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            Tommy disappeared into his room as I rejoined the reception. I could tell the guests were getting antsy and ready to eat. My eyes scanned the room before settling on Alfie's figure, stood at the bar as he watched couples pair off and dance. I strode across the room, smiling as I approached him. "Tommy's going to walk me down the aisle," I told him, and he smiled, wrapping a hand around my waist and pulling me in close. "I'm just glad you're relieved angel," he replied, pressing his lips to mine softly. "Now, may I have this dance?" he smirked, holding out a hand. "You may," I chuckled, and he lead me to the floor, holding me close as we slowly swayed along to the music. I grinned broadly, blushing a light pink as Alfie whispered sweet nothings into my ear. I closed my eyes, smiling and leaned into him, and as we danced it felt like we were the only people in the room. I was only reminded of the presence of the others as the dinner bell began to ring. Alfie and I slowly came to a stop and entered the dining room with the other guests, taking our seats at the table beside John and Esme. I ignored Arthur's clenched jaw and dark expression as he and Linda sat on the other side of John and Esme.

            The plates were set and dinner had started being served, and I gladly sipped the champagne from the glass sitting in front of me. "And just where do you think your brother has gotten off to? We've been waiting on them for an hour," Linda complained as she picked at the salad in front of her. "Probably fucking his new wife," I shrugged, chuckling at her gobsmacked expression. Alfie snorted into his whiskey, coughing as he set his glass back down on the table and resting a hand on my upper thigh. "Oi! Vincent, Vincent. What do you call an animal with a prick halfway up its back?" John asked one of the soldiers sitting next to Linda. The soldier made no move to respond, and my brother began to grin. "A cavalry horse!" he chuckled, sipping on his glass of whiskey. I rolled my eyes, shoving a bite of the first course into my mouth as the light chatter and music filled the lavish dining room. "Fuck it. Fuck it. Where the bloody hell are they?" Arthur muttered angrily, shoving his speech into his waistcoat. "You're best man, Arthur. Go and find them," Linda encouraged him. Arthur nodded, taking a deep breath as he stood. I watched as he strode from the room, my ears catching part of Ada's conversation with the people next to her.

            I chuckled and rolled my eyes, hearing she was on another political rant. I smiled as I scanned the room. Tensions may have been running high since the news of my engagement, but I did love my family, and I loved it even more when they were wearing smiles. "Ya know, this'll be us someday, sitting at the head of the table," Alfie whispered with a nod to Tommy and Grace's empty chairs. I smiled, laying a gentle hand on top of his. "Hopefully sooner rather than later, ya know. I want to marry you as soon as possible," he said. "Oh really?" I chuckled, sipping some more champagne. "Really. I don't want to spend another fuckin' day havin' to call ya me fiance instead of me wife," he replied. "I'd have to agree with you there," I replied, and Alfie grinned. His hand moved underneath mine, playing with the tops of my stockings underneath the thin material of my lavender dress. "Alfie," I scolded, sputtering on my champagne. "What?" he shrugged innocently. "We can't do this here," I muttered quietly, "People will notice if we leave the table now. It's almost time for the speeches, there'll be plenty of time for that later." Alfie sighed, closing his eyes in impatience. "You'll be the death of me," he mumbled, and I chuckled as cheering erupted throughout the room, announcing the presence of the newlyweds.

            Grace smiled, taking her seat at the end of the table while Tommy remained standing, filling his glass with whiskey and taking a drag from his cigarette. "To the bride," he said, once the cheering had subsided. "The bride," came the chorus in reply as everyone stood, raising a glass to Grace as we all took a drink. "And now, according to tradition," Tommy spoke after clearing his throat as we all took a seat, "My best man will say a few words." He clapped Arthur on the back as he rose to his feet. "Go on! Here he goes! Go on, Arthur!" John cheered. "Right, um...I'm not one for speeches," Arthur awkwardly started. "Sing then!" John shouted. "I will later, John," Arthur replied lowly. It occurred to me then how much being with Linda had changed my brother. And I did not like it. The air of confidence and loudness my brother once carried with him was diminished, and he stood before the crowd looking smaller than he did before. "But, uh, I do, uh...I do have some words written down here...on this piece of paper," Arthur continued monotonously, pulling a sheet of paper from his waistcoat and unfolding it, "This doesn't include everything I want to say."

