Part 13-No return

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Anu: The PEARL OF DETECT! Oh my god, we found it, we-we found the other magical thing, look, and see how beautiful it is. 

Spark(as happy and as surprised as Anu): Correct, (Facing Ami, taking her hand and looking directly into Ami's eyes with thank you tears running down her red cheeks). Ami thank you, thank you for saving my life from the perfect storm. You are like a saviour to me in disguise. I know thank you is very small, but thank you, thank you for saving me. (She was crying softly in Ami's hand cupped around her face).

Ami(managed to give a smile but, the pain was intense, so she just laid on the stone): Spark, I didn't do it for a thank you, it was my duty to save you from there, so I did and I also know that if you were in my place, you would have done the same and it was not a big deal, you know just breaking your spinal cord was all that it costs. (With that everyone bursts into laughter). Aaaahhhh( Ami winced in pain in between her laughter).

Spark(rotated Ami so that she was lying on her face and back facing Spark and gently touching her back): Tell me, which part it is paining when I hover my fingers. (Ami whispered a yes in pain). Okay, then here(touching near the upper part, near her shoulders, Ami said no she continued her trail and then stopped, her journey because Ami let out a painful scream). Ok, this is where the pain is. (Ami winced at the touch because the lower middle and the lower part of her backbone was paining very badly and the pain was unbearable). Guys, we she needs medical care as fast as possible, someone carry her, fast we don't have time to waste, she is already in lot of pain.

Ami(controlling her voice from shivering in pain): No-no, I am f-fine, Spark goes and get the pearl then we can leave. 

Spark(looking confused and hilarious): How are you able to bear such an unbearable pain? No, Ami we are leaving now, we can come here again and collect the pearl. 

Yash(nodding): Yes, Ami we need to leave, we can come here again. 

Henry(not-believing look): Did you also hurt your brain or something? How can you even say that?

Drake(walking towards Ami and Spark gently again titled Ami back into normal position, and Drake bent to lift Ami): Yes, we  are leaving. 

Ami just nodded, but insisted that she can carry herself and teleport. Just then, Anu spoke. 

Anu(smiling): You don't need to go anywhere. 

Yash(disbelieving and disgusted): Have you also hit your head somewhere, she is screaming in pain, look at her condition and you are telling we should stay here, were you deaf when we took the decision of taking her to give a medical care. 

Anu(frowned at her brother but, then again turned her attention towards Ami): Yash, remember she is my sister too and I also care and love her as you do, just listen to me, when we were in the library I had found a book named 'Folisa Spells 4' so, I know how to treat her. 

Yash(disgusted look): Now, what the hell is Folisa?

Spark(astonished at Anu): Folisa spells are healing spells, but Anu those spells are taught in standard 11 and 12 and book 4 are you kidding me, you read about how to heal broken body parts?

Anu(matter-of-fact tone): Yes, first I took the book 1 because the name was interesting then, I  read the intro about it and then after reading it, I just picked up the 4th book and started reading and learned some spells, you know these can be used in emergency, so I just learnt a few spells and you guys were making decision about leaving, I was just recollecting the spell for a broken backbone. 

Spark(eyes shining): You are just amazing. 

Anu: Thank you, now will you guys move so that I can cast the spell. 

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