91: Tyron

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We managed to only stop twice the entire journey. The first time Rune bitched about needing a piss for a solid half hour before we pulled into a roadside restaurant. The second was so we could eat the food my Malanai had packed up for us; we diverted off the main road slightly and into a small town in the snowy slopes of Ice Ridge. A small run-down cafe was the perfect place to order a hot drink and use our essence to heat up our dinner. No one seemed to care that we were eating our own food, especially after we left them a generous tip on our way out.

We'd gone through all kinds of weather on the last leg of our journey and luckily for us, the Weavers adapted through them all. Rain, sleet, snow and wind that had made other travellers pull over. Through them all, our Weavers pulled up shields, encasing us within the weather-proof defensive's.

By the time Seran appeared on the horizon it was nearly 2AM; making it a total time of seventeen hours. There was no wonder my Iasa hadn't come home every weekend to see us. He would have been left with about six hours of free time before he'd had to leave again.

As we passed through its border, I saw for myself the grandeur of what our ruling city looked like in person. No amount of images or books could prepare you for it.

Seran was located at the end of the world, perched on the coast, the sea at its back reached out into the vastness of the open ocean, reflecting the light of a million stars above. The city itself was shaped like a crescent moon, with Linux Castle situated at its centre, surrounded by water, with four stemmed bridges connecting it to the mainland. All the buildings within the city walls were made from the same white stone, topped with light brown or gold roofs and on the busy, bustling road leading through the main city gates, stood two giant statues, made from glimmering white marble. One was male, with a great sword resting before him, while the other was female, I long spear resting in her hands as she looked out across the world with a solid determination.

We passed between them and I couldn't help but look up in wonder, marvelling at their size and daunting presence. Rune was driving at my side as we slipped along with the rest of the traffic.

"Quite the sight, isn't it?" His voice sounded through the mic and I could tell he was smiling. "The Seran Keepers have been there for nearly two hundred years. Legend tells that they wake up when the city is under attack!"

"Legends? You sound like Luna."

Suddenly, a thought of Faye filtered into my mind and I could only imagine what she'd think of it here. I could practically hear her oooing and ahhing now, staring with wide eyes at the beauty of this terrible city.

I reached for her, and not for the first time in the last seventeen hours, only to find the same emptiness again and again. She'd be with her family by now, happy and probably lying through her teeth about where she's been the last six months.

Faye was a terrible liar at the best of times; even without being in her head, I could read her like one of her books. My Faye had tell-tale signs - like touching her ear or rubbing at the tip of her nose.

"We've got a room at the Royal Lion Inn. It's near one of the four bridges leading to Linux castle." Rune cut into my thoughts of Faye, dragging me back to the here and now. "Luna made reservations weeks ago."

"What's our story?" I asked.

"We're Watchers, here to train from an Eastern Isle. That's all the Innkeeper knows and Luna said she didn't even want to know that. Royal Lion is a private place, as long as she gets her money and no one wrecks the place she hardly cares. It's perfect for us. Lots of Inn's in the city are the same."

"Then lead the way, I'm dying to get off this Weaver already."

Rune zipped ahead of me then turned off left when the road forked off in two directions. When the road narrowed, we slowed, and the buildings quickly thinned out to our right, replaced by the sight of the Castle and the water that encircled it.

Linux was grand and huge, sat atop a hill made up of layer after layer of smaller buildings, all of which were different shapes as sizes, but each as imposing and lavish as the last.

I looked away, my gaze settling onto Rune's back. My Iasa had died in the courtyard of Linux, way on the top of that pretentious peak.

Rune had been right about the Inn's position. It was one street down from the western bridge, which was going to make things easier. Anything that saved us traipsing half way across the city was a plus in my eyes.

We pulled into the Inn's parking garage and wasted no time in removing our helmets and climbing off our Weavers. My legs, back and butt were aching. I stretched out, hearing various joints click at once.

"That journey was a fucker!" I grumbled, unclasping the side compartment and pulling my bag free. "There's no way I'm ever taking Faye here, and that's just one more reason why."

Rune retrieved the satchel and slung it over his head and shoulder. "Am I the only one that gets horny after long travels? Cause I am."

I pocketed my ear piece. "Keep your dick in your pants. I'm sharing a room with you and I swear to Goddess, if you bring a female in there...!"

"Fine, fine," He rolled his eyes dramatically at me. "Hearing me make some lucky woman scream would be cruel. Especially when your Mate is a whole world away."

"Thanks for reminding me. I really needed it."

"Anytime, Champ. Anyway, let's go see if anyone's awake to check us in, then I wanna find somewhere to drink and eat. I'm starving."

We were staying at an Inn, surely they'd have food and drink there? I opened my mouth to tell him as much but changed my mind. We were barely out of the garage when he said, "There's a strip joint two streets over."

I kicked at his foot as he took a step, making him trip. "Do you really think I've come all this way to see naked women dancing on polls?!"

"Call it a perk of the job," He shrugged. "May as well see all that our ruling city has to offer."

"Faye would murder me and you if I did that. Not that I want to. There's only one naked female I enjoy seeing and like you so kindly keep pointing out to me, she's not even on Siofra."

Rune dropped his head back and sighed. "All the tits and legs in that whole joint wouldn't match up to Faye's. I'll miss seeing them both this week."

My jaw tightened as I reached out to grab hold of him, but moving in a quick blur, he was heading toward the Inn's door. "Keep talking about her like that and I'll snap your neck in your sleep." I gritted out.

"I love it when you talk rough to me, Ty. You know that."       

Des'Tai: Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now