Chapter 29

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Drake(shocked): But, why didn't you tell us before?

Ami(Pursuing her lips): I thought it was just a hallucination kind of thing but, when I think about it now and relate it to my previous vision, I think that it was not a hallucination.

Anu(understanding): Ami but, are you sure that there was another person in the room and you were not seeing a vision because when Henry told us about what happened, the hat symbol on your forehead kept shining until you came out.

Ami(thinking): But, I didn't feel it was a vision, but now if you are telling this, I again doubt it.

Yash(explaining): Ami, just think about it with a calm mind when we reach home and now we should start thinking about the song and what does it lead us to.

Henry(a matter of fact tone): But, what we will do about the warning? Because this book has the song written in it without even a question from Anu, it showed up in this book and we are trying to find the answer without any question to it and we don't know what is the price for this song?

Anu(gulped): I don't think it will cost anything because it has appeared in the book on its own and we didn't even ask anything, right?

Drake(a matter of fact tone): Anu, I wish you could be right, but, I don't think so, magic works as we tell it to do. It will have its own clauses and rules and I think that it will go according to its own wish, so we should better be ready for what it will cost to Anu.

Ami(a little angry): But, why should Anu pay for it. She had never asked anything which she should pay for and I don't think, this is right.

Nep(speaking up): But, Ami that's how it works. Don't worry we all are there for Anu.

Ami(rolling her eyes in frustration): No, it's wrong. Magic can't be so cruel, and if it is then I won't bind my powers to protect this kind of magic which costs your life. I am out and so, do Yash and Anu. Come on let's go home.

With that Ami stood up and huffed towards the door and then, saw back again to see if Yash and Anu were following but, they were just sitting on the chairs and looking across everyone.

Ami(furious): Didn't you hear me, I said we need to go home and forget about this kingdom even existed. We don't want our life at stakes and mom was right, she was right. Come on, I am warning you both.

Anu and Yash guilty got up and slowly made their way towards Ami, and Ami took both their hands and made her way towards the exit.

Drake(getting up): Ami, stop. It's not right, you can't leave this all in the middle and go away.

Ami(angrily turning around): I am not leaving this in the middle, we didn't even start this and for your information, we don't even know who is the fourth pick, so I am not doing anything wrong. We are leaving the three of us and I hope when we leave our bands and necklaces also vanish.

Henry(stopping them): Ami, no. We will figure this out, don't leave, please.

Ami(bloodshot eyes): What you will figure out, huh? Our death dates?

Diva(pleading): Ami, please. We can't lose you all. You all are our friends and the time we spent together in these two months. Ami, we spent a small-time but, we have sweet memories. Ami, please don't leave. We all will keep Anu safe.

Ami(smiling at the little girl's humour): Just tell Drake to erase your memories with us and everything will be fine. Bye guys.

Ami, without any more discussion, left the library and went to the Assembly Garden and transported herself to her home. Everyone was running behind her, but she didn't stop and just went away with a pop. Everyone sighed and were despondent when they went off. Diva had tears in her eyes and every one of them was just hoping that they come back soon.

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