Chapter 7️⃣

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Scared would be an understatement, Jimin was literally shivering. He couldn't sleep that night, whenever he closed eyes Jungkook's face came to his mind, how he smirked when he said the last line. He tried to sleep, for the past four hours he is trying. But couldn't get any sleep. He checked the time for the n'th time, it was there is a lot of time, he looked at the packed suitcase. It was the first thing he did when he came back after meeting Jungkook. He was counting each time, finally in few hours he is leaving the place. He is going back to Seoul, back to his home, back to his old life. That thought only made him relaxed.


"Come back soon Jiminha, I'll miss you" his father was crying. Jimin felt a pang in his heart when he saw the old man crying.

"Dad.." he tried hard to control his tears.

" I know you are angry with me, I'm sorry for what I said, go live your life the way you want my son. Be happy wherever you are" he said as he hugged Jimin.

" Dad, come to meet me. I know mom will be happy to see you, I'll miss you Dad.." Jimin said

Taehyung was standing near his car, watching them. He agreed to drop Jimin in the airport because Jimin didn't wanted his father to accompany him to the airport. Which will make him more emotional. He was sad that he couldn't meet Jennie before leaving. She was in Maldives for her honeymoon. Jimin looked back before getting in the car, one last time.

"Thank you Tae for dropping me, and of course for Keeping this as a secret"

Jimin said looking at Tae who is driving calmly. They didn't said to anybody that Jimin is leaving today, of course they didn't wanted to make things worse. Jungkook has already challenged them and Taehyung very well know Jungkook. He will go to any extend to get what he want, and right now Jimin is what he want.

"Not a big deal Jiminah, this is the least thing I can do, especially after how my best friend treated you yesterday. Don't think about that. I'm not defending or taking his side, but he is not that bad as he portrays ,the thing is that he has some anger issues. I'm apologising for my friend's behaviour" Tae looked sad.

"You don't have to.. I don't know what to say, but I'm sure once I reached home I'll forget everything" he was smiling which made taehyung smile back. Suddenly the car stopped abruptly. Jimin looked at Tae, who was confused. Taehyung tried to restart it but didn't worked.

"I"ll go and check, you sit in the car" with that Taehyung got off the car and walked to the front to check. After one or two minutes he closed it and came back to the door

"It's a minor problem, nothing..... Jimin.. where is he... JIMIN...." he panicked because Jimin was missing. He walked around the car, but he was nowhere to find. Tae screamed Jimin's name. Suddenly a car passed him he looked inside to ask help, but somebody waved from inside. Tae was confused, slowly someone leaned outside, with a grin the person inside the car winked to Taehyung, before Tae can do anything the car drove away. Tae stood there dumbfound his hands were shaking.


yes Tae knew that face, he knew the person, without wasting any time he took his phone and called Mr.Park


Jungkook was laying on his bed, thinking about Jimin. His thoughts were interrupted by his father.

"Jungkook, we have a problem" his father said

Jungkook got up and looked at his father, who had a nervous face.


"What happened to Jimin?" Jungkook ran towards his father..

"He is missing" his father said and let out a deep sigh.


"It's Jackson..I'm sure, I saw his face." Taehyung said. Everybody has gathered in Park's mansion.

"What will we do now? How will we get him out of there?" Mr Jeon asked

"It's all my fault, I should have think about it. I have enemies here, and my son was in danger. I didn't think about it, he was safe until he came here. But now that everybody saw him, he is in danger"

Mr park has many enemies, because of his mafia links. Jackson is one of them.

" Uncle park it's not the time to cry, we should do something fast. If you allow me I can handle this. I'll get him out of there" Jungkook said.

Meanwhile Jimin was tied up on chair, seddated. When he opened his eyes after a long sleep, he was shocked to see the surroundings. It was a dark room. He remembered how two men came and dragged him out of the car, he tried to call Taehyung but suddenly they sprayed something on his face. He doesn't remember anything after that.

Jimin's pov

This room looks familiar, yes I have seen it ... many times.... in those nightmares I had. How long am I tied up like this, will it be my last day. Does anyone know that I'm abducted. Tae... Where is Taehyung. Does he know.. I was thinking about many things. That's the only thing I can do now.. I cried, screamed nobody heard me.. someone is coming, I can hear the footsteps. Who could it be, what will they do ..

A tall man came into my vision. I looked at his face, my vision was blur. But I saw his face, do I know him? No I have never seen him.he is coming near, looking straight into my eyes.

"Hello.. sweetheart.. how are you feeling? Did you sleep well?" He asked me grinning

"Who are you.. why am I here, why did you kidnapped me?" I tried to yell but my sound was low.

"Ohh.. sweetheart, shhh... You are my guest.. don't panick, it's not good for a beautiful boy like you" he tried to touch my face but I leaned back.

"Here let me call your Dad, and ask what will he give me if I give him you. That's how it works right? I should be rewarded for Keeping you safe. Right?" He laughed like a maniac. I was scared, the way he looked at me was terrifying.

Then he dialled a number and put the phone on speaker.

"Hello.." that's my dad's voice I realised

"Good evening Mr park, long time ha!!! Here I have someone for you, do you want to talk " The guy said and mouthed me to talk

"D-Dad.. " I stuttered

"Jiminah.. Jiminah.." he cried over the phone, the guy laughed hearing that.

"It's all my fault Jimin, I'm responsible for this.but don't worry I'll get you out of there no matter what." Dad said, and I'm not sure I would be alive till then.

"Okay Mr Park, can we talk about the negotiation now. You want your son back, and I want my property. You know which one, I have asked you many times but you always declined. I was ready to give you the money, but you were stubborn. That property belongs to me and my father. You know it, that's the last memory of my dad. I want it back, I know you will give. It's a fair deal isn't it?" He said , now I understood what the all game is. He used me to get back something from my father. A ray of hope came to my mind, I know my father will give anything to get me back.


Hey guys, the story is is a bit slow. If you are getting bored please let me know, so that I can make some changes. But this is the way I thought it would be. Please leave a comment and don't forget to vote ❤️

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