Chapter 19

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Old man(smiles): Not everytime, everything is the way it looks.

Ami(confused): I didn't understand what you meant, sir?

The old man gave Ami a weird laugh and kept walking in the direction one direction, Ami hurriedly following his pace and kept walking behind him with full of confusion. The old man was walking towards the dead end where there was no ground. Ami tried to stop him.

Ami(stopping him): Sir, I think you are heading towards the wrong direction, there is no ground there and I hardly think you are a fairy and I feel you should stop.

Old man(smirking at Ami): Not everytime, everything is the way it looks.

Ami thinking, Has this man gone mad by staying here or is he depressed because he has stuck up here and doesn't know his way back and wants to kill himself? Oh my god, oh my god, what should I do? Ami, stop him! Yes I need to stop him! Ami ran towards the man who was on the verge of stepping off the ground and at the right time she pulled him back.

Ami(breathing heavily): Sir, I don't think suicide a good option, you know we can find the out, together?

Old man(smiling): Not everytime, everything is the way it looks.

Ami(a little angry and raises her tone): Ok, ok I know 'Not everytime, everything is the way it looks.' Now will you please tell me why were you going to do suicide?

Old man(laughs): Not everytime, everything is the way it looks.

And with that he turns around and steps off the ground, Ami tries to save him but, it was too late, the old man had already jump off the cliff and Ami stares at the old man who was smiling at her. Shit, no! How didn't I help him? No wait, Ami jump you are a fairy! With that Ami jumps after him and opens her wings in the bright blue sky to save a life. Ami dives towards the old man as fast as she can and tries to hold him, but the old man dives even further away. Is this man crazy, here I am trying to save his life and he wants to die? Ami thought while diving and flying faster as she could. Many a times, she tried catching him but everytime she tried, the old man refused. She growled, shouted, cursed and even tried to convincing him but, nothing seemed to affect the old man, who was enjoying his flight of death. Ami, didn't know what to do, she kept thinking, she kept trying but no use, but she was not the girl who quits so early. She kept processing ideas in her mind as fast as she could, because she didn't know when will the reach the land, but she did know that it would be quick.

Just then, after 10 minutes of trying and flying, she thought of an idea. With all her power and energy she flew with the top speed, and overtook the old man. This time, it was the old man's turn to be confused and he was. The old man was looking at Ami, with full of confusion and his smile blurred away. Without even giving the time of processing the thought of 'Why did Ami overtook me?', Ami stopped in the midair, smiling mischievously at him at a finite distance and he was approaching Ami. Ami took out her wand and casted a spell 'WISPY'  at him, he felt like somebody has suddenly took some of his weight and he felt light, but not that light enough because he was still falling with that same speed. Ami was waiting there and he was too close to her, he wanted to again escape but there was no way, and no time. He was caught by Ami, right into her hands just like a baby. Ami smiling at him and he gave a set smile. He took some seconds to process of what happened in the last seconds. Then, he smiled at Ami who was hovering in the air with him in her hands. Ami again, flew to the top and placed the old man on the ground.

Old man(smiling proudly): I must say you really are a suitable Pick for a Wimefa.

Ami(smiling but a little confused): Not everytime, everything is the way it looks, sir. How do you know me?

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