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            "How are things going with Alfie Solomons?" Tommy asked as we drove to London the next Friday night. He'd planned a move against Sabini in retaliation for what happened at the auction, and the boys were going to raid one of his clubs. I swallowed hard at his question, the sound of the gangster's name making my heart pound in my chest. "It's good. I patch up his men, patched him up after a fight a few weeks ago. He's polite to me, and makes sure none of the men make passes at me. It seems as though I'm in safe hands," I replied, and Tommy nodded. "So our treaty is going well then?" he asked, and I nodded. "He sent a telegram. He's meeting me at Ada's later. One of his men was shot last night," I told Tommy and he nodded. "Good. Good. Make sure our treaty stays in order," Tommy said, and I nodded compliantly, "And remember. Stay away from Sabini's territory tonight." "Thomas I'm not stupid. I'm not going anywhere near those clubs tonight. Alfie needs some help with his men anyway, remember," I rolled my eyes. "Alfie?" Thomas asked, and my palms began to sweat as I realized my mistake. "I didn't realize you were on a first name basis with him," he pressed, and I turned to face him, sighing.

            "Tommy, I'm exhausted, and I shot a man to death hardly a few days ago. My mind isn't back to normal yet, I meant Mr. Solomons, alright?" I assured him, and he nodded. That was a close one, too close. "I'll see you in a few days," I told him as he put the car in park outside Ada's. He nodded and I jumped from the car, taking the key out of my handbag and letting myself in. "Ada?" I called out softly. "In here," I heard a quiet voice from the kitchen. I followed the voice and embraced my sister closely. "What are you doing getting in so late?" she asked. "Tommy's men are raiding Sabini's clubs. I caught a ride to London with them," I explained, pouring myself a cup of tea. "Will Alfie Solomons be dropping by tonight?" she asked, eyebrows raised as I took a sip from my cup. I nodded in response. "He will be. One of his men was shot, and the wound needs tending to," I said, and she nodded. "Polly wrote me. Told me what you said about him," she said, sitting down across from me. "Damn it Pol," I cursed. "Lena, I'm not going to judge you. I fell in love with a commie who almost shot Tommy in the head, remember?" she chuckled, and I laughed, nodding. "Just, please be careful. If Tommy found out..." she trailed off. "Ada, he's not going to find out. Because there won't be anything to find out about," I insisted, and she nodded. She was still unsure, I could tell, but we were interrupted by a rapping on the front door. "That's my cue to leave, then. Your patient awaits you," she whispered, taking her cup of tea and leaving the room to go up the stairs to her room.

            I sighed, putting my half empty cup in the sink and walking to the front door. "Evenin' angel," Alfie said lowly, his man standing behind him. "Come in," I told them, opening the door and walking towards the stairs. The two men followed me, Alfie's large boots hitting each stair heavily. I felt his eyes on my backside as the two men followed me up the stairs. And just like that, the tension between the two of us was suddenly already back in full gear. "In here," I muttered quietly, beckoning them into the parlour where a fire was already lit. "So you were shot?" I asked, busying myself with preparing tweezers and cloths and a bowl of alcohol and one of water. "In me arm," the man said, removing his coat and rolling his sleeve up. "You didn't even remove the bullet?" I asked incredulously, looking to Alfie, who shrugged. I sighed, rolling my eyes, and handing the man a bottle of whiskey. "Drink it, it's not going to feel good," I ordered, and he followed suit. A fourth of the bottle was gone when he handed it back to me. And I grabbed the tweezers from the desk, reaching them into the wound feeling for the bullet. I was able to get the metal around the bullet, pulling it out quickly and dropping it into a glass of alcohol. The man was biting down on his coat to keep from crying out.

