Chapter 1️⃣ 2️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

Everyone present in the room went silent as Yoongi's word sank in.

Yoongi clearly heard the PD-nim murmur behind the camera, “I can't even cut this out...”

Hoseok was smiling even more and he had to control himself from laughing. “I- you can't even figure this out?!?!” Yoongi shouted at Taehyung, hoping to manage the situation.

Taehyung's face stayed blank for a while before he, too, started smiling, “ that's what it was. You should have been more direct na, Hyung!”

“Why you litt-”

“Enough for today! Let's just make this the first episode! Two hours later we'll shoot the rest!” Yoongi was interrupted by the PD-nim.


“What?!” Yoongi snapped.

Taehyung made a big heart with his hands and replied, “I love you too!”

Yoongi felt way too flustered to reply and followed the younger to were the rest of the members were.

“Yah what were you doing?!” Jin asked as soon as they entered.

“You did it but for some reason I am feeling embarrassed, Hyung...” Jimin said.

“It was so easy too!” Namjoon joined in the conversation.

“What are you guys talking about?” Yoongi asked as he sat down on a chair, sulking.

“We saw everything, Yoongi Hyung...” Jungkook answered.

“Even I was getting frustrated!” Hoseok exclaimed.

“How did you guys do?” Taehyung asked, successfully diverting everyone's attention.

“We got all five right.” Jimin replied proudly while giving Jin a high-five.

“What about you two?” Yoongi asked the leader-maknae duo.

Jungkook instantly started scowling and Namjoon guiltily replied, “We got only three right...”

“Yah Jungkook-ah! Don't worry about that!” Taehyung went ahead to hug the competitive maknae.


(Yoongi's POV)

I watched as Taehyung gave Jungkook a big reassuring hug and that same feeling came over me.

The feeling that I had been getting whenever Taehyung gave too much of his attention to someone else.

Even though I had been ignoring this feeling, this jealousy, for weeks now I wasn't sure about how long I could go on.

While searching for more Taegi fanfics, I came across several Taekook and Yoonmin fanfics and watching the youngest two now, I couldn't help but wonder if Taegi even had the slightest bit of chance.

Our two hours break passed by quickly after that and soon enough we finished shooting the rest of the episode too.

“Good work guys! The first episode will be uploaded around evening today.” the PD-nim declared.

“Should we just eat outside today?” Jin hyung suggested.

Without missing any time I agreed, gaining a frown from Taehyung who had been busy talking to Jungkook for the past few hours.

“Yeah... I'm too tired anyway...” Hoseok agreed.

I wasn't feeling like working with Taehyung today so this situation was in favour of me.

How could he just ignore me after saying that he loves me too?

The more I thought about it the more my mood darkened. To avoid any unnecessary talk with anyone, I headed straight for our car and sat down on the front seat.


(Tae's POV)

After the shooting was done I was talking to Jungkook about what Yoongi Hyung and I should make for dinner when suddenly Jin hyung suggested that we eat out for the day.

Before I could protest, as I already had in mind what to cook, Yoongi Hyung agreed, followed by the others.

I looked at Jungkook disappointedly when Yoongi Hyung quickly left after that and he shrugged his shoulders.

“You okay with that, Tae?” Jimin asked me.

Did I just zone out? What were they talking about? Confused, although my face was blank, I nodded my head.

Upon reaching the car, I was disappointed again when I saw Yoongi Hyung sitting in the front. Quietly, I grabbed Jungkook's hand and went to sit on the back seat where Hoseok Hyung joined us.

Feeling quite irritated I yanked my iPods out of its case and shoved both inside my ear and blasted some music.

I am never going to share my iPods with Yoongi Hyung!

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