Part 40

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Drake pulled Ami to the corner of the room with him. Henry and Yash looked at each other and shrugged.

Drake(whispering): You are thinking about the library passage right?

Ami(whispering): I am thinking about it only because there are no other ways out. Drake, we don't have time.

Drake(sighs): I know that but, you can't be in the forest for long, remember that.

Ami(watery smiles): I know, but, we need to find Anu and Diva and don't worry we will not be there for long, as soon as we are out, we have to teleport ourselves somewhere out. So, let's discuss someplace where he could hide them.

Then, they both give each other an assuring look and then, go to Henry and Yash.

Henry(curious): What was that you were discussing?

Ami(explaining): You will see it. But, tell me where according to the hint where can he hide them.

Yash(explaining): Tell someplace which is very dangerous and lonely, where no one can be.

Ami(contrast): No, Yash he will not hide them in a lonely place, yes dangerous but not lonely. Because, if he wanted no one to know about it then why would he spread the sleeping fog in the school?

Henry(nodding): I think Ami has a point there and I think he would also not hide them in the school because he wants us to get into trouble.

Drake(looking at the hit which Ami wrote): Guys, I think we have to follow the hit because see what it is saying
Up and down
But there is no ground
This means that it is a place where is no ground that means a place where there is no ground, but how can he hide them if there is no ground?

Yash(thinking): Maybe he doesn't want to hide them, remember what he told, he told that he was the one with Spark that means he is behind our binding powers and for that he kidnapped them.

Ami(a matter of fact tone): But, we didn't bind our powers still and if he wanted only powers from us then, he would have come when we have done binding our powers. I think also wants something else from us but what?

Henry(staring at the ground): I think, its a trap for us. (Everyone gave him a confused look), look he is trying to first get us to Anu and Diva and then, I think there will be a trap and will forcefully tell you all to bind your powers and then he will tell you to transfer all your powers to him because The Picks powers when bonded are unstable for 2 hours and in that time powers can be transferred. I think it's a trap.

Drake(nodding): I think he is right, and we should do something about it. We need to have a plan, we should rescue Anu and Diva and also save your powers.

Ami(a matter of tone fact): Which is impossible! (They all looked at her), you guys didn't sense his powers but, I did. He was more powerful than a normal student is. I have never sensed a student so powerful and don't underestimate the fact that he has an extinct animal with him, so I think has gotten us with a full proof plan. I think we should for now just try to focus on Anu and Diva, and he wants our powers then we will give him.

Yash(narrowed eyes): Are you mad? You know the Picks powers are very powerful and your powers are 100 times powerful than any other magical being, no we will not surrender to him.

Ami(shouting): So, what will you do, fight him. See what he did to me, Drake, Henry and I tried every spell on him but, it didn't work on him and if we didn't do anything quickly he might even kill....(Ami started crying).

Drake, Henry and Yash all were dumbfounded because what Ami was telling was right, they had only one choice to chose and Ami had done hers. They had to save Anu and Diva, no matter what price they had to pay, but, there was the whole world on one side and their sisters on the other side. They didn't know what to do, lust was formed in their thinking. One side the time was running out and on the other side, they had to make a tough decision. Ami crying softly came to a halt.

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