XIX. The McClain Private Airport

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Chapter Nineteen

Soroya is incredibly silent as we enter into the city. The airport Everett was referring to isn't far, so we have been walking there for the past twenty minutes. Walker is a few feet behind us while Soroya is a few feet in front. Everett and I are walking side by side, still in shock from what we witnessed in the woods.

I've never seen my sister lash out like that. I remember the argument we had when she first rescued me, back when I thought Bucky was a terrorist. She was really angry then, but that was nothing compared to how angry she was earlier.

I hate just standing back here and watching her suffer, twenty minutes is enough time to leave her alone. I jog up to Soroya and match my pace to walk beside her, seeing the pain and guilt seeping from her eyes.

"You're not a monster." I tell her, making my voice low enough so the others can't hear. She may not believe this right, but I know it's true.

"Yes I am." She whispers back.

"I've done bad things, too. So has Bucky, so has Everett, so has all of us. There's good and bad in all of us, but whether we are good or bad people, depends on how we handle the bad. You try to help people every single day, you believe in everyone, you love everyone. That's why you're a good person."

Soroya wipes at her eyes and looks over towards me, the smallest of smiles on her face. "When did you become so full of wisdom?"

I playfully gasp and place my hand on my chest. "I am more than just a handsome fast and a quick wit."

Soroya rolls her eyes, letting out a laugh as she wipes her eyes again. I wrap my arm around her shoulder and place a kiss on the top of her head, whispering to her softly; "I got my wisdom from my sister and my husband, the two best people I know."

This seems to lift her spirits up, but not by much. Not much longer after this we arrive at the airport. I don't know what I expected from a private airport, but I didn't think it would look so run down. I wouldn't want to fly in any of these planes and I sure as hell wouldn't trust any of these pilots. As we enter the building next to the planes titled; "The McClain Private Airport", I notice that most of the pilots appear to be drunk, with one of them sporting a bleeding hand that I can only imagine where it came from.

The only sober person is the woman behind the front desk, the only woman in this whole building, and she doesn't seem too pleased to be here.

As the four of us approach her, she lets out a sigh and pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose, her tone inpatient as she asks; "What can I help you with?"

Soroya smiles at the woman and places her hands on the desk. "We are looking for this man, have you seen him?" She asks, showing a picture of Zemo on her phone.

The woman nods once. "A guy came in here around two weeks ago who looked like that. He rented a Beach King Air and has been flying it in and out of here since then."

"Did he say where he has been flying to?"

"We don't ask questions like that."

I scoff from behind her. "Well maybe you should."

This earns me a glare from the woman. "He paid a great deal of money. You try working this job and see if you care where the customers are going."

"Can you tell us the plane number so we can track it please?" Soroya continues, smiling wider at the woman.

The woman stares at Soroya for a second before rolling her eyes, going into the computer behind her desk to search for the number. Pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose again, she informs us with an annoyed tone a few minutes later; "950GA."

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