XXXI. Guilty Or Innocent?

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Chapter Thirty-One

"Medic! I need a medic over here!" I yell as we exit the building. No wonder I heard so much noise when Khari was talking to us inside, there are hundreds of people out here. FBI agents are setting up a perimeter, a squad is entering the building, trucks and cars filled with agents and weapons all flood the scene. Ambulances and fire trucks are here as well, and one of the medics comes over to us and takes Sharon away to be checked as I'm sure Sam has as well. Reporters and journalists are here as well, their cameras flashing and their voices carrying all the way over here with their unanswerable questions.

Amidst the chaos I see Thunderbolt Ross, who right now is looking at Zemo, Bauer, and Bucky, all cuffed and restrained by FBI agents. I don't see Khari or Everett anywhere, but I do see John. He's talking to Ross, and even among so many people, I can hear what Ross is saying to him.

"Well done, Walker. You have proven yourself once again. And not only did you complete your mission, but you brought me the Winter Soldier."

John hesitates slightly before replying; "Sir, I'm not sure things are what we thought. If you could—"

"Ross!" Alex tells as we finally make it over to them. "You can't arrest Barnes, he's innocent."

"It's true," I tell him. "We have proof, we can show it to you if you would just—"

"You are in no place to ask me anything Roberts. Not only did you disobey my orders, but you have exposed yourself to having a connection to this terrorist. Have you known where he was this whole time?"

"Yes, but—"

"Arrest them." He says, nodding to a couple agents.

Four agents walk over towards us and force us down onto our knees, pulling our hands behind our backs and cuffing them just like they cuffed the others.

Ross looks down at the two of us, his sternly pressed lips hidden under his mustache. "I told you that if you made one wrong move you would be thrown in a jail cell for the rest of your life. I am a man of my word."

"And I am a woman of mine. James Buchanan Barnes is an innocent man."

John looks down at the two of us before looking back up to Ross, saying lowly. "Sir, I think you should listen to—"

"Chose your next words wisely, Major. You have achieved a great victory today, I would hate for you to damage it by getting yourself thrown in chains."

John's mouth closes shut, his head bowing as Ross nods to the agents, amusement on his face as Alex and I get dragged away with Bucky, Zemo, and Bauer. I finally see Everett, he had went back to the ship to retrieve Khari, who is leaning against his spear, a look of panic in his eyes. He begins to run towards us, but he can't manage it. He falls onto the ground, beginning to crawl his way towards us, yelling for his husband and for me. Everett grabs onto him though and helps him to his feet, keeping him held back.

"Go to Wakanda!" I yell to them. "Get the proof, get the proof to free Bucky!"

Khari has tears streaming down his face, his bottom lips wobbling as he nods his head. Everett refuses to let go of Khari no matter how hard he struggles, but deep down Khari knows that there's nothing he can do to help us right now. We have to be taken away.

"You won't be in there long, I promise." Khari yells, his voice cracking.

Alex and I are being dragged towards one of the FBI trucks while Bucky and the others are being dragged towards another. Bucky keeps his eyes on us the entire time he's forced away from us, and in his eyes I don't see anger or sorrow, I see serenity, a smile spreading on his face. I know him well enough to know what he's thinking. He is treating this moment like this is the last time he'll ever see me, he thinks the odds of him winning his freedom are slim.

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