Chapter 8️⃣

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Jimin opened his eyes, and saw the familiar surroundings his room, his bed. He was confused, last time when he was awake he was in the dark room, tied up. Now he is lying his bed in his room. What just happened, was that all a dream? another nightmare? He thought himself. Jimin was confused, he felt weak yet tried to  get up and rested his head on the headboard of the bed. He was thirsty, and  looked at the side table. leaned forward to pick the water, but  collapsed. The glass sliped from his hands and broke with a loud noise, which made him shiver.

"Jiminah..."  Taehyung ran towards jimin  and asked.

"Tae.. what happened, how I'm here? I don't remember anything. What happ-"

"Shhh... Calm down Jimin.. I'll tell you everything but now you take rest. Don't think about anything, you are safe now" Taehyung hugged him and caressed his back to calm him

"I'm fine now Tae, just tell me what happened?" Jimin asked again.

Mr park agreed for the deal, Jungkook and Jimin decided to go to Jackson to hand over the papers and get Jimin back. When they reached, Jimin was unconscious and Jackson was waiting for them. Without any fight the exchange has taken place. Jungkook wanted to fight without giving the property , but Mr park strictly ordered no violence. So he resisted his raging adrenaline and without making any problem gave the papers. Jimin was seddated, he was unconscious when they reached home. Taehyung explained everything to Jimin.

"I thought they will kill me, I was so scared" Jimin cried , Taehyung wiped the tears and consoled him.

Meanwhile in the living room Mr Park, Mr Jeon and Jungkook were in a serious discussion.

" Uncle, we should have used our force. This is like a defeat, we agreed to what he said. He won the game" Jungkook said.

" Let him win this time Jungkook, let him enjoy the victory until we do something big. Wait for it, we will get the chance soon. Do you really think I'll let him go, the person who kidnapped my son. No, but it's not the right time" Mr park said, his words were sharp

"He is right Jungkook, we have to wait for the right time. We have more experience than you in these things,so listen to your uncle" Mr Jeon adviced his son. Jungkook was not satisfied with that, he looked away in anger.

"Now we should think about Jimin. We can't let this happen again. I don't have anyone, but him. He is not safe, I can't lose him" Mr park  stood up and walked towards Jungkook.

"You  are the only person I can trust, you are capable of protecting him. Marry him Jungkook, and protect him" Mr park said as he took Jungkook's hands in his.

Jungkook was surprised by this request, he couldn't reply to Mr. Park. Without saying anything he looked at his father,

"He is right Jungkook, Mr park can't be with him all the time. If you marry him you can look after him. You can protect him" Mr Jeon said

Jungkook stood there dumbfound, he didn't know what to say. Everything just came as he wanted, he can't ask for more. Mr park was right, he has many rivals, so that Jimin would be in danger and he was so sure that he can protect Jimin from everything at any cost. He was happy, at the same time worried about how the younger will react.


" Dad.." Jimin called as he saw his father coming to his room

"Jiminah.. you woke up? How are you feeling now?" Mr park asked , sitting near Jimin in the bed

" I'm fine but a bit dizzy, but I'll be ok" he assured smiling. But Mr park cried seeing his son, Jimin hugged him.

"I'm sorry Jiminha.. it's all my fault, forgive me.. please forgive your father" he was sobbing, Jimin felt sad seeing his father crying.

Don't cry Dad.. it's not your fault, and look I'm fine now. and I'll be perfect once I reached Seoul.  My classes are starting next week, I want to go back as soon as possible from all these mess" Jimin said excitedly but it changed to a confused face when he saw his father's face

" Jimin.. I'm going to tell you an important thing. The soon you realise it, it will be good. You are not going back"  he looked away before saying further.

" It's your wedding in two days, you should do it. I won't take no as an answer. " He avoided looking the younger's eyes.

"Dad.. what are you saying? Are you out of your mind? No I'm not doing this, I'm going back" he tried to get up but his father held him in the bed

"Listen Jimin, you are not Safe anymore. They have  figured out that you are my son, my weakness. They will try to harm you, and you are not strong enough to protect yourself. You need someone, I am willing to protect you. But that's not what you want now.  So you are getting married to Jungkook, he is the right person. He will do anything to protect you" with that his father stood up and walked out closing the door. Jimin wanted to protest, shout , scream but before that his father left the room. He ran towards the door to open but it was locked, he hit the door many times. Screamed to open, but no one came. He was losing his control, he stood there blank.


It was all mechanical, everything happened in the  surrounding didn't affect Jimin. He stood emotionless, without a smile, without looking his parents or the one standing beside him. Everybody came and congratulated him, he just bowed without looking at them.

He was helpless, after his father locked him in the room he tried to escape twice. But failed both time, the security was tight. The next day his mother came, when she came to see him they both cried, endless. She was also helpless in front of her husband and his force. In the evening when she came again, she told Jimin

"Jiminie.. I know you are angry with your dad. But he is doing this for you, for your safety. We lived in Seoul without any problem, but that was past. Once you came here, everything changed. I'm responsible for that, I shouldn't have send you here, it's all my mistake" she cried

" No mom.. it's not like that, why can't we live the way we lived before. Nothing has changed, I was kidnapped but now I'm safe. We can go back, nobody will come there mom. I don't want to be here, I don't want to do this. I'm begging you" Jimin cried his heart out while hugging his mother

" Jimin, don't you trust your mother. Do this for me Jiminah, I won't ask for more. As a mother I'm just asking you this favour. Please.." she pleaded which Jimin can't avoid. He was emotionally blackmailed. Finally he nodded, he sacrificed his happiness for his parents.

After that everything happened  at the speed of light. The next his relatives came, a group of  people came to Jimin's room, they were for make-up and hair. Designer came with a beautiful suit which he unintrestly chose. Within two hours the groom was ready. The wedding was simple yet elegant. Only close friends and families were invited. Jungkook looked handsome in the black designer suit. Jimin didn't even glance at him, he avoided Jungkook throughout the function. When he asked to put the ring, he looked at his mother with a last hope. She smiled and nodded, and he put the ring on Jungkook's finger. Now he is officially Married to Jeon Jungkook. There comes the moment, when the couple asked to kiss eachother. Jimin looked nervous, it will be his first kiss. He dreamed about it many times, but this is going to happen at the wrong time, with the wrong person. He looked into Jungkook's eyes, trying to pass the message that he can't do this. Jungkook winked at him and leaned forward, his hands cupped Jimin's face and pulled him close. Jimin closed his eyes tight in fear. His eyes widened when he felt a light touch in his forehead. Jungkook pulled back with shy smile and he looked at the people who were clapping. Jimin sighed at this, he was relaxed that Jungkook didn't forced the kiss. Suddenly the taller leaned towards his ear and said,

"Be ready, it's just a beginning"


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