Chapter 4: The Rising Jealousy

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A 14-year boy's POV,

When you could do everything for your life to be on track, but no one around recognizes it, it turns into frustration. You do everything, not because you want to be recognized, not because you are gaining something from it, and not at all because you think you will become someone great. Just because you love them and do selfless acts for them and love is all that you want, but in the end, you also don't get that. How would one feel? Instead of that, you get nothing but someone taunting you when you try to rest and ease your mind up because you are tired.

You want to rest, not only physically but even mentally. You have done all you can, and you want to take a break to start functioning again, but they can't recognize it.

"You rest all day," Is that what you get after doing all the hard work? "You are just hopeless; you can't do anything," is what you get when you sweat all day and night. And that was not for you; all the hard work and sweat were not for your future but for your loved ones, and all you wanted from them was love and break, for some time, so you could again function for them.

But, in the end, you will have nothing but taunts to take a break.

"He does nothing but sleep, eat, and drink." I sacrificed my time, patience, and, in the end, myself just so I could hear them laughing and see them happy.

But this is it; I want to do something for myself now. I want to be selfish and want to do something for my future. But why do I feel bad for myself? Why do I feel like I am a bad person? I feel vulnerable; I feel I will go mad between these feelings.

End of POV,

"Nep, come down. Remember, you have to go and enroll your sister in the school." A woman in her forties, spreading her body on the rammed couch and switching the TV channels rapidly, screams.

"Coming, Mom." A fourteen-year-old comes running down the two-story building.

"Why are your eyes puffed up?" Nep's mom asks while taking a seat at the dining table, where the food is already neatly served. Nep goes over near the platform, carrying a set of 3 glasses with him, back to the dining table.

"Finish your breakfast and take your sister with you to school," Nep's mom says out loud while gulping the food.

"You know, you are not concentrating on work these days; look at how the food tastes and how this dining table is full of dust," said Nep's mom, fingering at the rusty, old, shining spotless table.

"I will be more cautious the next time Mom," Nep answers in a hushed voice.

On the Finest Kingdom,

"Ami, rise and shine," Ma shouts from the kitchen.

"Sleeping beauty, it is time to wake up; there will be no prince arriving, but if you are late, the demon will," Anu shouts and giggles, which makes her earn one headshot from Ami.

"Now, I think we need a prince to save Anu, right?" Ami sleepily teases Anu.

"Mom, Ami is hitting me," Anu nags around.

"Ami, don't trouble your sister," Ma yells from the kitchen. Anu giggles again, while Ami glares at Anu.

Yash comes silently to the hall, sitting near Ami, and takes out his wand, which Ami sees and swiftly hides the wand under the table. But, before, Ma eyed it and is now curious to know what Ami is hiding.

"You know, I saw it," Ma inquires.

Nodding her head while her hand still doesn't listen to her. Ma narrowed her eyes, which gave Ami's hand the signal to show it up. "Nothing, just a stick, nothing more," Ami says, shaking the wand in the air. Ma returns to serving the kids, but thoughts still float through her mind.

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