Chapter 7: The punishment

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From Ami's POV:
When I turned to my side, I saw Henry with a smile on his face but that was not a fake one but something felt mysterious about the smile. I just added a fake smile and turned my head to Khru but again Henry started.

Henry: Hello, I am Henry. (Moving his hand out for a handshake).

I was just staring at the hand should I approach it or not then an idea struck.

Ami: Hello I am Ami. (Not shaking hands but instead just nodding my head to say hello).

Then, I again turned my head towards Khru but, I was instantly feeling that Henry was looking at me and I caught him three times staring at me but, I just ignored him and concentrating on Khru because Chemizard was an interesting subject which included chemistry with magic and tells us how wands are prepared.

The class went on smoothly and at the bell rang when Khru was explaining about the most important and interesting part that is 'HOW IS THE POWERFUL WAND PREPARED?' With that all students went out and again I had switch the class. I was keeping my books in the bag hurriedly and one book fell down. Great I thought to myself. Punished on the first day and now I am messy also. I was just pissed off with that punishment which made every small thing big and with that I bent down to take my book, just then I saw a hand picking my book and without looking at the person I just told Thank you and kept the book hurriedly in my bag and was just storming out, but then I heard a familiar voice, 'My pleasure.' I turned to see Henry, he was the one who helped me took my book, I just weakly smiled at him and left the class.

My next class was Phyiry so I headed towards Alvina and was excited to see my sister. When I  was heading to go out of Heks and Tovenaam, apparently I  was stopped by a group of boys and Drake was one of them. Drake was shooting cold draggers at me.

Ami(Angrily and stepping to go out): GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!!!

Drake(cold): Or else what will you do?

Ami (Furious and cold): You better don't know what I can do.

Drake: You can't do anything, you don't even know a spell to defeat us.

Ami(steeping forward): I don't even need a spell to defeat you coward
And with that I punched Drake square cut in his face and then he fell down holding his face with a groan and his friends went and helped him but, one came right towards me to punch me but, it was too late, I kicked him in his stomach and he was also on the floor with Drake. With those loud screaming sounds of theirs everyone in classes came out rushing. Khru Dmitri came to me and asked what happened when he saw the boys, I explained him the whole scenario and then he was boiling red.

Khru Dmitri (Angrily): Is that true, boys?

The boys were so scared that they just kept quiet and Khru was boiling even more.

Khru Dmitri: I didn't teach you this, I didn't teach you to harm a girl when she is alone. You all are a black spot on my teaching.

I don't know why I felt guilty hearing Khru but, none of the boys felt guilty instead of Drake who had his head down all the while. I don't know if these bastards even have shame or not.

Khru Dmitri: Now, everyone go to your classes, NOW!!!!

With that everyone ran and I was heading out. I went to Alvina but those things that just happened kept repeating in my mind and then I just pushed away those and headed inside with my wings.

I went to Anu because I had 2 minutes left and then I saw her in the class, quietly writing something and talking to her friend. I thought I better not disturb her and turned to leave. The classrooms in Alvina had no benches and no ground, so we have to fly in the air all time. When I entered my class everyone saw me as I was a alien but, just then the bell rang and I saw a young tall man entering. He was the Khru. He came to me and spoke

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