Chapter 25

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The next morning,

It was a bright and sunny morning. Ami and Anu were getting ready for school, Ma was in the kitchen melodiously humming and cooking. Yash was in the balcony of Mi's bedroom because Mi had left early that morning. Ami and Anu were thinking of Ba-one just then the door bell rang. Ami kept her comb down, and went to open the door. When she opened the door her expression she didn't knew whether she should be happy or afraid. Well, she just plastered a smile on her face and greeted him.

Ami: Good morning, uncle. It's good to see you. How are you?

Ba-one(smiling): Good morning, Ami. I am fine and it's also good to see you too. So, are you all ready for school?

Ami(stammering): Oh, yes just getting ready. Come in, uncle. (Ba-one comes in and takes a seat): Mom, uncle is here.

Ma(coming out of the kitchen and smiling): Good, to see you brother. How are you and everyone?

Ba-one(smiling): We all are doing good. How about you?

Ma(smiling): Good!

Ami then goes in and starts pacing the bedroom, Anu who was straightening her dress saw her and asked.

Anu(confused): Why are you so tensed?

Ami(tensed): Uncle is here!

Anu(wide and starts running around the room like someone is going to kill her): Shit, no this can't happen. Uncle should not know that we are going to the magical school and where the hell is Yash? He told he had a plan.

Yash(from behind, this made Anu jump): Yes, I have. You two follow me.

Ami and Anu were confused, but Yash's face was lighting like the 1000 watt bulb and he was proud of something. Yash was carrying compendium in his hand.

Yash(smiling): Hello, Uncle. Good to see you.

Ba-one(taking a sip of water): Good to see you too, Yash. What's that in your hand? It looks like snake to me. Is that your toy?

Yash(smiling mischievously): Yes, Uncle. It's my favourite toy. Look at his eyes it's emerald green in colour, look.

Then, Ba-one saw the eyes of the snake which were really emerald green and found something attractive in it and looking changed into staring and Ba-one was now staring at the eyes without blinking.

Yash (smiling): This is our school, uncle. How is it?

Ba-one(dreamily looking at compendium's eyes): It is nice and teachers are also very cooperative.

Yash(smiling): Thank you, uncle. I think you might be getting late.

Ba-one(dreamily tone): Yes, I will leave now. Take care, bye.

Yash(smiling): Bye, uncle.

Then, Yash instructed Ami and Anu to go into the bedroom and handed the snake in Ma's hand and he also ran off to the bedroom. Compendium, then changed it's eyes colour from green to brown and Ba-one, shook himself and rubbed his eyes.

Ma(concerned): Brother, are you fine?

Ba-one(smiling and a little confused): I am fine. You know the school management was very good and they praised the three of them very well. I am happy that are doing good in academics.

Ma(confused): But, how?

Ba-one: What do you mean, how? I went with them, dropped them at school and again came here.

Ma(realising that Yash had done something): Sorry, just wandered off. Come on, let's eat breakfast.

Ba-one(getting up): No, no. Not now, I have to leave. Take care of yourself, Ma.

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