II. The Phone Calls

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Chapter Two

Taking a sip of my coffee I roll my eyes, swallowing the hot liquid before replying to my brother: "I can't believe Khari got sick and you didn't."

Alex's hologram shrugs, sporting a prideful look on his face. Alex and Khari have been spending the last couple days of their honeymoon at Disneyland, something Alex had suggested. I should have known that betting on whether or not Alex would get sick on a roller coaster was a bad idea. Somehow Alex always beats me in things like this. "Karma's a bitch isn't it? He handled a couple of them, but Thunder Mountain got him. I think you two forgot that I can literally fly, a roller coaster isn't going to get to me. You should never have bet against me."

I sigh, taking another sip of coffee. "I hope you gave Khari a break after he got sick."

Alex lets out a mocking laugh, pointing to himself. "Don't you know me at all? Of course I didn't. I bought the picture they took of us on the ride, his face is absolutely horrified. I think I'm gonna frame it and put in on the wall of our new house."

Bucky chuckles from next to me, leaning towards me to see Alex more, shaking his head at him. "Well it's good to know one of you is having a good time."

"You would have fun here, too. There are more kiddy rides that are safe for senior citizens, we wouldn't want you having a heart attack on one of the big roller coasters."

Bucky sighs, giving Alex a mocking laugh. "Why did I think that becoming your brother in law would stop the old jokes?"

"Because you're naive. If anything they'll be worse. I'm making a list of things to call you. I am trying to find an opportunity to work a senior discount joke into conversation."

"Where's Khari?" I ask, giving my brother a stern look. "Is he still kissing the porcelain throne?"

Alex shakes his head. "No, but he is sleeping, trying to get rid of the nausea. I'm about to go get some food for us, he'll need it when he wakes up."

As I'm about to respond to my brother, I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I fish it out and find that Everett is calling me. I glance back to Alex and he's staring at his phone as well, something my brother only recently got. He stares at his phone in confusion for a minute, still trying to grasp how to work it. He looks up to me and says; "Everett is calling me."

"He's calling me, too," I tell him. "He doesn't usually call us both at once, that can't be good."

Alex nods in agreement, glancing back at his phone and sighing dramatically. "Why do I get the feeling my honeymoon is about to come to an abrupt end?"

I press the answer button and bring the phone up to my ear, keeping Alex on my Kimoyo Beads. Alex answers the call as well, his voice forcefully cheery as he says; "Everett, why do I get the sneaking suspicion you aren't calling me to ask how my honeymoon is going?"

"Because sadly my calls aren't usually social," Everett responds, letting out a sigh, leaving Alex and I in suspense as he gathers his thoughts, preparing himself for what he has to tell us. "I need you both to report to New York tomorrow. Thunderbolt Ross has been having several meetings with the United Nations since Thanos's demise. He's not very happy that during the blip none of the world governments enforced the accords."

I pull my phone away from my ear and press the speaker button, allowing Bucky to listen in. "So Thunderbolt Ross wants us to sign the accords?"

"Yes and no. He wants you to sign the new accords he and the United Nations have drafted. I don't know the details yet, but he's ordered me to relay this information to you both. He knows I'm close with you, as well as T'Challa. He needs to come to New York as well."

I share a look with Alex's hologram, seeing him pinch the bridge of his nose and shake his head, his voice not hiding the annoyance in his face. "So it's just the three of us he wants? Not Khari or Okoye? They worked with the Avengers during the blip."

"I asked about them, and according to Ross, their signing is unnecessary. Khari and Okoye aren't enhanced like you three are, and when T'Challa signs the accords he signs on behalf of all Wakanda, which applies to them."

"So you have no idea what these new accords entail?"

"No, I would tell you if I did. This isn't going to be like the last accords, he's going to have the entire United Nations council there, as well as every enhanced individual on the planet. I have a feeling these accords are going to be much tighter and constraining."

I glance at Bucky, finding his eyes staring down at the blankets on the bed, his jaw clenched. Despite feeling the same annoyance as my brother and fiancé, I force some positivity into my voice as I say to my friend; "Thank you for telling us, we appreciate it. Don't worry about calling T'Challa, I'll tell him. We'll see you tomorrow in New York."

"See you tomorrow." He says, ending the call.

Alex and I both lower our phones, Alex not wasting a second before asking; "Isn't the accords what Bucky was framed for bombing the signing of?"

I nod, reaching out to grip onto Bucky's hand with my free hand. He grips it back, his eyes still on the bed. "Yes, its also what broke the Avengers up for a few years. After Thanos the world was in shambles, trying to control the Avengers was the last thing on their mind."

"Well clearly this guy thinks it's a priority. It's like the universe is determined to ruin any vacations I take. First Greece and now my honeymoon."

I give him a sympathetic smile. "At least you got to have a full honeymoon and this is only coming up towards the end."

"It's still annoying. I'm gonna wake Khari up and pack. We will be back home in a few hours."

I nod to him, shutting off the transmission on my beads. As soon as Bucky and I are alone, he finally lifts his head up, squeezing my hand. "I wish I could come with you."

"The last accords were broadcasted, I don't think this time will be any different. You can watch me on tv."

Bucky chuckles softly, brushing his thumb over my knuckles, particularly his mother's ring on my finger. "Steve hated the first accords, he thought it would keep the Avengers from doing the right thing. Steve had to become an outlaw because he couldn't agree with the accords, please promise me you won't do the same."

I tilt my head in confusion, inquiring further; "What do you mean?"

"You were an outlaw for most of your life, you had to go on the run for years. Now you're an Avenger, you're doing what you were meant to do, you're helping people. Steve has always been stubborn, he could never accept the compromise of the accords. I agree with your friend that these accords will be different, but whatever it says or requires, just agree to it. Do whatever you have to do to still be an Avenger."

I sit closer to him, bringing my other hand up to brush his face with the back of my hand, nodding to him once. "I will."

Bucky turns his head to the side and kisses my hand, smiling to me softly. "I'll be waiting for you when you get back."

I lean forward and kiss his lips gently, pulling back from him just enough to smile, brushing my nose with his. "Knowing that is what will make tomorrow bearable."

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