Chapter 4️⃣

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Jungkook woke up with a headache, he felt tired and blank. He tried to remember all the things happened yesterday night. The party, his friends, the hot girls, the lap dance he got from a girl, being drunken, kissing random girls, Jimin..yes Jimin.. he remembered. He got an unease feeling thinking about the boy, those eyes.. for some reason he didn't want the boy to see him as a playboy, who fuck around. But fait played badly with him. Whenever he met him, those were the worst moments.

Normally he won't give a fuck about people judging him, he liked the way he is, no strings attached. He only do hook ups, one nightstands. He has never been into serious relationships. But right now he wanted to undo the things he did yesterday, or at least he didn't wanted it in front of Jimin.


Wedding Day

Jennie and kai announced as a couple, everyone clapped in happiness. Jimin was standing beside his father,they both smiled.even though they lived away from eachother the love between them was their. The old man loved his son very much, Jimin could feel it.

" Jiminha, what are your future plans? are you planning to join college. Hmm if you want you can join here" Mr park said and he really wanted his son near, being with him for almost two weeks made the man happy. He doesn't want to let him go.

" I have already planned it Dad. I'm going to join the university college in Seoul. It's the best college for dance" he said and his father's face changed into sad.

"Hmm.. if you say so.. but come here often, i lived these many years without seeing you, now that I have seen you it will be hard for me to live without you. You are my only son, I have only you." tears formed in his eyes

Jimin hugged him tight and nodded.


Jimin was sitting in the lawn, alone, thinking about what his father said. He never hated his father, his mother always told him that his father is a good man. He will miss him after going back.

"Jimin.." that interrupted his train of thoughts. He turned back to see Jungkook, standing there with two glasses of wine.

"Can I sit here?"

" Umm yes.. please"

"here.." Jungkook offered one glass to Jimin, and he took it hesitatingly.

" I want to apologize" Jungkook said looking down.

"For what?"

" The last time when we met..."

"When the last time we met you were kissing a girl and I interrupted it, umm I should be the one to apologise,not you"

" not that. Before that , the incident in the restaurant, hmm it wasn't my proudest moment. I'm sorry for being rude" Jungkook said

"Oh that.. it's ok." He simply said, like he really didn't want a conversation about that with him.

Jungkook really wanted to continue the talk but two arms snaked through his waist suddenly,

"Baby.." someone said and leaned on his back. He couldn't see her face , Jimin looked back to see the owner of the voice. It was the same girl from the bachelor party, whom Jungkook was kissing. Jungkook turned back, when he saw her face he stood up.

"Christal.." he called with a low voice, Jimin stood up too.

"Baby what are you doing here, I was searching for you" she said clinging to Jungkook, he tried to pull away while looking at Jimin.

"Why were you looking for me?" He asked annoyingly.
Jimin was just standing and watching the drama without any expression.

"Oh come on baby, the dance already started. I want to dance with you, come. You promised me the other day" her hands almost reached his neck. He was trying to pull back. Normally he won't do that, but being around Jimin he felt awkward. He didn't want Jimin to misunderstand him.

"So you guys enjoy. Have fun" with that Jimin left. Jungkook wanted to say something but he couldn't. He sighed deeply as she dragged him towards the dance floor.


Jimin was watching everyone dancing, he always enjoyed dancing. The newly wedded were dancing slowly, hugging eachother. Jennie was blushing and giggling. Jimin smiled watching her sister. Beside them Tae and Jisoo were moving gracefully. Many more couple were dancing on the floor. Jungkook and christal were also dancing,Jimin looked at the couple. Christal was all over Jungkook, her hands circled on his neck and her head was resting on his chest. His hands were placed on her waist, they were moving according to the melody playing. It was a romantic song. Suddenly Jimin's eyes locked with Jungkook's eyes for few seconds but Jimin looked away hurriedly.

"Wanna dance?" Jimin looked at the boy asking, who held his hands towards Jimin for him to take. He smiled nervously before standing. The boy was looking handsome, tall with perfect features. Sharp jawline beautiful eyes brown hair but what Jimin noticed was his beautiful smile.

"Sure..why not" he took the boy's hand and they both walked towards the dance floor. The boy put one hand on Jimin's hip in a descent way, not too hard. He took Jimin's one hand on his other hand, Jimin rested his other hand on the boy's shoulder and they started moving slowly.

"You are Jimin, right? My name is Hanbin." The boy told.

"Oh how do you know my name?"

"You are uncle Park's son , everyone knows you here." He said with a smile, Jimin smiled back.

"Oh you dance really well Jimin." Hanbin said looking at the latter's moves.

"Thanks, I like dancing, it's my passion. So who are you? I mean I didn't remember seeing you before" Jimin was curious

" But I have seen you, on the engagement Day. I'm Kai hyung's cousin brother"

"Oh really.." Jimin exclaimed.
They continued the dancing and talking, all smiling laughing without missing a beat.

A pair of eyes were focused on the couple, their every move. Which belonged to Jungkook, he was getting frustrated,

"Baby where are you looking? Look at me " christal pouted.jungkook glared at her. She was taken back seeing him angry , without saying anything he shifted his focus back to the couple dancing. The song stopped suddenly that means partner change, he let go christal who didn't wanted to leave him, but Jisoo has already came to him so christal moved to the other partner. Jungkook smiled to Jisoo and started moving, looking at the boy who was now dancing with Taehyung. They both were laughing and pushing eachother lightly. Jungkook was waiting for the song to stop, so that Jimin will come to him next. The song was short which made him happy. He let go off Jisoo and held hand for his next partner which is Jimin. Jimin was taken back seeing his next partner but soon started moving. They were too close almost touching each others chest. Jungkook pulled him close, Jimin looked down, don't want to make any eye contact.

"What the hell were you doing before?" This question made him look at the taller boy's eyes, which was intimidating.

"What? I don't know what you are talking about." He said

"Do you have any idea who the fuck you were dancing with?" Jungkook was almost yelling. But nobody heard him in the loud music except Jimin.

" Whoever it is, it's none of your business" Jimin said , hearing this Jungkook pulled him closer roughly. Which made Jimin to hit Jungkook's chest.he tightened the grip on the smaller's waist, Jimin shivered.

"It is my business Jimin. Do you understand that. Don't you dare do such things again." his words were serious. Jimin was literally shivering he felt numb, he tried to pull back but the grip was too tight.

"What the hell.. Let me go Jungkook.. what are you doing.. LET ME GO " the music stopped at the same time which made Jimin's last words loud. Everyone in that room looked at them. Jimin bowed apologetically and ran away. Tae looked at his best friend who shook his head and walked towards the other side.


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