X. Steve Rogers

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Chapter Ten

Steve's funeral had to be rushed. The world thinks he's dead and his house is a crime scene, so the whole event was very quiet and short.

We buried him in Brooklyn, in the same graveyard his parents are buried. I know he would've wanted that. In attendance was my fellow teammates, T'Challa, Alex, Khari, Everett, and unfortunately Thunderbolt Ross. Alex tried to convince Khari to stay behind with Shuri since he got shot less than thirty six hours ago, but Khari refuses to miss saying goodbye to our friend.

After we laid him to rest, we went to Bruce's house for the wake since we can't do it at Steve's house. Now we are all drinking punch and eating cookies from Walmart. Alex and Khari are sitting on Bruce's couch because Alex keeps fussing about Khari standing for too long, so I've been making my rounds and talking to my teammates.

I'm currently talking to Rhodey about Steve, how sudden everything was and how Khari is doing. I'm only partially paying attention to this conversation though because out of the corner of my eye I see Everett talking with Ross. Usually I can hear what people are talking about across the room, but trying to listen to Rhodey talking at the same time is very distracting.

Thankfully it's not long until Ross and Everett make their way over towards me. I give Rhodey a look and he gets the hint, walking over towards Alex to tell him that he should probably go and see me and that he'll watch after Khari.

Ross looks the least mournful of everyone here, it makes me wonder why he chose to come anyways. He doesn't bother to give me any form of respect, a handshake or even a nod, he just says; "Everett tells me you are wanting to join the Zemo case."

"We both do," Alex chimes in, now joining our conversation. He doesn't bother giving Ross respect since he won't give us any, in fact he just glares at him. "Zemo killed someone close to my family and shot my husband, so we both want in."

Ross glares right back at Alex. "That's nice that you want in, but that decision isn't up to you. I don't want to put such an important task into the hands of—"

"Maybe you should refrain from finishing that sentence, mister thunder. Your uneducated comments about us don't make you look superior they just make you look like a middle school bully. Finding Zemo will be easier with us on the case because we can pick up scents and sounds that not even dogs trained for the task can. We signed the accords and that makes us government agents to be used when we are most needed. I think this is one of those times, wouldn't you say so, Soroya?"

I can't help but smirk at my brother's surprisingly elegant delivery of that jab. I nod my head, linking my fingers with his. "I would say so, Alex."

Ross looks taken aback by Alex cutting him off, looking down at Everett for support, only to find him covering his grin with his punch cup.

"Fine," Ross says, taking a step closer towards the two of us. "You may be on the case, but Everett will be keeping his eye on you the entire time and you must go to him for permission to do anything. If I hear a rumor about you two stepping out of line, there will be a jail cell waiting for you in a high security level penitentiary. Are we clear?"

Alex gives Ross a forced smile. "Like crystal, sir." He says, using a mocking tone when calling him 'sir'. Ross just sighs and walks away from us, leaving the three of us alone.

Everett takes the words right out of my mouth as he says; "That was a very tasteful remark, Alex. I started to worry you were going to call him a jackass to his face."

"As tempting as that was, it wouldn't have gotten us anywhere. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go get some cookies for my husband." He says, kissing the side of my head before making his way back towards Khari and Rhodey.

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