            "This is going to hurt," I told him, and he nodded. I took the bowl of alcohol, slowly pouring it over the open wound. Muffled cries filled the room as I poured and then set the empty bowl back on the desk. I poured water on it next and dried the wound off. I grabbed some gauze and some tape, sticking it over the wound and wrapping it tightly. "Alright. If you smell any rot, or any signs of gangrene, you go straight to a hospital," I told him, and he nodded, rising to his feet and looking to Alfie. "You're fixed. Fuck off," he ordered sternly, jutting his head towards the stairwell. The man nodded, putting his coat back on and leaving the house. There came the small click of the door being closed, and Alfie and I were alone. I nervously put my things away, unable to still my hands as I felt his gaze watching my every move. "I 'eard you killed a man at that auction," Alfie spoke after a moment, and I nodded, not looking up from my cleaning. "He was going to kill my family, I did what I had to do," I replied, and Alfie nodded. "You're a hardened woman, ain't ya," he said softly, crossing the room to where I stood. "I've told you before. The Shelby name means bad things," I whispered, and he nodded, stroking his beard. We fell into a slight silence before I spoke again. "Thank you, again," I said, looking up at him. "For what angel?" he asked.

            "Letting me stay at yours a few weeks ago. For scaring all the bakers away from me," I told him, our eyes meeting. "Well now, I can't have me men fuckin' with a beautiful creature such as yaself now can I," he said quietly, reaching up to stroke my hair. I swallowed, the tension growing thick once more. "I 'ave never met anyone quite like you before, angel," he said. "What do you mean, like me?" I asked as he stepped closer to me. "Someone who's not afraid of Alfie Solomons, who can't be scared away from what I do, right, someone so intriguing, and light even though she's got a dark side," he said, and I chuckled. "Alfie, do you know what my brothers would do to you?" I whispered as he placed a hand on my waist, pulling me into him. "Fuck 'em. Fuck 'em all. All that matters, right, is you and me angel. I can see it in your eyes," he whispered. I opened my mouth to deny it, but remained silent and closed my lips once more. He brought his other hand up to my neck, his fingers curling around the base of my head, thumb reaching out to tilt my jaw up, caressing my cheek as I looked up into his eyes.

            "Alfie," I whispered, but he shook his head, and I fell silent again. He moved downwards, and crashed his lips onto mine. I shivered in pleasure as my blood coursed white hot through my veins. His lips felt like silk against mine, his breath hot as I brought a hand up to his cheek, resting the other against his muscled chest. Our lips moved in sync together, working pure magic. He pulled away slightly, pulling my bottom lip into his mouth and sucking hard. I gasped in pleasure as he slowly let go and we broke apart. "Fuck 'em all," I whispered, crashing his lips to mine once more. My stomach tightened with anticipation and need as I pressed my thighs together, aching for friction as our lips moved in sync. We broke apart a few moments later, gasping for breath. "Fuckin' 'ell angel," Alfie chuckled lowly as he rested his forehead against mine. I smiled, breathing heavily. "You're all mine now, ain't ya," he whispered, and I nodded. "All yours," I replied, and a cheeky grin broke out across his face. "I've got fuckin' work to attend to love, but I'll be seein' ya," he whispered, and I nodded. He pulled me tightly against his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around my waist as I threw my arms around his neck. "God I wish I could stay like this all day," he said softly, and I hummed softly in response. "But you have a bakery to run," I reminded him, and he sighed before softly letting me go. "Goodnight, angel," he said, kissing the back of my hand. "Goodnight, Alfie" I replied, and he smiled taking one last glance at me before sweeping from the room. Not a second after the front door closed, I was ambushed.

            "So, there won't be anything to find out about, eh?" My sister grinned as she entered. "I fucking knew you'd be listening," I spat, unable to wipe the grin from my face. "I heard you two in here, you know. He really is quite gentle with you. I'm surprised," she commented, and I nodded. "I told you there were other sides to that man. He has to be tough and scary in front of all his men, but he's different with me," I told her, and she nodded. "I believe you," she said, and I smiled. "Please, Ada, please keep this secret. Tommy and the boys mustn't ever know," I pleaded gently with her. "Do I look stupid to you? I'd never tell a soul, I quite like having a sister you know. I wouldn't want you to get shot by our own brother if he found out," she said, and I chuckled. "Thank you," I told her earnestly, and she nodded. "So, when am I going to get a niece or nephew then?" she asked, and I smacked her lightly. "Jesus fuck Ada, it was only a few kisses! It's not like we're getting married or anything. This is the first time we've ever even done anything and you already have us getting married and popping out kids," I chuckled as I left the room. "You can't blame me for trying!" she called out after me. "Goodnight, Ada!" I called back to her as I ascended the stairs to my room. "Alfie fucking Solomons, and my little fucking sister," I heard her mutter in disbelief behind me, and I let out a small chuckle.

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