you after the ceremony," I smiled softly at my future husband, kissing him deeply. "I'll be in the back pew," he replied, and I turned from him and exited the car, approaching my family gathered outside the church. Quite a few guests had already arrived, and I noticed many of them were sporting the red and blue uniforms of the King's British Army. Great. More soldiers...just what I needed.

            "Well you look lovely," the chipper voice of Ada greeted me as I reached them. "As do you," I replied, hugging her quickly, "When does Grace arrive?" I asked, taking a bouquet of flowers from Polly's outstretched hand. Tommy pulled out his pocket watch to check the time. "She's due any moment," he replied. "Well then what the fuck are you all doing standing out here. Take your seats! And you," I said, turning to my middle brother, "You can't see your bride before the wedding." Tommy chuckled with a smile, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "Alright, you fucking heard the woman. Arthur, we'll take our place at the end of the aisle with the others, Polly and Ada take your seats in the front pew, and John, you'll be accompanying Lena down the aisle in front of Grace, yeah?" Tommy said, and John nodded, straightening his suit jacket. "Well, go, go," I ushered them into the building with a laugh as I heard the sounds of a carriage approaching. "You know, you're never home anymore," John commented, and I nervously moved the ring around that lay beneath my gloves. "Ada's maid needed time off for bereavement so I've been helping out," I shrugged as the carriage pulled up, grateful for Grace's sudden, albeit somewhat late, appearance.

            The church bells were ringing loudly as she stepped out of the car, bouquet of flowers in her hand. "You look absolutely stunning. You're going to knock Tommy off his feet," I chuckled, grinning broadly at Grace as she took my hand in hers with a smile. She was being escorted by a member of the King's army, who held out his arm for her as the chorus of children began to sing. "Are you ready?" came the voice of Jimmy Jesus from behind us. I looked at Grace with my eyebrows raised. "Yes," she answered with a breathless smile. I took my place beside John, my hand wrapped around his extended arm as Jimmy Jesus entered the church ahead of us, taking his place at the end of the aisle behind my brothers. I quickly removed my gloves and shoved them into John's pocket. I didn't have time to see if he noticed the silver glint on my hand wrapped around the bouquet as the music started up. The wedding march began to play, and John and I started walking forward, my light lavender dress swishing by my feet as we crossed the church along the aisle. I shot a broad smile at Tommy as we reached the end, taking my place on the other side of the boys. All eyes turned as Grace entered the room, a dark navy veil covering her face as her dark purple dress drug behind her on the floor. She finally reached Tommy, and everyone turned to face them.

            I fought back a smile as I turned, noticing the figure wearing a wide rimmed hat sitting towards the back. Tommy slowly pulled back Grace's veil and she twitched nervously as they gazed at each other. I almost teared up, never having seen that much love in my brother's eyes before as they turned to face Jimmy. Arthur and I each stood slightly behind the bride and groom, facing Jimmy as well. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join together in holy matrimony Thomas Michael Shelby and Grace Helen Burgess," he started. And then i actually began to tear up. Never did I think Tommy would ever actually get married. He was ambitious, and stubborn, and ruthless, and I didn't think there was a person alive who could handle him. Or any of us Shelby's for that matter. But there I stood, watching as my brother married the woman he loved, who was both an incredible woman and an incredible friend. "Do you, Thomas Michael Shelby, take Grace Helen Burgess, to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Jimmy asked. "I do," Tommy replied, his voice thick with emotions I didn't know he had. "Do you, Grace Helen Burgess, solemnly swear to love, honor, and obey till death do you part?" Jimmy asked. "I do," Grace replied softly. "I now pronounce you husband and wife," Jimmy announced.

            The church erupted in a cacophony of cheers and whistles as Tommy and Grace faced each other, grinning as they kissed. Our side of the family went wild and I couldn't help but chuckle at the reactions from Grace's guests as they watched my family get louder and louder as Tommy and Grace turned to face the crowd. Arthur and I walked back down the aisle first and the guests followed, awaiting the newlyweds. Grace was beaming as they exited the church together, readying herself to toss her bouquet of flowers into the of women who were all clamoring for them. She shot me a quick wink, adjusting her aim at the last second and they sailed through the air, directly into my hands. I shook my head with a laugh as she smiled at me, knowing she knew I actually would be the next to be married. "Picture!" Arthur roared to us as the camera man set up his large camera. My family started to arrange themselves on the staircase, Tommy and Grace standing in the middle. Arthur roared at the guests who were in the way, shoving them out of the shot as I took my place just behind Grace, Ada standing next to me. "Go on, take the photograph!" Arthur yelled, and a flash went off, temporarily blinding me.

            I laughed with the rest of the crowd as we all began moving towards the cars, but I swallowed hard when I noticed Tommy share a quick glance with a tall thin man I'd never seen before. I was shaken from my thoughts as Tommy and Grace stepped into the carriage and took off and Arthur began yelling once more. "All right! Back to the house! All of you back to the house!" he yelled. I slipped quietly through the crowd, reaching the man with his back turned to everyone. "You looked beautiful up there, angel," he breathed as I approached him. "I bet I'll look even better in white," I chuckled, pressing my lips against Alfie's. "God woman, don't tempt me," he growled, and I laughed as he took my arm in his and we strode off towards the car, heading to the reception at Tommy's mansion in Warwickshire. 

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