Chapter 27

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It was all dark inside, there was no ray of light anywhere.

Henry(haunted and touching Ami's hands): Gosh, Ami you are bleeding. (Then looking at Ami with a confused look): Ami your forehead is again shining. Are you seeing any vision?

Ami(touching her forehead): No, I am not able to visualise anything and Henry I don't feel good in here, the magic is very powerful in here.

Henry(taking out his hanky and tearing it into two pieces and tying it on Ami's both arms): What are you sensing?

Ami(not feeling well): I am sensing someone's magic. I think there is someone here in with us.

Henry (looking around and his eyes adjusting to the dark): But, there is no one. Whom are you sensing?

Ami(closing her eyes): There are two people in here with us and one has very powerful magic which I already told you out and one has the magic like us.

Suddenly they hear a groaning voice, and they jump upright, and held each other, they looked around in the dark to see who was it, but there was no one. Again, another groan, they both gulped and looked around.

The voice (groaning): My head hurts.

Henry and Ami at once (realising who it was): Drake!

Drake (opening his eyes and seeing nothing): Where are you guys and where are we?

Ami(slowly walking towards Drake from where he was speaking with Henry behind her, holding hands): Remember, someone pushed us in here and closed the doors, are you fine?

Drake(holding his head): Yes, I am but a little heavy.

Henry (looking around): Ami, I think the second person who you mentioned was Drake.

Ami(looking for Drake's hand with her one hand free): No, Henry it was not Drake, I can easily sense Drake's magic. It was very much different from him. (Then, getting hold of something): Gotta, I got his hand.

Drake: But, that's not my hand, those are my legs. Wait. (Then, he stood up and caught Ami's hand). Whom are you sensing Ami?

Ami(closing her eyes and feeling ill): I am sensing two people in here with us and I don't want to stay here, I am not feeling any good, guys someone has really powerful magic which I am not able to bear. Let's get out.

Drake (taking a step): Follow me guys.

The two of them, obeyed him with all of them walking hand in hand and Drake, bumped into things sometimes, fell over a few things and tried to find out the door. Then, after 10 minutes of all the hunting they found the door, but unfortunately it was locked and they kept banging and shouting to open the door, but there was no response.

Ami(feeling very weak and taking deep breaths): Guys, I am not feeling well, I can't take this anymore.

Henry(realising): Ami, hold on. Drake we can't do anything because our sounds will not go out because this is sound proof and we can't do any magic in here.

Drake (beating his first onto something): Heck, but we need to do something, we need to get out of here, Ami is feeling weak, we need to do something very soon.

Ami(turning her head around): I hear something and I sense the magic in that direction.

Drake(explaining): Ami, there is no one here, don't look there. Just try to think of something positive, something happy. We'll till then try to figure out.

Ami(looking around): But, Drake it is not the one who has powerful magic but, the one who has magic like us. I am sensing that the person is sad and also crying, can't you hear.

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