Chapter 9️⃣

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Jungkook and Jimin just reached at the Jeon mansion. Jimin looked around and amazed with the interior of the house. It's nothing less than a palace. It's his first time coming there. There were lot of maids, and workers. Jungkook's parents greeted him with a warm hug, Jimin smiled lightly. It was all new for him.

What he thought two days before is entirely opposite to what happened. He thought he would be in Seoul, in his home. His classes are about to start, going back to school, meeting his friends that what he planned. But now he is standing in front of the door of Jungkook's, no... their bedroom. That's what the maid said when she showed the room. The reality hit him like a storm, he is married, at the age of 19 with a person whom he hate the most. and the bitter part is he can't do anything about this. Whatever he do will directly affect his family.
His thoughts interrupted by a light touch in his shoulder, he turned to look

"Why didn't you get in?" Jungkook asked with a smile and lead him to the room. The room was huge, spacious, full of lights with a huge glass window. They walked in, Jungkook lead Jimin to sit in the bed and he kneeled in front of him. The younger didn't uttered a word, just watching the older's each movements. They both stared at eachother.

" Do you know how happy I am?!! I know you don't want all these, but I didn't had any choice. Your father literally begged me to marry you" he said taking Jimin's hands which the latter shoved off.

"Baby.. don't be like this, we are married now. You should accept it" he said, but Jimin remained silent, simply looking at him.

"Say something Jimin, what do you want me to do then? You didn't said a word the whole time. IT'S FUCKING KILLING ME " he yelled at Jimin, who flinched hearing this.

" Tell me what do you want, just open you damn mouth, and say" he said as he dragged Jimin to make him stand

Jimin sighed and looked straight into Jungkook's eyes,

" I want to go back to my old life, can you do that? I can't accept this forced marriage and you. It was a game for you right? Ok You won, I lost. Now leave me.... and I'm sorry for whatever I have done and said to you. Which made you angry, please forgive me. I can't do this, let me go Jungkook please..." Jimin pleaded which made Jungkook more angry. They stared at eachother, one was crying the other was glaring harshly. Suddenly it changed to laugh. The older laughed,

" Ohhh jiminhaa.. you know what, you are too innocent. Do you really think I'll let you go, just like that.. NO, NEVER.. now don't say that again and don't make me angry. It won't be good for you" he said as he pulled Jimin closely, his both hands grabbed Jimin's upper arms strongly. Jimin hissed in that pain, it was hurting him.he closed eyes tightly and pressed lips together to endure the pain. after few minutes of torture Jungkook let go Jimin's hands, and walked out. Jimin let out a breath which he was holding for a while, he lost balance and fall. He sat on the floor, crying silently.

He can't do anything, he is in a loveless relationship. This is not what he dreamed of. A forced marriage, he felt like he have no one. He cried cried and cried sitting on the floor for hours. Don't know when his eyes closed, slowly he fell in sleep in the floor. He was tired, heart broken.

When Jungkook came back after almost three hours he saw Jimin sleeping on the floor , peacefully. He smiled seeing that, and walked towards the boy. took him in bridal style and placed him in his king sized bed. Jimin stirred a little, but didn't wake up. Jungkook caressed his face without putting any pressure, like a feather touch. Smiled at the sleeping beauty. Then he walked to the other side and dropped himself in the bed. He was also tired, after all it was his wedding day. Within seconds he also fell asleep.


I know it's a Short chapter, sorry. Wait for the next one ❤️ please vote, I'm expecting at least 5 😂

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