Chapter 1️⃣0️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

The next morning all the members were woken up early by the manager. They needed to go somewhere far to shoot their variety show.

“Isn't it still too early?” Jimin asked while yawning.

“I know right? I still feel so sleepy...” Yoongi agreed.

“You are always sleepy though, Hyung.” Taehyung said making everyone laugh.

After washing all the dishes and cleaning up the kitchen, the two had gotten closer. They were even sitting next to each other, sharing Taehyung's iPods, in the car on the back seat along with Jimin. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jungkook were sitting in front of them.

“Something feels different about you two...” Jin said from the front seat.

“Did you notice that too? I thought I was the only one.” Hoseok whispered into Jin's ear.

“It's just you two actually. They seem pretty normal to me.” Namjoon disagreed.

“What do you think Kookie? You are close to Tae...did he say anything?” Hoseok whispered again.

“I- umm...not really.”

“Do you think Jimin might know something?” Jin whispered.

“Guys stop, okay? There's nothing going on between them.” Namjoon said firmly.

This conversation went on till they reached their destination, Yoongi and Taehyung had fallen asleep while listening to music. Their manager quickly woke them up and guided the rest inside an old looking house.

“I want to sleep some more... it's so comfortable...” Taehyung, who was still half asleep, mumbled.

Yoongi wasn't fully awake but when Taehyung said this, he suddenly became aware of the position they were in. Taehyung had his hands wrapped around Yoongi's slim waist and Yoongi was leaning against Taehyung's side.

Shocked, Yoongi slowly detached himself from Taehyung's embrace and took a deep breath to calm himself down, “The others are already gone...wake up!” he said urgently.

“Are we already there?”

“ wake up!”

Thankfully, Taehyung woke up and they were able to closely follow the rest of the crew members.

“What were you guys doing?” Namjoon asked upon their arrival.

Jin and Hoseok smiled slyly at this and Jin said, “That doesn't matter.”

“Okay we'll start shooting now, kids. Hoseok will be the MC today.”

Everyone sat down on the floor and as Yoongi was sitting down he noticed that there were only six cushions on the floor, he informed the manager about this.

“Huh? I remember bringing seven with me on the way though...” he looked around a bit but it wasn't anywhere.

“Why aren't you sitting down, Yoongi?” the PD-nim asked.

“There's one less cushion here...” the manager informed.

“What? Didn't you check before hand?”

“I did...I remember taking seven but now one is gone.”

“ whe-”

“Hyung can sit on my lap.”out of nowhere Taehyung appeared beside them and suggested.

An awkward silence fell around them till the PD-nim spoke up, “That's a good idea...but it'd look weird if it's just you two...”

“Well then... Jimin can sit on Jin hyung's lap and Kookie can sit on Namjoon hyung's lap.”came another idea from Taehyung.

“That's a good idea...You! Take out two more cushions!” PD-nim ordered someone from the crew and went ahead to explain the situation to the rest of the members.

“What are you doing?” Yoongi hissed at Taehyung.

“Solving the problem.” Taehyung replied in a ‘duh’ tone.

“Guys come over! We are already running late!” the PD-nim shouted.

The duo walked over to see Jimin on Jin's lap and Jungkook on Namjoon's lap. Yoongi gulped, his throat suddenly felt dry.


Taehyung quickly sat down on the cushion and patted his lap invitingly, giving Yoongi a smile.

Reluctantly, Yoongi lowered his body and sat down on Taehyung's lap. It fitted perfectly.

“It's as if I was meant to sit here

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“It's as if I was meant to sit here...” Yoongi had to snap out of this reverie as one of the crew members started talking. The cameras had already begun recording.

“So today you will be playing...”

Yoongi completely zoned out after that, he was feeling sleepy again and Taehyung's lap was surprisingly very comfortable.

So he decided to listen to his bodily demands and fell asleep...on Taehyung's lap, while the camera was still recording.

Something About Him (!!!Taegi!!!) (!Completed!)Where stories live. Discover now