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            "How long has she been in labour?" Ada asked as we all but ran inside the master bedroom of Tommy's grand manor. "Eight hours," Polly answered, dabbing a cool cloth against Grace's forehead, her skin glowing with a sheen of sweat. "Where's Tommy?" I asked as I rearranged the pillows around Grace. "Getting your brothers," Grace huffed angrily, her eyes screwing shut as another contraction wracked her body. She let out a groan before flopping back down on the bed, breathing hard. "Contractions are getting closer, two minutes apart. The baby'll be along soon dear," Polly told Grace softly. Ada took over for our aunt, dabbing Grace's forehead with the cloth as I grabbed towels for Polly, who was sat at the end of the bed, pushing Grace's legs up and apart. "She's nine centimeters, won't be long now," she commented, throwing a towel over the top of Grace's legs. Grace cried out in pain as another contraction worked its way through her body. I rushed to her side, letting her squeeze my hand as hard as she needed.

            "Breath Grace, breathe," I murmured softly, pushing stray strands of bright blonde hair from her forehead. The door burst open and my brothers filed through, Michael following behind them. They crowded around the bed, Tommy rushing to Grace's other side as she groaned in pain. "I'm here, love, I'm here," he whispered, taking her other hand in his. I turned to grab the cloth from Ada, whose position had been taken by Tommy. "Ow!" I heard a yell as I accidentally elbowed John in the side. "Well if you would back the fuck off you wouldn't have gotten hurt," I scolded, taking the rag from Ada and dabbing Grace's forehead. "Alright, alright!" Polly yelled in frustration, throwing her hands up as the glanced around the room, "There's a few too many people in this fucking room and there's about to be one more, so unless you're a woman or the father, get the fuck out now!" John and Arthur each slapped Tommy on the back as they filed out of the room, Michael giving a polite nod as he followed suit. The door closed shut as Grace let out a scream, clenching mine and Tommy's hands so tightly I was shocked she hadn't broken anything.

            "Alright, it's time to push. You're at ten centimeters," Polly met Grace's gaze, and the blonde nodded, her eyes wide as another contraction started. "Push, Grace," Ada coached, a hand over her knee. "You can do this Grace. Your labour was already shorter than Ada's, it's only a few more pushes," I told her, and she gritted her teeth, screwing her eyes shut as she breathed raggedly. "Push," Polly ordered, and Grace let out a loud groan as tears started dripping down her cheeks. I quickly wiped them away with the rag, passing it swiftly over her cheeks and her forehead to soak up the sweat. "I can't, I can't do it," Grace cried, leaning back onto the bed, tears flowing freely from her eyes. "Yes you can Grace, you don't have a choice, love. Only a few more," Tommy reassured her, his voice even and soft, though I could detect a subtle tone of fear behind his words. "Push!" Polly ordered again, leaning down between Grace's legs. "I can see the head," she said a moment later. Grace looked up at Tommy, her eyes ablaze in fury. "I can't believe I let you do this to me!" she groaned out, pushing through another contraction.

            "Shoulders are out, keep pushing," Polly said, and I watched as her arms shot out to cradle the head of the baby emerging into the world. "Push," she said again, and Grace let out one final scream as tiny cries emerged into the room. Polly stood suddenly, and I let go of Grace's hand, rushing over to her with a towel. Ada smiled softly and handed Tommy a pair of scissors to cut the umbilical cord. His hands were shaking slightly, but he got the job done. Polly quickly cleaned the baby off and swaddled him tightly in the towel. Grace flopped backwards on the bed, crying in relief as Tommy ran his hand over her forehead, his eyes welling with tears. Ada moved to stand next to me, taking my arm in hers as I rested a head against her shoulder. "It's a boy," Polly whispered as the baby cried, handing the tiny crying figure to Grace. "He's beautiful," I whispered to my sister, tears welling up in my eyes as I watched my brother and the love of his life hold their baby. "He's perfect," Tommy whispered, his voice thick. "Never thought I'd see the day Tommy Shelby cried," Ada muttered softly, tears rolling down her cheeks. I let out a soft giggle as Polly bustled about, cleaning up the afterbirth and throwing the used towels in a basket.

            "What do you think of the name Charlie?" Grace asked my brother softly as she handed the baby over to him. "It's perfect," Tommy replied softly, his eyes scanning over the baby in his arms. He'd quieted down and stopped crying, his eyes closing into a deep sleep as his tiny hand wrapped around Tommy's fingers. "We'll give you two a moment," I whispered softly, tugging Ada and following Polly out of the room. "Well?" the voice of Arthur called up the stairs, and I descended them, wiping the tears from my cheeks as my lips twitched into a broad grin. "It's a healthy baby boy. They've named him Charlie," I told them, and my brothers and Michael let out a loud cheer as Arthur enveloped me into a tight hug. John and Michael soon joined in and I laughed as they continued their cheering. "Oi! Shut it! There's a fucking newborn asleep just up the stairs!" Polly scolded harshly as she entered the room. The boys chuckled, finally letting go of me and breaking apart from each other.

            "This calls for some whiskey!" Arthur's voice boomed, as he sauntered out of the room towards the kitchen, John and Michael hot on his heels. I let out a relieved sigh. The birth had gone well, and I had another nephew in my life. I crossed the room towards the phone in the hall, giving the operator Alfie's office extension. "What the fuck do ya want?" his growl came from the other end after a moment. "Well hello to you too," I chuckled. "Fuck angel, where the 'ell are ya? I was expectin' ya home hours ago, but ya never came so I headed off to work," he said, his voice softening. "Grace went into labour. I had to head back to Birmingham to help," I sighed, running a hand over my exhausted features. "Everythin' go smoothly?" he asked. "Yes, it went well. I have another healthy nephew, except this time it's not John's," I chuckled. Alfie let out a quiet chuckle on the other line. "I'll be home tomorrow, love," I whispered into the phone. "Don't take too long, ya hear?" Alfie warned, and I chuckled. "I won't. I love you," I whispered softly. "I love you too, angel," he replied quietly, and I slowly hung up the phone, the ghost of a smile etched onto my face.

            "You love who?" a voice asked, and I turned around paralyzed in fear as I faced Tommy. "Shouldn't you be upstairs with your son and your fiance?" I retorted, sweeping past him. He caught my arm and spun me back around to face him. "She needed some rest. Though she'd like to see the godmother of our child once they're awake, she wants to plan his christening," Tommy said, his hand remaining tightly gripped on my arm as his eyes scanned over my fear stricken features. "You love who?" he asked again, and I shook my arm angrily from his grasp. "Just a man I've been seeing. He doesn't know who you are, that's why I haven't brought him 'round yet," I lied smoothly. "What's his name?" Tommy asked slowly, lighting a cigarette. "His name? I-it's Antonio. Antonio Salazar," I stuttered. "An Italian?" Tommy asked, and I nodded, hoping he thought that's why I had been so nervous and secretive. Tommy nodded in response, and opened his mouth to undoubtedly ask me yet another question about the "Antonio" I had made up on the spot. "A whiskey for the new father!" John boomed out, interrupting the conversation. I let out a relieved breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding in as my brothers approached us, thrusting a glass into Tommy's hand. The celebration of Charlie's birth had begun, and I had no doubts it would last until late into the night.

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