Chapter 9: The Another Pick

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Yash and Ami's eyes widened on what they had seen, there was a picture of Spectacles in the book with Markab star on the middle of the two lens.

Yash's POV:
Now this is getting more weird? What does this mean? My head is now going to go numb. What the heck, I am not getting any of this? My train of thoughts were disturbed by Ami.

Ami: See there is something written on the page, below the picture (Pointing where that was written). It is written 'SPECS OF INVENTION' Now what does that mean? (Tapping her index finger on her chin).

Yash(Confused): I don't know, I think we should just turn to another thing which is need to be found.

Ami: Ok, now turn to mermaid section.

I was turning to mermaid section glancing over some new pages and new pictures but not stopping at them because I was eager to finish this work as soon as possible with only looking at the things that needed to be found. When I turned to the mermaid section, my eyes again widened but, Anu gave a awe look.

Anu(eyes shining): So beautiful, this is so beautiful!!!!!

Yash(frowning): What is so beautiful, it is bloody chain.

Anu(hitting me on my head): It's not a chain it is a beautiful pearl necklace.

Ami(ignoring us two): Will you two stop? This is called 'PEARL OF DETECT.' (pointing the letters below the picture). And it has a picture of Algenib, from the constellation Great Square Pegasus.

We all sat down in deep thoughts. What the hell is going on? First we found out that we are magical, then we found that Ami is a rare magical person, then we were The Picks, then this book, then we should bond our magic, then we became the leaders of the world, then Ami found the The Desires book which is a magical thing for Anu and the rest three of us should also find our magical thing to bond our magic, heck we even don't know who is the fourth Pick and then we are here finding magical things and to complicate things more there is this bloody damn constellation, we should also find out the what is the connection and this all happened in just bloody one day, can we children get a break. Oh come on! Aaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!  My thoughts were interrupted by Anu.

Anu: Now we should look for Ami's magical thing.

I was turning to the section Wimefa but, I stopped in the middle and Ami and Anu glared at the picture and writing before them. It was a picture of the Great Square Pegasus and there were a paragraph below it.

Yash(I read it out): Great Square Pegasus is a northern constellation. It consists of four stars and these are connected with The Picks. Every star in the sky provides energy to every magical person. Stars are the Power House of Magical Kingdom. Each star is assigned to every magical person providing them with magic. There are many constellations in the sky but, the Great Square Pegasus is the leader of all because it gives energy to The Picks who are the leaders to the world. The four stars are assigned to each one from The Pick.
Alpheratz also known as Sirrah marks the northeastern corner of the Great Square which is the brightest star is assigned to Wimefa.
Scheat also known as The Upper Arm marks the northwest corner of the Great Square which is the second brightest star is assigned to Fairy.
Markab also known as The Saddle marks the southwest corner of the Great Square which is the third brightest star is assigned to Wizard/Witch.
Algenib also known as The Flank marks the southeast corner of the Great Square which is the fourth brightest star is assigned to Mermaid.

Note: If The Picks have to bond their magic for world's peace and to become the leaders they have to find each magical object assigned to them which will have the respective symbols on them.

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