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A/N: There is another little smut piece in this chapter, I've marked it with a line above. Viewer discretion is advised, if you are not comfortable with that, go ahead and skip the part underneath the line until you get to the next one. Not sure if y'all are enjoying these types of scenes or not, so feel free to let me know! Anyways, happy reading! XOXO

            "You're home early," I commented as I bustled around the kitchen, Cyril's tail happily wagging as he watched Alfie walk in through the door. "Well, with an angel waitin' for me at 'ome, just couldn't bear to work any longer," he said gruffly as he approached. "'Ello, angel," he whispered, placing a hand on my waist and turning me from the stove, pulling me into his embrace. "Welcome home," I smiled, placing a hand on his jaw as I brought his lips down to meet mine. "God I love 'earin' you call this place 'ome," Alfie grinned. I chuckled as he placed his other hand on my hip, pressing his body against mine as he crashed his lips onto mine once more. "Alfie, the soup's going to burn," I chuckled against his lips. "So let it, eh? 'Sides, there's something else I'd rather eat," he whispered lowly into my ear. "You are insatiable," I chuckled as his lips made their way down my neck. "Only for you, love, can't get enough," he mumbled against my neck as goosebumps rose on my arms, his touch lighting a fire across my skin. "Dinner first," I told him sternly, gathering the strength to push him off me. He groaned as I stepped away from him, sighing deeply. "You're gonna be the death of me, you are," he grunted as he sat down at the kitchen table. I chuckled, gathering bowls and pouring soup into them, setting one down in front of him.

            "Don't like ya havin' to spend half your time at ya sister's and in Birmingham," Alfie spoke as I sat down. "I know, love. I just don't know if now's the right time to tell my brothers 'hey, I've been living with one of your dangerous business partners and we're in a relationship'," I replied softly, and he shook his head. "I just don't like havin' to share ya. I want ya to be here all the time. Don't like when I come 'ome and you're not 'ere," he said, and I smiled. "I can't believe it's been six months and we've still managed to keep this secret," I said, softly. He grunted in agreement, leaning down to start eating his soup. "Won't be a secret for too much longer now, will it," Alfie said, looking up at me. My spoon froze halfway to my mouth as I met his eyes. "What do you mean?" I asked curiously. "Well, ya brother's are observant folks, they'll be bound to notice when someday a diamond ring sits on that pretty little 'and of yours, right?" he replied casually, leaning down to continue eating. "Alfie Solomons," I sighed with a grin as I continued to eat myself. "It's not like ya can't be expentin' it, eh? I told ya the first night we were together I was gonna marry ya, I did. 'Sides, Tommy's engaged to that Irish lass with a kid on the way, and Arthur's got a new woman as well, ya might as well settle down too, eh? Even if it's just with me, yeah?" Alfie replied, and I smiled at the thought that he took note of what I told him about my family. "Alfred Solomons. Settling down 'just with you'?" I questioned, rising from my seat and crossing the room to where he sat. "You make me the happiest woman alive," I whispered, placing one leg on one side of him and lifting the other over to the other side, settling down and straddling his lap as I linked my arms around his neck.


            "Well, you're about to get a 'ole lot 'appier, yeah?" he groaned, rising to his feet and placing his hands underneath my ass to support me. "Alfie!" I laughed as he carried me up the stairs, our bowls of soup left half uneaten on the table. I gasped as he threw me down on the bed, ripping his shirt off in one fluid motion. He reached down, fumbling with the buttons on the back of my dress before getting frustrated and ripping the fabric apart. "Alfie!" I gasped as he threw the destroyed garment to the floor. "You owe me a new dress," I laughed as he reattached his lips to my neck, moving down to my chest. "You can 'ave all the dresses ya want, angel," he groaned as he slid a finger into the waistband of my underwear, ripping them down my legs. He stood at the edge of the bed, fumbling with his trousers before stripping them off and pushing me back on the bed, leaning over me as his lips crashed into mine. Fire coursed through my veins as lust took over. I pushed him up, rising quickly up to my knees and pushing him down onto the bed, climbing on top of him. "It's my turn to make you feel good tonight," I whispered breathily into his ear as I bit down on the skin of his neck. "Fuckin' 'ell, angel," he groaned, his eyes closing in pleasure. I kissed down his chest, leaving little bite marks here and there as I moved his legs apart with my knees, kneeling down between them.

