Chapter 1️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

Later at night, back at their dorm the seven of them were sitting on the couch and watching TV. Well, four of them were as the maknae line was huddled together looking at something on their phone.

Namjoon yawned, followed by Jin and J-hope. The three of them declared that they were tired and were going to sleep.

Again, Yoongi was left alone with the youngest three. He found it quite hard to concentrate on the programme as every now and then one of the trio would start giggling. Sighing, Yoongi got up and crept behind the three, “What are you guys doing?”

His sudden question startled the three and with a hand on his heart, as if to calm it down, Taehyung replied, “Fanfictions hyung.”


“Fictions that fans write about their favourite celebrities.” Jungkook replied. They had again put their attention on the story.

“About whom?”

“About us.” Jimin answered and after thinking for some time added, “You wanna read too?”

Nodding his head slowly Yoongi sat down beside Jungkook and started reading the FF.


(Yoongi's POV)

The first word that I saw was ‘kiss’, my eyes widened in shock but I continued reading.

To my horror it was a make-out scene and as I kept on reading I found it oddly satisfying.

My interest about this fanfics was growing rapidly, particularly about a certain ship.

“Whom is this one about?” I asked, as I hadn't read the beginning where the names were told.

“You and I hyung.” Jimin gave me a cheeky smile.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, “Us?” I pointed at Jimin and I frantically.

“Yup! We are the second most popular ship in BTS.”

“Who are the first?”

“Us.” Taehyung and Jungkook spoke up at the same time.

My breathing stopped for a minute but I quickly composed myself, “What are the other ships?”

“Taekook, Yoonmin and Namjin are the main ones but there's also Vmin, Jikook and Sope.” Taehyung explained.

“Oh...” Why do I sound disappointed?

“What hyung?” Jungkook asked.

“Huh? Nothing...umm... which application is this?”

“Wattpad.” all three replied at the same time.

“Oh okay... I'll go sleep now then.” I turned the TV off and power walked towards my room.

Once inside I opened my phone and installed the app and did all the required steps to open an account.

“What can the ship name be?” I thought hard, trying to think of a ship name that'd sound good.

Biting my lips, I typed in ‘Yoonhyung’ in the search bar. Excited I waited for some fanfics to pop up but sadly not even one did, “Does no one ship us?”

I stared at my phone, hoping that one would show up at least. “Ah... could it be...” I mumbled as I typed the other ship name that came in my mind.

My eyes widened for the second time that night as some fanfics showed up as the search result.

Almost subconsciously a smile made its way on my lips and without thinking much I clicked on the first fanfic.



Update because I was way too excited lol 🤣

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