            "Oh dear god, it's awful," I muttered quietly to Alfie as I lay my head in my hands. Alfie chuckled softly, laying a comforting hand across my back. I took a deep breath, sitting back up and facing my brother as he continued his speech. "Arthur, just read what we wrote down, eh?" I heard Tommy whisper to him. "I will, I will," Arthur replied, laying the sheet of paper on the table near where Tommy's elbow rested. "But, first...first, uh, a few words from...from the heart," Arthur continued, and I looked away from him as it had become painful to watch. I downed the rest of my champagne, and the waiter was quick to refill my glass. "Um...This man here, my brother Tommy, helped me survive through some of the worst times," Arthur continued, and Tommy coughed loudly. "It's a wedding, Arthur, tell a joke," Michael piped up, his voice bored. "Yeah, tell a joke," John smirked. "W-what I am trying to say is that...m-my...my brother, and the love of a good woman pulled me through that time. Now Tommy also has the love of a good woman. Her name's Grace. Like the grace of the good Lord," Arthur continued, and my jaw dropped as my eldest brother became truly unknown to me, "And even though the circumstances of their union was tragic..." Tommy rose suddenly, sending glasses clinking aggressively as he clapped our brother on the back.

            "Alright, Arthur, let's...Let's raise a toast, eh?" he said, "To uh...to love, to peace, to marriage." "Love, peace, and marriage," voices stammering and awkward called out as everyone rose once more to toast the newlyweds before taking our seats once more. "Well done, Arthur, beautiful speech. Really nice," John commented sarcastically. Arthur strode from the room, clearly embarrassed, and I watched as Linda tore off after him. "He is definitely not speaking at our wedding," I chuckled as I shook my head. "You've definitely got that one right, angel," Alfie laughed as he agreed. "And now if we could have a few words from the maid of honor," Grace said loudly as she winked at me. I smiled, rising to my feet as all eyes drew to me. "Well, I don't have anything as moving, prepared as my brother did," I started, and a few light laughs sounded out. "Tommy, you have been more than a brother to me. Ever since I was young, you've acted as a stand in father. You've been tough and fair, and always looked out for me. Even when I didn't want you to. You've been strong and independent, and took charge of this family. I didn't think there was a woman on earth who could handle you, until I met Grace. Grace, you have been one of my closest friends and confidants, almost as if you were another sister to me, and as goes for Tommy, I didn't think there was a man on earth who deserved you. I have known you two separately and I have known you together. And to know you together, is to know that you are truly in the presence of love. A kind of love I didn't even know existed, until I saw it in both of your eyes. I wish you nothing but longevity, and happiness, for the rest of your days. To the newlyweds," I finished, raising a glass to them.

            "The newlyweds," came the chorus of voices as everyone stood and toasted them. Grace was absolutely beaming, and Tommy even managed a quick smile before slowly turning from his place at the table and walking the same way Arthur had gone. I took my seat once more, and Alfie pretended to wipe a tear from his cheeks. "That was beautiful that was," he muttered. "Oh shut it. It was a bit mushy, but at least it was better than Arthur's," I shrugged as I sipped my champagne, and he laughed in agreement. Dinner was finally served and everyone ate with gusto. The room was filled with an endless stream of chatter as Tommy and Arthur returned, digging into the food. I watched silently as Tommy kept casting glances towards the tall thin man from the ceremony. "He's conducting fucking business on his own wedding night," I said lowly. "Well, the man saw the opportunity," Alfie shrugged as he ate. I turned to face him, one finger pointed threateningly at his chest. "If you think you'll be doing any sort of business on our wedding night, you are sorely mistaken," I threatened, but Alfie only laughed loudly, placing a hand on the top of my thigh as he leaned in to whisper in my ear. "Oh, angel, the only thing I'll be doing on our wedding night, is you," he chuckled. I fought back a smile as I shook my head, my cheeks tinged a light pink as I said nothing in reply.

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