Chapter 20

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From Ami's POV

I didn't know where I am being taken to, but the feeling was just majestic and I didn't want to let it go so, I just obeyed to my eyes and closed them. I felt light hearted but, just then a voice was calling my name in the white mist of comfort. I ignored it the first time, but it kept calling my name again and again and this time it was speaking to me.

The voice (calm): Ami, how are you feeling my child?

I thought to answer it and I did: It's wonderful in here!

The voice (sooting): But, Ami remember if you stay here for long time you would have to stay here forever, you can't see your family or friends again.

I felt famished and I spoke again: No, no I want to go, I want to get out of here and I don't know how? Because this feeling is so good and it's so peaceful in here that I want to stay here forever.

The voice(calmer): Ami, what about world's peace then, if you stay here, the world out there needs you.

Ami(confused): Why would the world need a girl like me? There are millions of them out there who are more skilled and experienced than me, than why do they need me?

The voice(sooting): Because you are The Pick, Ami magic is the puissant logic in the world that mankind doesn't understand. That's why some use them for dark things and that's why magic selects The Righteous Picks for itself, so that it is conserved and protected.

Ami(now a little annoyed): But, why only me? And why only my family? My family is itself suffering from many problems especially Ma and when we are starting to move on, another thing emerges from nowhere.

The voice (explaining): Ami, problems doesn't come only with troubles they also come with solutions.

Ami(not agreeing): No, no you don't understand, when you see or suffer them yourself than you will get to know that problems are needed to solved, they are don't have any answers of their own.

The voice (meaningful): Yes, Ami you are true, but just give it a try, problems are the solutions themselves.

I didn't know what to do and I didn't have enough time left because, I heard another voice and this time I knew who was it.

End of Ami's POV.

Drake(afraid and was shaking Ami violently): Ami, get up! Please get up! (Sooting Ami's hair). I am sorry, I shouldn't have sent you down there, please get up. (A year rolled down his cheek and just then, Ami started moving slightly in pain). Gosh, you are alive. Ami, Ami can you hear me.

Ami(opening her eyes slowing and holding her head which was paining and the world was spinning): I am fine, just a little thirsty.

Drake(hurrying and taking out his wand): Bottle watero! (He casted the spell and a bottle of water appeared in his hand). Here you go.

Drake carefully lifted Ami's head so that so could drink water and made her do so and then carefully again placed her head on his lap.

Ami(groaning painfully): Drake, I am not feeling good. Is the world spinning?

Drake(worried): Gosh, Ami did you hit your head somewhere?

Ami(groaning): Yes, but I will tell you the whole story later.

Drake(worried): Fine! I will treat you, Anu told me some spells about brain damages. Just tell me where you feel pain when I touch it, Ok?

Ami(nodding): Ok!

Drake started touching her head, she made noises throughout the time, some were faint ones but, some were really terrible ones. Drake, was confused because he didn't understand which spell should be used because, her condition was getting worse and critical with every second passed. Ami was now closing her eyes and was feeling tired.

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