Part 37

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After 8 months, (That is 10 months of their completion of school and still 2 months remaining for the year to complete), 

Anu, was waking Ami up who had slept late the previous night and it was already 4:30 in the morning and she had to even get ready for their morning practises. They have been practising Karate which Ami was teaching to them from past 2 months after their fitness which they had worked on for about 6 months. Ami and Anu were now the toppers of their class and were really doing good in their academics. Yash was the second topper after Diva who was the topper of their standard. Nep was in the top 15 in their standard and Henry's grades were constantly decreasing. Henry and Drake tried to talk to them every day but, they didn't want too. They were behaving in two different ways, they were trying to talk to them when Spark and Kaia (who was officially Henry's girlfriend now and they had also declared it in the front of the class), but, when Spark and Kaia were around, they took their side and talked to them as harshly as possible. Now, tell me who will believe them, they thought it was their dirty plan and always tried to ignore them. Spark and Kaia even after their suspension of one month from the school and parents bashing them again tried to hurt Diva, but Ami had taught Diva about how to defend herself and Ami was getting frequent visuals about Spark and Kaia making a plan to hurt Diva and she then giving them a bash. 

Everyone was now progressing both physically and mentally. They had overcome their friendship with Drake and Henry but, their constantly approaching them was a little disturbing and they were still finding it difficult to overcome them completely.

Ami(completes her part of what she learned today): So, any doubts you all are having about how to tilt 90 degrees when you are flying high above the sky to increase your speed?

Everyone nods in negative and then Ami smiles.

Yash(tired): I am missing Nep, her has gone for long.

Nep had told them that his parents had an intense argument and wanted to separate. Headmaster had given him permission to go for a week and settle things with his parents but, it has been a month and still, he is not back. They felt that it might be intense and understood the consequence. Nep had supported them very much and was now a good friend to them. Even if he wasn't The Pick and didn't get anything in return he helped them because that's what friends do in friendship. Expectations and friendship don't go hand in hand.

Diva(tired): Done for the day.

Ami(smiles): Come on then, we shall leave.

Everyone got up and borrowed the books again. Ami was now reading 11th standard books, Yash and Diva ninth standard book and Anu 10th standard book of their respective subjects of what they started.

Diva(turning to Ami): Ami, wait here I have your volume 1 book of mermath and I have completed it. Just wait here, I'll bring it.

Ami(smiles): Fine, Anu and Yash you guys go, I'll come in a minute.

They nod and go on and Ami waits out near the sojourn door for Diva to return. She didn't want to see Spark's and Kaia's dirty faces that's why she waited out. After 10 minutes of long waiting, Diva returned with her book and she thanked Ami. Ami glared at her and she immediately understood and took her to thank you back again. Ami then smiled at her and then waved at Diva till she vanished in behind the door. Ami, then remembered that she had to get another book which she had forgotten on her table. She again went to the library to get her book. When she went there, she heard a noise from behind the door, near the last shelf. She knew that the passage went to the forest and the sound was intensifying. Ami gulped and tried to escape from the library, but she was locked. The door was locked and she didn't know where to go.

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