Chapter 1️⃣9️⃣

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"Ok that's for today" hoesok said while clapping. They were practicing for almost two hours continuously. Everyone sighed in relief, hoesok is very strict when it comes to practice. all the students are scared of him, but apart from dance he is very friendly with them.

Everyone started leaving the room one by one, Jimin was the last one in the room with hoesok. He was gathering his things into his bag all ready to go at that time Hanbin came.

" Hey guys.." he waved to them and greeted

"Ohh look who is here the football captian" hoesok said with a smirk

" I thought you already left " Jimin said, he really considered Hanbin as his best friend, so did the other.

"No.. I had football practice. So I thought why don't visit my best friend before leaving. Uh Hobi hyung , do you have time for a coffee?" Hanbin asked hoesok.

"Sure why not,I really need a coffee today was hectic. Jimin is coming too right?"

Jimin looked at both of them, not sure what to say. His mood was off from morning only, what he want right now is just go back home and sleep.

"Uh.. i don't think I can.. I'm really tired, I just wanna go home" Jimin said without any energy.

" Oh come on Jiminah.. you rarely come out with us. Just come.. today you are going to you parents house anyway" Hanbin said with hopeful eyes.

"Parent's house?!! What do you mean by that? Is he living separately?" Hoesok asked confusedly. Eventhough they became close he really don't know anything about Jimin.

This sudden question made Jimin and Hanbin's look at eachother silently. Except Hanbin and the principal nobody knows that Jimin is married. Jimin gulped before looking at hoesok.

"Uh.. hyung, I'm living with my husband, but today I'm going to my parent's house that's why he said so" Jimin said with a low tone not happy with what he is saying.

"What??!! You are married? Oh I didn't know that" hoesok's eyes widened hearing this confession

"Nobody knows here. It's not that I'm hiding it, the topic didn't came ever. So I didn't say anything. I don't want them to think that I was too desperate to get married at this young age, which is not true. Only Hanbin knows" Jimin said honestly, and that is the truth. Nobody really asked him about his family, and whenever Jungkook came to pick him most of them thought
He is Jimin's boyfriend or brother.

"Ohh..ok.. uh wait.. you are Jeon Jimin, then what's your husband's name?" He asked curiously

"Jeon Jungkook" Jimin said, but hoesok clapped his hands excitedly

"Oh my god.. that's why you look familiar, you remember I asked you when we first met that do we met before. I was right, I have been in your wedding, but I was busy that day so that I couldn't meet you personally. Jungkook is like a brother to me, he was my junior in high school" he said happily. Jimin and Hanbin smiled seeing the excited hobi.

"Now come on , it's my treat" hoesok dragged Hanbin and Jimin towards outside.


Jungkook was feeling restless, walking back and forth in his office. He has been trying to call Jimin many times, but the latter didn't pick even once. he sent so many messages too but nothing came back. He called Jimin's mom to ask whether he came home from school or not, she said that Jimin said he'll be late. The whole things made Jungkook frustrated, he is already going through a lot, now this too. He was missing Jimin like hell, not able to see him or talk to him made him more anger. He took his phone to go out to find him suddenly his phone buzzed, hopefully he unlocked the phone thinking its Jimin's message. But it showed another person's name, Hobi hyung.

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