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             The party remained in full swing after the dinner was ended. From my place across the room I watched Tommy whisper something in Polly's ear, and she took off striding across the room away from the party chatter like a woman on a mission. "I'll be back," I muttered to my fiance, leaving the bar. "And where are you off to in such a hurry?" I asked as I caught up to my Aunt. She looked quickly around the room and pulled me to the side. She feigned a smile and pushed some hair back behind my ear with a smile. "Tommy's planning a meeting with the Russians. We need the code name, and our uninvited guest has withheld it from us," she said through her feigned smile. No one in that room would have guessed we were talking business with the smile she wore and the practiced movements she made. They'd have guessed we were discussing the lovely party, and the happiness that shone in the new bride's eyes. I grinned back at her, my smile just as fake as I sipped from my champagne flute. "And what will we be gaining from this...business venture?" I replied, faking a chuckle. "Possibly enough money to walk away," Polly answered, and it took everything in me to keep my mouth from falling open in shock and keep the smile plastered across my features.

            "T-to walk away?" I whispered, my eyes conveying the shock the rest of my expression couldn't. "He says it could be our last move. Now, I won't have you being left out of the business because of the news that you're engaged. We sold weapons to the Russians to fight the Bolsheviks in Georgia. Which I'm assuming you've figured out by now. But what you don't know is there's a robbery planned as well. Your fiance could be useful at some point you know, now that the two gangs are in good standing," Polly replied as she sipped her drink. "Polly, I don't want Alfie to be involved in Peaky business," I replied, mimicking her movements. "Oh come on,we know him almost as well as you do. He'd never turn down a good opportunity, the time may come when we need him," she shrugged. I rolled my eyes, admitting my defeat. I loved Alfie to pieces, but she was right, he was never one to miss out on a business opportunity. "Now, I believe we have a guest to make small talk with," Polly said quietly, and I nodded, linking my arm through hers as we entered back into the room. We side stepped dancing couples and she lead me to a corner where the tall thin Russian man whom I'd noticed earlier at the ceremony stood.

            "So what does he say?" the man asked as we reached him. "He won't meet you unless you give us the name," Polly answered. The man looked between the hard expressions my aunt and I wore before turning back to her. "What name?" he asked. "We were told to ask for a code name when contact was made," Polly replied shortly. The man remained silent for a moment, hesitating as he scanned the room before turning back to my aunt. "Constantine. The code is Constantine," he relented. Polly said nothing, she only took a drag from her cigarette and exhaled as we strode away from him. "Find Tommy," she said, and I nodded. I scanned the room, my eyes locking on my brother talking with his new bride. "Mind if I cut in for a second?" I asked with a grin, and Grace shook her head with a smile. "I need a refreshment anyway, it's getting rather warm in here isn't it," she said, following after a waiter with a plate of champagne flutes. "Constantine," I whispered in his ear as I placed by empty flute on a tray from a waiter passing behind Tommy. He said nothing in reply, only nodding in response. "Go get Arthur, tell him to meet me in the back alley," he said. "What about Grace?" I asked as we slowed to a stop. "She has plenty of guests who would love nothing more than to occupy her time," he replied before turning abruptly and leaving the room.

            I turned, pushing my way through the party searching for my brother. I knew he'd be as far away from Alfie as he could get, so I started looking on the opposite side of the room. "I can't believe you're marrying him," a voice said from behind me. I stopped in my tracks and rolled my eyes, my jaw set. "Arthur, now is not the time," I muttered as I turned to face him, "Tommy wants you. Back alley. Russian business." "This isn't over," he growled as he pushed past me. I sighed, rejoining my fiance at the bar. I signaled for a refill as Alfie wrapped a large hand around my waist. "You look a little upset angel," he commented. "My fucking brothers," I sighed, downing my drink, "Tommy's forever conducting business, and I don't know if Arthur will ever come to terms with our relationship," I sighed. Alfie's hand removed itself from my waist, moving to rub soothing circles into my back. "Don't worry angel, just give 'im some time. 'E may not like it, but 'e'll come 'round," Alfie said softly. "And this is exactly why I'm marrying you," I smiled softly as I leaned up to press my lips against his. "Let's 'ope that's not the only reason, 'ey angel?" he chuckled, and I grinned as the bartender replenished my drink.

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