Part 35

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Nep(confused): Whom did you choose?

Ami(smiles): Right in front of me.

Yash(confused): But, the wall cannot be a Pick.

Ami(rolling her eyes): Yash, I am not talking of wall, I am talking of Diva, Diva get up, now.

When Ami was mentioning about her, she had bent to take her pen which fell under the bench.

Diva(getting up): Yes, Ami you were telling something, sorry my pen fell down. Can you please pardon? 

Ami(smiles): I was talking about The Pick, which I have chosen.

Diva(plain): Who is it then?

Ami(smiling): I am talking to her.

Diva gave Ami a confused look and after she looked around and found everyone smiling brightly at her, she didn't understand, still. Then, her leg and neck started shining. She jolted up and was showing them what was happening to her, she was afraid, but they were all only sitting there smiling at her.

Diva(frightened): Look, help me. Something is happening to me. Ami, (Ami just kept smiling), Nep, Yash. Please Anu help me.

Tears were forming in Diva's eyes, but then the shining procedure ended and the tears which were with fright we're now coming out as happy tears from eyes. She couldn't believe what she was seeing around her neck and leg.

Dive(smiles with happy tears): Is this what I am thinking, is?

Anu(smiles and gives her a hug): Yes, this is what we all have been thinking.

Diva then jumps and engulfs Anu in a huge, tight hug. There was The Pick's band around her leg and The Pearl Of Detect around her neck. Diva then goes blank and then, slowly goes to Ami.

Diva(a little nervous and serious): Ami, I wholeheartedly respect your decision, but I can't take this responsibility.

Ami(sad): I am sorry, I should have asked before I did it. Sorry, I will redo it. Sorry Diva.

Diva(explaining): No, no it's not like that.

Ami(soft): Diva then what's the matter?

Diva(eyes glistening): Do you really think, I can be a good Pick, just like the world wants?

Ami(smiles): I don't think, I know it and I saw it. You will really be a good leader to the world, I know that.

Diva(still tensed): But, Ami what if I couldn't handle it, what if I do something wrong? What if I can't fulfil my responsibility?

Ami(explaining): Diva, no one perfect. We all do mistakes. Yes, I know it's a huge responsibility for you, for all of us, because we are still young and are not mature enough, but we will learn. We will learn first and then only take the responsibility as leaders of the world.

Diva(a small smile crept on her face): But, Ami what about binding our powers?

Ami(smiles): Well, we will do that. But, I think we shall postpone it till the end of the year because we have to focus on our learning stuff. I am not telling we can become perfect in one year but, we can become better. We will all after school spend our time here in the library acquiring knowledge as much as we can. Yes, we need to bind our powers as fast as possible but, I think we have one year to learn.

Nep(explaining): But, I don't think that's a good idea. I don't think you have that much time.

Yash(explaining ): But, I think Ami is right. I don't know about time but, I think that we are still not eligible for becoming the leaders and we need to learn everything, every spell, which can't be possible even in a lifetime, but we need to acquire knowledge as much as we can. But, I don't think knowledge is the only that we need?

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