Part 31

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From Ami's POV,

Ami after her meeting with Headmaster teleports herself to home and finds Ma staring at the ceiling while laying on the bed with Yash on his side who was sleeping peacefully. Ami slowly tiptoed to Ma and poked her to come out to the living room. Ma and Ami slowly went to the living room.

Ma(whispering): So, what happened?

Ami explained Ma everything and Ma had variously mixed expressions when she was listening to her. Ma usually opened her mouth to ask her doubts in the middle but, Ami would answer her doubts before she even tries to ask and Ma guessed, that she might be reading her mind.

Ma(curious): So, you will now choose your Pick? Whom are you planning on choosing?

Ami(shrugging, but Ami had a name in her mind): I didn't think about it mom, I wanted to first ask you, who do you think I should select as The Pick?

Ma(thinking): I don't know, whom you are thinking about nor I have any idea about your friends, I can only tell you the qualities. The person should have leadership qualities, no rudeness or very politeness. The person should be perfect, should act according to the situation and should take decisions accurately. The person should be loyal and kind, she/he must not feel that responsibilities are burdens and above all the person should be a friendly person who can be with you three whenever you need him/her.

Ami(wide): Whoa, mom, that's too much you are expecting from a person. Does that person even exist? Well, I have a name in my mind and meets some of your qualities but, not all. (Ami then gets up), Gosh, mom, the person which you just mentioned only exists in dreamland.

Ma(watching her daughter going to the bedroom, a small smile crept on her face and she mumbles to herself): I already have them.

With that Ma also gets up and follows Ami's pace towards the bedroom and again goes and takes her place beside Yash. They drift into a peaceful sleep.

The third day, (Ami's last leave), evening,

Anu and Yash teleported themselves back to their home and they were totally exhausted. Yash was walking in a shambling way and Anu was lying lazily on the couch with her legs spreading open on the ground and her hands behind her head.

Ami(approached them): What happened, why are you two so tired?

Anu(lazily): Because there are sports selections starting from tomorrow for every house and they would choose players for it.

Ami(wide and wolfish): Anu and sports, when did that happen?

Anu(sticking out her tongue and languid): As if, I had my dance class today that's why a little tired, and I was talking about Yash, who wants to get into the team of his house which he is even not eligible for.

Ami(peering): But, why?

Yash(throwing himself on the chair): Because I am too young to get into the schoolhouse team. Only students 15 and above are allowed and I am still 12. But, don't worry I am trying my best to get into the team, because I want to.

Ami(gazing): Yash, I don't think it is a good idea, just wait for 3 years and you will get into the team and till then keep practising, by the way, what's the game?

Yash(shrugging): Don't know. I was just doing some physical exercises with others today which might be helpful.

Ami(unblinking): You are telling me that you didn't even know what are the selections for and you even decided you want to play and above that, you also have age restrictions?

Yash(shrugging): Yes, but to play any game you need to be fit and healthy so, I was doing some basic exercises today from Henry, Drake and Nep so, when I am of the right age I would be ready.

Ma and The Magical Kingdom (Completed: Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now