04: Tyron

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"Well, haven't you had a great morning?" Rune sighed, shaking his head. He had a hint of a smirk playing at his lips; it had been there the entire time I was talking.

"You know this isn't funny, right? Not only have I lost our home – that shitty, crumbling hole – but now I've lost my job!"

Rune leant back against one of the stone pillars of the palace doorway, his arms folded across his chest. That bloody smirk still there. I opened my mouth to speak when he suddenly rubbed at his chin thoughtfully, an exaggerated look of concentration masking his face. "And now...you've lost your woman, too."

I grimaced. "I haven't lost her."

He waved his hand toward the opening Faye had vanished through earlier. "She literally walked into a maze to get away from you. Probably begging Luna to reopen the Helath Orb as we speak...not that she'll get much luck there. That thing isn't opening for a while, not even for Artemis."

What was the word Faye called Rune a lot...? Oh, wait. "Don't be an asshole. This is a minor setback and she wouldn't leave me for something like this. I'll fix it." I pushed up from the pillar and straightened myself up. "And what's up with the Orb?"

Rune shrugged, the silver sigil on his uniform catching the sunlight. "It's damaged or something. Overuse, according to the Boss Man; and it's got to have time to heal before it can be used again. Personally, I think they should lock the thing away. One Human in Siofra is enough."

Damaged? I felt my stomach churn. Faye had hopes of returning to Earth at some point in the future, not for good I tell myself, but to visit the family she had there. Everyone knew the Helath Orb wasn't something that could be used every day, but just the possibility of it was enough to comfort her.

I groaned. It was just going to be one more thing to put her in a bad mood.

When I looked back at my friend, it was only then that I truly took note of his new uniform. A dark navy turtleneck made from the highest quality materials, with only the right side from shoulder to wrist protected by what looked like a thin, light layer of armour and coated the same colour. The other side, while seemingly unprotected to the naked eye, brandished Artemis' family sigil and glimmered ever so faintly in the sunlight; dusted by protective wards put there by Luna no doubt. Straps ran over his shoulders and over his chest, holstering unseen weapons, a shiny black belt topped his equally black trousers and finished off with his scuffed combat boots. He even had his usually wavy, chin length dark hair tied back into a small bun at the nap of his neck.

In the weeks since his return, Rune had been hired as a Dofida Watcher – aka a High Elder Guard. It was one of the most sort after jobs in the city, or any city that housed an Elder for that matter. To be handpicked by Artemis was a dream few would ever see fulfilled. He was, after all, meticulous in whom he chose. Who could blame him? The elves he chose became his protectors, his confidants and most importantly, his family.

I looked out across the wide, cobbled pathway, flanked on either side by high hedges, each with its own maze. Wild, colourful flowers bloomed amongst the green, following the path up to the main entrance like a welcoming floral greeting. The palace was on the outskirts of the city, away from the main hustle and bustle and noise – here you could actually hear your own thoughts. It was also miles from the rough slums my apartment sat in, surrounded instead by the wealthiest of Amethyst Falls.

Somewhere deep in the pit of my stomach, I envied my friend for the life he now had. It was everything I should be offering Faye.

"Good morning, Rune."

A singsong voice suddenly sounded as two women appeared from the hedge arch, the opposite side that Faye had disappeared in earlier. In their arms they carried woven baskets filled with fruit and vegetables and their uniform colours matched Runes, only theirs were flowing dresses instead, the light material reaching just below their knees.

"Gooood morning, ladies. Aja, Rayne," He nodded his head each in turn as he spoke their names. "What's on the menu tonight?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." One of them answered, playfully nudging the other. "Shall we save you a seat again?"

Rune smiled. A devilish tug at the corner of his lips. "I would be honoured to sit between two beauties."

They both giggled, clutching tightly at their baskets. It was only then that they noticed me, both their eyes shifting in unison. "Will your friend be joining us?"

"Sadly not," Rune sighed. "You'll only have the company of one wickedly handsome elf tonight I'm afraid."

"Shame," The one closer to me sighed, a small pout on her lips. "Are you sure? I'm making something extra tasty tonight."

A couple of months ago I would have jumped at the chance to sample whatever dish this woman put in front of me, but now the only tasty treat I wanted was Faye - who was currently angrier with me than she'd ever been before.

With that, a sudden burst of need to see her overtook me. I couldn't leave this fester all day, the not knowing what wrath was going to be unleashed on me when I came back for her this afternoon was making me antsy.

As the two women waltzed away, I slapped my friend on the shoulder and moved to follow behind them. I didn't know the shortcut that Faye did, but I did know that the entrance to the kitchens wasn't far from Luna's workshop. "Don't plan anything later; I need you to help me with something."

Rune huffed, "Help with what? I'm not getting involved in your relationship problems!"

"With moving my stuff out of the apartment!"

I could just about make out his muttering answer as I rounded the corner, leaving him alone at the palace doorway.

Barely out of sight and the two women from before unexpectedly spotted me behind them. The friendly one, with short brown hair that wisped around her pointed ears, smiled sweetly at me. "Are you following us? You'll get in trouble if Luna finds out. I'm Aja by the way."

I'd get in trouble by someone worse than Luna if I were following them. "And whys that?"

She breathed a small laugh. "Rune gets told off all the time for it. He never learns his lesson though."

I'm sure he doesn't.

An opening in the hedge abruptly appeared and I ducked inside, only turning back in time to see Aja waving a goodbye to me, mouthing something that sounded like 'I'll see you again soon', as the hedge closed itself up once more. I turned, ready to head into the wilderness of green, when the foliage beside me parted, the winding shrubs pointing me in the direction of the new makeshift path. The glass walls of Luna's workshop could be seen on the other side.

I mentally thanked the meddling woman sure to be behind it and quickly walked through.

"- I can't believe this is happening. We're supposed to tell each other this kind of stuff, right? How could he hide it from me!"

Faye's voice reached my ears long before I pushed the glass doors gingerly open. Luna was sat, calmly sipping at her cup of tea, while my flustered mate paced back and forth in front of her, her eyes wide and arms flailing.

"I feel like strangling his sexy throat!"

"I'll take that." I spoke up, shooting her a grin when her eyes met mine.

Luna gave me a knowing smile. "Tea, Tyron?"

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