Chapter 9️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

“Oh you guys are back?” Jimin asked when Yoongi and Taehyung entered through the front door.

“Yup!” Taehyung replied and Yoongi headed straight for the kitchen.

“What's up with him?” Jimin asked and Taehyung only smiled in reply.

After Taehyung had asked that question, Yoongi had been quiet. “You need any help, Hyung?” he asked once he was inside the kitchen, Yoongi had already started preparing.

“Yeah. Go were an apron first and wash your hands.”

“Aprons?! Oh I have the perfect ones!”

Yoongi didn't pay him any extra attention, he was still embarrassed. So much so that he couldn't even look at the younger.

A few minutes later Taehyung re-entered the kitchen and helped Yoongi wear the apron, as Yoongi had already started working on the dough for the noodles. After he was done tying the strings, Taehyung wore his and washed his hands.

Yoongi was concentrating on the dough so much that he failed to notice the aprons that both of them were wearing, “Pass me the eggs.”

Taehyung continued helping Yoongi uninterruptedly untill Jin, who wanted to check in on their progress, walked in, “How is it go-” he couldn't finish his sentence as he bursted out in laughter, “What are you two wearing?” by now he was laughing louder.

“Hyung what happened?” Hoseok asked as he entered the kitchen and he too, stared laughing.

“Why are you two laughing?” Yoongi asked.

“What's going on in here?” the rest also joined them and suddenly everyone was laughing.

Confused, Yoongi looked at Taehyung and had to stop himself from cursing. Anxiously, he looked down at the apron he was wearing.

Then he looked at the apron that Taehyung was wearing again

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Then he looked at the apron that Taehyung was wearing again.

“Yah! Why are you wearing that one?!?!” Yoongi shouted at Taehyung

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“Yah! Why are you wearing that one?!?!” Yoongi shouted at Taehyung.

“You are worried about that, Hyung?” Jungkook asked.

“These came in as a set! What could I have done? It's a couple set, Hyung!” Taehyung defended himself.

“That's so lame! You could have given me that one!”

The rest of the BTS members watched, completely amused, as the second oldest and the second youngest fought among themselves.

“Did Tae say it's a couple set?” Jimin asked the rest.

“Yup. What does that mean?” Namjoon questioned too.

“If they are wearing a couple set doesn't that mean they're a couple?” Jungkook also asked.

“ three keep quiet!” Jin scolded, “Yoongi! Taehyung! Shut up!” Jin screamed at the top of his lungs.

Everyone instantly went silent. After calming down a bit Jin continued, “We are going to starve if you two keep this up!”

“Sorry Hyung.” the duo in question replied at the same time.

“ take those stupid aprons off and get working.”

“They look good tho-... Sorry.” Jungkook started saying but had to stop when Jin glared at him.

“You two start working. Let's go guys.” Jin said and ushered the rest out of the kitchen.

“Sorry Hyung...” Taehyung said to Yoongi.

“It's okay... let's change into different aprons.” and they did. After that they continued with making dinner.


Around 8 pm dinner was served and Yoongi called the rest inside.

“This smells so good.” Hoseok commented.

“This smells better than the last two meals to be honest.” Jin said and no one could say anything against that as it actually did.

“Why is there spicy pork with Carbonara?” Namjoon asked Yoongi.

“Oh...ah... Taehyung wanted some...” Yoongi replied.

“What Hyung?! You've never made me spicy pork! You know I like it too!” Jimin whined.

“Well...I was already”

“Don't get jealous guys. Hyung loves me more.” Taehyung joked, making everyone laugh. Only Yoongi was silent.

“That's good but who's gonna clean the mess in the kitchen?” Jin asked.

“I'll.” Yoongi replied.

“Then I'll help hyung.” Taehyung didn't miss a second.

“V Hyung, do you have any couple set for that too?” Jungkook asked, causing another round of laughter, this time Yoongi joined in too. Even though it was kinda embarrassing for him, the situation was still funny.

“We have to shoot a ‘Run BTS' episode don't be too late, okay?”

They nodded their heads in reply, “But you know what's really unfair?” Taehyung suddenly asked.


“It took Yoongi Hyung and me almost three hours to cook this but all the food is gone in just thirty minutes! How?!”

Everyone laughed at Taehyung's statement, “Yah imma! Now you know what I go through everyday!” Jin sighed , loudly and dramatically.

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