Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

The game started and as usual I went quiet, speaking only when spoken to.
The game in itself was fun and Hoseok Hyung was doing a great job as a MC but my mind wasn't really there.

I smiled a little as I looked down at Yoongi Hyung only to find him asleep. A small ‘Oh’ left my mouth, I was completely amazed at hyung's ability to fall asleep anytime, anywhere.

Should I wake him up? Would it be too suspicious if both of us stay quiet? Will they find out?

As I was lost in thought Jimin nudged my side, while pointing at Yoongi Hyung he mouthed, “He's sleeping.”

I put on a confused look as I looked down at Hyung again and mouthed back, “What should I do?”

“Okay so now the ones who are sitting on their members' lap need to get up. You'll be given a word that you have to act out to your partner. The team that scores the most will win this round.” Hoseok Hyung said.

My question was indirectly answered and I found myself sighing.

And here I thought we could stay like this for the rest of the episode...all that work was in vain... I sighed again as I reluctantly woke Hyung up.

“Hyung...wake up...” I whispered, thanking the gods above that we were sitting on the side,thus out of the camera's direct focus.

“What...?” Hyung mumbled.

Cute...“You need to get up and help us win this round.” I had no intention of winning though...I would have preferred it if they had let Hyung sleep peacefully.

“Why suddenly?” Hyung asked, fully awake, and we watched as Kookie got up to the front.

“How did you fall asleep?” I asked instead.

Hyung, surprisingly, blushed at that and replied, “I was sleepy and was comfortable...” the last sentence was spoken so softly that I barely heard it.

“How did the manager forgot to bring cushions though?” Hyung asked.

I had a hard time stopping myself from smirking as I replied, “I know right? How could he...”

“You did something, didn't you?”

I couldn't lie anymore, so I told him the truth, “Well...since yesterday you haven't talked to me much so I just thought of an way to make time for us.”

“You hid the cushion!?” disbelief was written all over his face as Hyung charged me.

“Well...” giving him a innocent smile, my eyes wandered towards a well hidden corner beside us.

“I can't believe this...wait then that was also you?”


“You know... yesterday...”

“Ah! Yes...”

By this time, Namjoon Hyung and Jungkook were done and it was Jin hyung and Jimin's turn, leaving us alone.

“How many did they get right?” I asked after some time, hoping to change the subject.

“Why did you do that?”

“ ask you why you were reading Taegi fanfics.” I answered.

Fortunately for me, before Hyung could question me further, it was already our turn.

Hyung got up, rather too happily, and went to stand in the front. I moved in the middle.


(Yoongi's POV)

My face was burning in embarrassment as I walked to the front and looked at the word that I had to act out, Hoseok was smiling at me.


Despite finding it very weird I successfully acted the word out, followed by the next three ones. Then it got even more weird.

I stared with horror at the paper and gulped. After taking a deep breath I proceeded to act out the phrase, being as indirect as possible.

“I don't understand, more specific!” Taehyung said urgently as the time was running out.

I was about to act out the phrase for the fifth time now and as I acted Taehyung's face clouded with confusion again.

“Yah Yoongi! What are doing? This is the easiest one here. Make it simple.” the PD-nim whisper-shouted at me from behind the camera. I took a look at all the crew members and everyone looked annoyed. Even Hobi looked annoyed.

Why can't you understand that simple would be directly saying it and I don't want to do that!  I desparately thought.

“Hyung! There's only 10 seconds left!” Taehyung said again.

I stood there, feeling my palms and feet becoming cold, frustrated I shouted out the answer.

“I love you!”

Something About Him (!!!Taegi!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now