Chapter 2️⃣4️⃣

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Hey, I'm updating the complete version of this chapter.

Ps: I have made some changes in the second part , please read it again (to those who have already read it earlier )

Enjoy 🙌


Jimin's mind wasn't processing properly, his mind was blank. whatever going around him didn't affect him, he was feeling restless.

"....your phone, Jiminah.. hey are you listening.. Jimin??!!" Tae tapped on his shoulder to make the boy respond

"Uh.. ha.. what happened?" He woke up from his thoughts and asked Tae.

"Your phone is ringing.. how many times I have told you" he sighed and looked outside through the window. Hanbin was sitting in the front seat of the taxi.

Jimin looked at his phone, it flashed his husband's name. He mentally cursed himself, he was damn sure that the older is gonna lecture him now. He put the phone on silent before putting it back to his pocket.

" it's all because of your stupid idea to go to that fortune teller. We wasted so many time, we should have been there before them.. now Jungkook will scold me for taking two kids with me.. God..." Taehyung said dramatically and sighed.

Both Hanbin and Jimin looked at him,

"We are not kids.." both said in unison , but the older just rolled his eyes.


When they reached the house Jungkook was already standing at the garden, in front of the house waiting for them.

Three of them stood in front him , Jimin was looking down, completely avoiding his husband's stare. Hanbin and Taehyung tried to smile to Jungkook, nervously.

" How was the fishing?" Taehyung asked with a smile, trying to ease the atmosphere. But Jungkook's face was serious, his full attention was focused on Jimin.

But hearing the question he glared at Taehyung.

" You guys talk, I'll go inside " Hanbin nicely tried to escape from Jungkook's interrogation.

" Uh.. wait.. I'm coming too, I'm very tired actually, should take a shower" taehyung said before walking inside without looking at Jungkook.

At that time Jimin looked up, and eyed Taehyung like pleading 'don't leave me alone ' . But they both went inside without paying attention, Jimin again looked down.

" Look at me Jimin " Jungkook said , his voice was serious and stern. Jimin understood that this is gonna be hell, the older called him by his name, not baby or any other names. That is something serious. Slowly Jimin looked up and met the older's eyes.

" Why are you doing this Jimin? How many times I have told you to inform me before going anywhere" he asked looking straight the younger's eyes, searching for an answer. But Jimin remained silent, he couldn't help but his heart is already feeling heavy.

"Why didn't you answer you phone? I told you to attend your damn phone whenever I call you. I made it clear last time.. why can't you listen to me? Why are you so desperate to just make me angry.. " He yelled unable to control his anger.

" It was on silent mode, sorry.." suddenly his face dropped and this made Jungkook guilty.

"Baby.. " he called him but the younger remained silent.

"Jiminie.. I don't want all these between us, I don't want to scold you or hurt you, but you are making it hard for me all the time " he said in sad tone.

" Why are you treating me like I'm a kid, and I wasn't alone. Taehyung and Hanbin were there with me, I don't see any problem here. Why I have to explain to you , every time I do something. Why can't I live my life the way I want, why should I ask your permission to do something? why I have to apologise for being happy or for being me.." he asked tears forming in his eyes, he felt very low. He was already upset with the things the fortune teller said, now his husband is treating him rudely. It all made Jimin emotional. Jungkook regretted everything he said before, the way Jimin reacted made him guilty for being rude.

" Baby.. sorry.. I'm really sorry..shh.. it's ok it's ok" Jungkook quickly hugged him and caressed his back.

"Please don't cry, when I came back here you weren't here.. so I got tensed, and you didn't even attend my call, so I got little angry.. please forgive me.." he said with a low voice.

But Jimin just pushed him and ran towards the house. Jungkook watched him running, mentally cursing himself for making the boy sad.


Jungkook decided to let the boy rest, he didn't disturbed him ,left him alone. Jimin was in his room, thinking about the things that happened today, he couldn't forget what that fortune teller told. He shook his head trying to clear his mind, but it wasn't helping.

" What she told exactly, that I'm in a wrong place.. oh was that about this place. This is not a bad place though, why should I run away? God... I'm confused aahh.. oh wait, what was that about betrayal and seperati-" his words cut off when the door opened. Jungkook came inside, Jimin immediately layed on the bed face hid in the pillow.

Jungkook chuckled at him. how cute the younger looked ,behaving like a kid, he thought. Jungkook crawled into the bed, and sat beside Jimin, who was aware of the other's presence. Jimin suddenly got tensed when Jungkook started brushing his hair with hands.

" Still mad at me?" He asked snuggling to Jimin , but the latter nudged him with his shoulder.

" I'm sorry Kitten.. please.. just look at me for once" he said again, and started tickling Jimin. The younger couldn't resist for long, and he tried to fight back. Both started giggling, Jimin woke up and sat while preventing Jungkook from attacking him.

Suddenly Jungkook pulled Jimin, and made him sit on his lap. Before Jimin could make any attempt to move, Jungkook locked his hands around the boy, safely. They both looked at eachother for a while.

"Let it go honey, it won't happen again " he said as he started kissing Jimin. He started smiling, and circled his hands around the older's neck pulling him closer.

"You know what, I have never apologised to anyone before. Sorry would be the least used word in the past. but after marrying you it's like my daily routine to ask sorry to you.." Jungkook said but Jimin narrowed his eyes like giving his husband sometimes to correct what he said.

"I'm not complaining though.." Jungkook added before placing a peck on the others lips.

Jimin smiled immediately, and moved Jungkook's face to the side to kiss him on the cheeks. Jungkook showed his cheeks happily, but the younger bit playfully, earning a loud scream from Jungkook. that was completely unexpected.

Jimin laughed loudly when he saw Jungkook rubbing his cheeks with pain.

"That was for shouting at me.." he said and and giggled.

"Ohh you are such a bad boy.. i think you really need a punishment for this " Jungkook said before crashing his lips on Jimin's.


11 k + reads 😭 thank you guys..

Soon there will be some drama in the story, are you all excited? 😉

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and, STAY GOLD 🌟



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