            I wrapped my hand around his rock hard cock, trailing it slowly up and down as he twitched. His hand shot out, gripping my hair tightly as I brought my lips down, trailing my tongue from the base to the tip, before taking him into my mouth and swirling my tongue around his head. "Fuck!" he yelled out as my hand worked the parts I couldn't take. His breathing became more ragged as he tugged on my hair while I worked. I felt his cock twitch in my mouth, the salty flavor of pre-cum coating my tongue. "Fuck, fuck," he mumbled out, and just as I brought him to the brink, I took my mouth off him, sitting up. "Fuckin' 'ell, angel," he moaned as I moved upwards, sliding down on top of him. His hands gripped my hips roughly as I started to move slowly on top of him. "So fuckin' wet," he mumbled as I let out a whine of pleasure, my walls clenching around him as I started to move faster. "Just like that, angel, fuck," he encouraged, his grip on my hips tightening as he moved me backwards and forwards. I placed a hand on his chest to support myself, leaning down to crash my lips against his as I rode him. His hands trailed down the smooth skin of my thighs, before reaching back up to my hips, moving me more forcefully. "Oh fuck, Alfie," I moaned out as I felt the intensity building in my lower half.

            He growled, taking my bottom lip in his mouth and biting down as I moaned out in pleasure. He slowly let go and I felt his cock twitch as I moved my hips faster, throwing my head back in ecstasy as we both reached our climax. He let out a string of curses as I convulsed on top of him, riding out the pleasure. "Fuck, angel," he moaned as I slowly came to a stop, breathing hard. He caught my gaze and grinned, sitting up to press his lips against mine softly. "Why 'ave we never done that before," he mumbled, running his hand through my hair as I slowly moved off of him. I shrugged, smiling coyly. "Come on, let's get cleaned up," he mumbled, carrying me into the bathroom. He turned the knob on the newly installed shower and the water trickled down. He grabbed a bottle of soap, squirting some into his hand and running it softly over my body. I let out a soft moan and an involuntary shudder as his rough, calloused hands made their way over every part of skin he could reach. He chuckled quietly before switching our places, allowing me to wash the soap off of myself, and I started to cover his body with soap. His eyes closed as my delicate hands ran over his chest and arms before pulling his body tightly against mine to wash his back. He quickly turned, pressing me against the shower wall as the water rinsed the soap off of him.


            He hummed in pleasure, pressing his lips softly against mine, and our lips moved together slowly. "Sorry about that, angel," he whispered, and I looked down to my hips, where I found bruises from his fingertips and little red indentations from his nails. "Never apologize for making me yours," I whispered in reply, reaching a hand up to his jaw and playing with his beard. He smirked, nodding in response. "What d'ya say we go to bed now, eh?" he said softly, and I nodded. He reached out a hand and turned off the water. He grabbed a towel, wrapping me up in the soft cotton and drying me off. I grabbed my comb off the sink and ran it through my hair, untangling the knots Alfie's fingers had left behind as he dried himself off. He hung the towel back up and crossed the room to where I stood, placing his hands on my hips and kissing my bare shoulder, his lips making their way up towards my neck, his beard softly scratching at my skin as I closed my eyes and leaned back into him.

            "I could stay alone with you forever," I hummed as he gently turned me in his grasp, picking me up once more and laying me gently down in our bed as he climbed in next to me. "Well then, what d'ya say next month we go away," he whispered as I cuddled into him, warm underneath the blankets. "I'd say I could get Ada to cover for me," I chuckled, and his mouth split into a wide grin as he pulled me closer. "I've got a cottage seaside in Margate, what d'ya think, angel. A week, just you and me and Cyril," he whispered. "I'd love nothing more," I whispered in reply. He turned, pressing his lips to mine gently. "I love you," he whispered as his eyes slowly closed. "I love you too," I whispered back as we fell into an easy sleep, wrapped up in each other's arms. 

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