Chapter 4️⃣1️⃣

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3 months later


" Tae tae..."

" Jiminah.."

" Tell me everything fast.. how's your honeymoon?" Jimin asked his newly married best friend who just got back from his honeymoon..

" It was... good.." Tae simply said, Jimin was sure that the older must be blushing right now..

"Just good? I won't believe that.. " he teased his friend..

" Shut up Jiminie.. you know what happens in honeymoon, if you don't know, just ask your 'Jungkookie'.. he'll teach you.. I'm sure he must be a pro in that.." Tae said making Jimin all red.. they both giggled through the phonecall..

" Ok now tell me, when is your dance fest? " Tae tried to change the topic.

" Ugh.. this 25th.. you will come right?"

" Of course, me and Yoongi hyung will definitely come.." he confirmed.

" Oh Tae, I have to go now.. I'll call you later.. byee I love you" he hurriedly said as he looked at his watch.

" Love you too Jiminie.. byee" Tae said.

Jimin quickly made his way to the practice room.. it's been two months, he is practicing for the upcoming dance fest. The hectic practice made his dance perfect but the younger lost almost four kg during this time.

Jungkook wasn't happy with this, he scolded whenever Jimin skipped food or sleep.. it was Jimin's habit. without resting he practiced day and night for this event.. it's not only for the marks, but many big dance companies will come to the fest.. they will sponsor the talented students. That's an achievement for any student..
So he was trying his best to make his dance perfect.

Jungkook got busy in his new business along with the company things. He had to go out of town often. His new business with Lee Fashions grew big fastly, so did the friendship with Sophia. She pretended very well that Jungkook fell for her fake character.. Now he considered her as a good friend more than just a business partner.

She was very friendly with Jimin too, at least she showed it like that.. often she visited their house.. she was like a close family friend to them. Sophia was too good at her acting that, the couple believed her without any doubt..


"Oppa.." Rose whined to Jimin who was practicing for the last two hours continuously..

Jimin paused the music and walked towards her, wiping the sweat with a towel...

"Stop it Oppa.. you are more than perfect already, now come.. I'm starving" she complained, dramatically placing her hands on her stomach.

" Go and have lunch then.. I'm not hungry.." Jimin replied making Rose to pout.

" No no.. I won't go alone.. you should eat Jiminie.. you look weak.. otherwise I'm going to call Jungkookssi" she threatened. It's her last weapon to make Jimin agree to something..

"Don't... I'll come, ugh.. this girl will be the death of me.. yah wait, I'm coming.." Jimin frowned before taking his bag.. Rose was already out of the room laughing..

She considered Jimin as her family so did Jimin, and she never backed out when it comes to him.. she always forced him to eat and rest.. almost everyday they fought for silly things, Jimin always teased her, she irritates him everytime.. That's how their relation is, just like real siblings..

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