-joshua ~ lost feelings pt.2-

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a/n : hey fortniters . i am back and i am ready to make you guys shed tears .

ever since joshua and i broke up , i had no motivation to get up in the morning . it felt so weird to not wake up and look at joshua's good morning messages .

i missed everything about him . his hair , his smile , his eyes . i missed his hugs and our late night calls . i wanted nothing more than to have him back , but maybe breaking up with him was for the best .

everyone that knew about the break up and what state i was in felt pity for me . my friends tried to get me out of bed by inviting me to hang out , but i declined .

i had no idea how joshua was doing . nobody had ever dared to tell me about him because they thought if he was brought up , then i would just feel worse . in all honesty , i actually did want to hear about him .


a month after the break up , and i finally got out of bed . i started taking care of myself , and i started accepting my friends' invitations to hang out . im pretty sure im getting over him .

" hey liv , how is joshua doing ? " i asked olivia over the phone .

she paused , " o-oh , are you sure you wanna talk about him ? "

" yeah , i just wanna check up on him , " i said .

" alright , " she sighed before continuing , " joshua may have ... moved on . "

" oh thats good then , " i smiled .

" no , i mean he has a girlfriend , " she pitifully said .

as soon as those words left her mouth , my smile dropped , and i felt like my whole body just shut down . all the energy that i once had , was drained out .

" oh , " i quietly let out , " so ... whats her name ? "

" r/n ( no , this does not stand for rival's name , it's random name . we dont have rivals in this household ) , " she responded .

i knew r/n . she went to my high school . other than classwork , we didnt talk at all . but she was a nice person , so im happy that someone like her ended up with joshua .

" oh thats nice . if you get the chance , can you tell him that im happy for him ? " i asked .

she responded with a ' yes ' then hung up the phone .

i sadly smiled as tears welled up my eyes . i still had feelings for him , but i had to be happy for him .


a month and two weeks since we broke up . two weeks since i found out josh had a new girlfriend . i wasnt in the best state , but i forced myself to get over him . i tried meeting new guys , but they werent as great as him .

whenever i look at joshua's instagram account , i always see pictures of him and r/n . looking at them together made me feel a bit uneasy , so i decided to unfollow him and block him .


three months . i havent met anyone . but i have been going out a lot . my friends and i went to the mall , restaurants , movie theaters , anywhere . and it was pretty fun .

" hey y/n , we should hang out somewhere , "
f/n suggested as he smiled brightly .

" sure , when ? " i asked .

" like ... right now . "

i laughed and agreed . unfortunately , the rest of our friends werent available , so it was just the two of us . we decided to go to the mall .

once we arrived , f/n took my hand and ran into his favorite store .

we shopped for about 45 minutes , until we were both hungry , so we went down to the food court .

" i'll get some food and you wait here , " he told me before he left .

i waited at a nearby table . i chose to scroll through social media while waiting . when i looked up from my phone , i couldve sworn i saw someone familiar , but i shook it off .

" y/n ? " i knew whos voice that belonged to . joshua .

i nervously looked up , " hi . "

i hesitantly smiled as he smiled back . the tension in the air made me want to get up and find my friend , but i just couldnt move .

" so ... are you here all alone ? " he asked .

" no , im with my friend . "

he nodded and looked around , " well i better get going-"

" wait , " i said , stopping him in his tracks , " do you really have a girlfriend ? this is just out of curiosity . "

he blinked and looked at me like a deer in headlights , " i-uh , hold that thought . "

he ran to the bathroom , making my eyebrows furrow in confusion .


𝕛𝕠𝕤𝕙𝕦𝕒 𝕓𝕒𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕥𝕥 𝕚𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕟𝕖𝕤 <3Where stories live. Discover now