Chapter 1️⃣9️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

As he had promised, Taehyung was back in the living room fifteen minutes later, completely ready to go out with Yoongi. But to his surprise, the older was still not there.

“He's never late though... should I check up on him?” five minutes later, Taehyung thought to himself.

“Sorry, I'm late...” just when Taehyung was about to get Yoongi, the latter came out of his room, looking sulky.

“Ah Hyung! You're late!”

“I already said I'm sorry...” Yoongi snapped.

“Oh...?” Taehyung felt hurt by this rude behaviour of his favourite Hyung but decided that it'd best to let it slip, “So! Are you ready?!”

“Well... I am here,am I not?”

“ let's go then. Manager-nim isn't coming with us so I'll be driving!” Taehyung excitedly stated.

“Yeah yeah... let's go.” Yoongi grabbed the younger's arm and walked out of the front door.

Back in the living room, the other members all appeared from behind their hiding spots, everyone was finding the Daegu duo to be quite suspicious.

“See? I think Yoongi's mad at Taehyung.” Jin said.

“Didn't they just start dating? Like...they should be acting all lovey-dovey with each other...”

“That only happens to new couples, Jimin...Yoongi and Taehyung have known each other for so long now.” Hoseok laughed.

“They look adorable though.” Jungkook smiled.

“Even though I still think that they're not dating... I'd have to agree on that.” Namjoon replied, while thoughtfully looking at the front door.

“Who wants to watch that Run BTS episode again?” Jin suggested,as he turned the TV on. The others were more than happy to join him.


After ten minutes of silently driving, Taehyung and Yoongi finally arrived at the mall of the former's choice.

“Wanna get a snack?” Taehyung asked, hoping to break the awkward atmosphere.

They were currently infront of a food cart, “You go shop... I'll just sit here.”

“Oh?! But you need to come with me!”

“You'd know about Jimin and Jungkook's preferences better than me anyway...why would you need me?” Yoongi replied, while glaring at the menu.

“What is he...? Is he jealous?” Taehyung bit his lip in thought. “I'm here to buy something for him though...”

“Aren't you going?” Yoongi asked.

“Huh? Yeah... wait here, okay?”

Instead of giving a verbal reply, Yoongi gestured him to go with his hand.

Feeling rather disappointed, Taehyung walked away from the food cart, failing to notice the sad look on Yoongi's face.


(Yoongi's POV)

I can't believe he just left like that... I couldn't help but let out a disappointed sigh.

“What would you like to order, Sir?”

“Huh?” I stared at the owner's face dumbly.

“Your order, Sir.”

“ give me a cola for now... I'll order the rest when he comes back.” I pointed in the direction Taehyung went.

“Okay. Is he your boyfriend?”

“Huh?” Doesn't he know we are in BTS...? Looking thoughtfully at the middle aged man, I continued, “We are... friends.”

“Oh... I see. Here's your cola, Sir.”

I took a small sip of the cola as my mind drifted off to random thoughts again.

I can't believe he lied to the others and said we're on date! Date... boyfriends? Do we look like a couple? Do we...?

While I was busy thinking, I noticed a couple walking over to the food cart. Quickly, I grabbed a pair of glasses and mask out of my jacket pocket and put them on. How could I forget about these?!

Unfortunately, I couldn't block my hearing and had to listen to the couple.

“Oh oppa! I love this place so much!”

The guy laughed in reply and sat down beside me,“What do you want to eat?”

“You already know what I like, Oppa!” the girl giggled, making me want to rip my ears off.

After the guy finished placing the order, the girl talked again, “This is the best couple stop, Oppa! Do you want to take a picture over there?”

I was casually taking sips of the cola but her words made me stop. Couple spot? This public place? My eyes sneakily followed the couple and my eyes went wide when they stopped in front of a large heart shaped balloon arch that was not too far away from the food cart.

 Couple spot? This public place? My eyes sneakily followed the couple and my eyes went wide when they stopped in front of a large heart shaped balloon arch that was not too far away from the food cart

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Something About Him (!!!Taegi!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now