XXVI. Old Foes And New Friends

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Chapter Twenty-Six

The warden of the New York penitentiary is very polite and accommodating when we arrive. He's treating Everett and I like we're royalty, he probably worries that if he's anything but nice that he'll lose his job.

With John however, he's just confused. "I saw you on tv for the accords signing. What's your superpower? Do you have a superhero name?"

"I don't have any powers. I'm the US Agent."

"You're who?"

John's eyes narrow. "I'm Captain America's successor."

This only confuses the warden more. "And you don't have superpowers?"


The warden quickly loses interest in John, returning his attention back to Everett and me. "Remington is a well behaved prisoner. She doesn't talk to any of the other inmates. When she's not in her cell, she spends a lot of time in the prison library or outside in the courtyard."

Analiese's cell is away from the standard prison cells. It's on the other side of the prison where the more dangerous prisoners are kept. Analiese isn't a threat to anyone anymore, but she has a cell in this part of the prison because of me. I got her a more comfortable living situation. different from normal cells. It's a cell made of stone white stone, instead of metal bars, like a small room. As the warden swipes his card in the pad and unlocks the door, I see that the room is the size of a standard living room. It has a bed against one wall, a bathroom behind a door in the far corner, a wooden desk and chair against the wall opposite the door, and a small table with a tv next to the bed. Analiese is sitting on her bed reading a book. She's wearing a dark blue jump suit and white sneakers, with her hair tied back in a low bun. When the three of us enter the room, the warden closes the door behind us, leaving us alone with her.

"I figured you'd come and visit eventually," Analiese says shutting her book. "And I see you brought friends. Agent Ross, a pleasure...I'm not sure who you are."

She's gesturing to John, who introduces himself with crossed arms. "John Walker, the US Agent."

Analiese lets out a laugh, making John let out a frustrated sigh. She turns her attention back to me, setting her book aside and linking her fingers together. "I know this isn't a social call. What do you want, Soroya?"

"I want you to help me."

"Help you? It's been three weeks since I tried to kill you, what makes you think I want to help you with anything?"

"Because right now we're dealing with something I think you hate more than me."

"And what's that?"

"HYDRA. Baron Zemo escaped prison and has teamed up with Wilhelm Bauer. I'm assuming you remember him."

This does make Analiese pause. She nods her head, leaning her back against the wall. "I remember Bauer all too well. What's he doing?"

"He captured Bucky and used his blood to create a new serum, one that mind controlled two subjects without normal brainwashing techniques. We brought the formulas and a sample of the serum. If you can tell us how to create a serum that can counteract the serum Bauer used, then we can stop his and Zemo's plan. You and I both know what it's like to not be in control, and right now there are two innocent people who are HYDRA's puppets. Will you help us?"

"Why can't your princess help you? Or your giant green friend?"

"Because the UN is watching their every move. You're the only other one who has the ability to understand and create serums."

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