Chapter 1️⃣0️⃣

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It felt good, it felt perfect. Some unknown pleasure was there, when Jungkook opened his eyes. He looked down to see a cute tiny hand  rested on his chest, he could feel a head on the crook of his neck. His own hands circled the around the other's waist securely. It never happened before, after all those nights he spent with  random people. He always made sure to leave them after what they did, waking up with them was never his thing. Few times it happened and he regretted each time, he felt disgusted. So he avoided the mornings with his one nightstands.

But this was different, he didn't plan it. Unknowingly it happened, and he didn't regret. He felt some kind of happiness. He breathed, the strawberry smell of the younger's hair was addicting, a small smile appeared on his lips. Last night was his wedding night, first night with Jimin. But nothing happened, yet he was happy. He pulled the latter closer softly, don't want to make him awake.but the little movement made the younger cling more into Jungkook, but soon he stirred. Jungkook closed his eyes and pretended to be sleep.

Jimin slowly opened his eyes and blinked twice. First he was in utter confusion at the new but comfortable position. His eyes widened when the reality struck him. He pulled away and got up from the bed. Just to see Jungkook laying in the bed, his hair was messy, the bangs almost covered  his eyes , he looked hot. Jimin shook his head and looked around to realize that, it's his new bedroom and the one who is sleeping is his husband, whom he hates. Right?  He made his way to the washroom without making any noise. Jungkook chuckled silently and continued sleeping.


Jungkook made his way to the living room, when he woke up from his second sleep , he couldn't find his husband in the room. He took a shower and came down. There he saw his beautiful husband chatting with his parents on the dining table.

"Good morning everyone" Jungkook said with a smile. Everyone looked at him.

"Good morning" his parents said in unison.

"Come Sit.. have breakfast with us" his mother said and Jungkook took the seat besides Jimin. His eyes never left the younger who was looking down at his plate.

"Good morning Jimin" he said playfully which made the other look at him

"Morning" Jimin said quickly and continued what he was doing. Suddenly he felt a light touch in his left hand, which rested on his thighs.  A light squeeze on the hand made him almost choke the water he was drinking. Jungkook tried hard not to laugh and pretended like nothing happened. Jimin shot a glare at Jungkook, who responded with a wink. 'he is so shameless' Jimin thought.

"I'm done, please excuse me, thank you" Jimin bowed to his in laws and stood up without looking Jungkook he walked towards the stairs.


"Pack your clothes for four days" Jungkook said as he entered the room. Jimin got confused and raised an eyebrow.

" Where am I going?"

" You are not going. We are going " Jungkook said while putting his phone on charger.

"Where?" He asked again which made the older turn and look Jimin

" Where would the newly wedded go? Honeymoon of course. Don't we need some alone time. Together. You know what, I'm dying for that" Jungkook said with a mischievous smile, Jimin was annoyed

"I'm not coming" he said in anger

" I'm not asking you. I'm telling you. we are leaving in the evening, so pack your things. Or do you want me to do that for you" he smirked

"Why are you doing this to me. I have already apologised then why are you playing with me" Jimin sighed

" What are you saying, I'm not playing with you. It was your father's suggestion. That may be this trip will make you  feel better, and may be you will accept the reality and-"
With each words he took a step closer to Jimin, and Jimin was stepping back

" may be you accept me and may be we get close and-

Jimin's back hit the wall, after a second Jungkook was in front of him. There was no gap, their chests almost touched. They could feel each other's breath. Jungkook leaned and nuzzled on Jimin's neck, he arched at the shiver caused by that touch.

"may be you start  loving me" he said, his voice was flirty yet soft. Jungkook's lips touched the younger's neck as he said each word. Jimin wanted to push him away, wanted to break the touch at the same time it was making him dizzy, numb. He stood there, panting heavily. His mouth opened when he felt a warmth in his neck. Jungkook was sucking the soft skin. It felt like a torture to Jimin, but there was pleasure in that which made him stand still without any protest. Jungkook was nibbling, licking in that exact spot. He was good at what he do, he had that special power to control anyone by his touch. Let's just say practice made him perfect. That's why everyone wanted him more and more. after what felt like eternity he pulled back, looked straight into Jimin's eyes

"We are going" he said and Jimin nodded. It was like he was hipnotised. Jungkook smirked and turned to walk, Jimin released a heavy breath which he was holding for a while. Suddenly Jungkook turned his head and said,

"I like the way you smell "


I was wondering, does anybody following this story regularly or just randomly reading this. Either way, Thank you ❤️

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