IV. HYDRA's Savage Beast

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Chapter Four

I feel my hands ball into fists on my lap, my jaw tighten. My eyes are staring firmly at the television screen in front of me, my anger increasing as I listen to Thunderbolt Ross blame the past five years of chaos on the Avengers.

Khari isn't too pleased about it either, after all, he fought to rebuild the world along side them. He must feel this betrayal as much Soroya is. I can see her sitting in her seat next to Alex, I can see how upset she is by this.

"I should have known the United Nations would react this way." Khari mumbles at my side.

He and I have been watching the meeting in his and Alex's house in Jabariland. There isn't much furniture here, only boxes of Alex and Khari's belongings. They do have a TV though, as well as a small loveseat he and I are sharing. It's very cramped, but my anger at what I'm watching outweighs my annoyance for my sitting situation.

"One thing that hasn't changed in over a century is the fear people have of the uncontrollable. I thought maybe the future would have grown beyond that, but the world evolves slower than it should."

Khari rests his arm on the back of the loveseat and pats my shoulder, offering me a small smile. "That's why we have people like you three; to help the world grow."

I shake my head, looking away from the screen and down at my hands. "You give me too much credit."

"No, you don't give yourself enough credit, James. And while on that subject, I really like the new haircut. I sense it's more than just typical self grooming, yes?"

Perceptive as always. "I took what you said a few weeks ago to heart." I tell him, lifting my eyes up to his.

Khari seems to know what I mean. "Have you figured out who it is you see in the mirror yet? Now that you cut off all your hair?"

I smile lightly, but shake my head again. "No, but I want to find out."

Khari's arm drops from the back of the loveseat to around my arm, his voice tender and sincere as he says; "I'm proud of you, James. And I know Soroya is, too."

I look back up to the screen, watching the enhanced be called up to the stage and sign the new accords. Lena and Alex are both called at the same time, their expressions unreadable to anyone who doesn't know them. But Khari and I can see the fury in their eyes, the relenting sorrow. They hate having to sign this thing, and I don't blame them. I hate that they have to sign it. But I'm so proud of them for doing it anyways, more proud than I could ever express.

Khari shares my sentiment, squeezing my shoulder tightly, his voice still soft as he says; "They really are incredible."

"They truly are." I reply with a soft smile.



Now that all of us have signed the accords, the meeting has been disbanded. With that being the case however, almost everyone has stayed past the meeting's end. Both sides, the enhanced and un-enhanced, are bickering with each other as well as amongst themselves. I'm glad the FBI forced the press out of the room, I wouldn't want anyone seeing the UN like this, so out of focus, so disorientated.

Alex, T'Challa, and I are sitting away from everyone else, wanting to process the day without hearing the commotion going on.

"The council will not be pleased," T'Challa mumbles, his fingers pressed against the bridge of his nose. "They were so against opening up Wakanda to the world and look where it's going to get us."

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