Chapter 1️⃣4️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

As soon as I finished watching the episode I merched over to Yoongi hyung's room and banged on the door, calling out his name.

My mind was in a complete frenzy mode because of those comments and I was dying to know what hyung's reaction was after seeing the comments, "Hyung?!?!"

I was so distracted by my thoughts that I didn't notice when the other members gathered behind me. I was going to bang on the door again when, fortunately for my fists, Hyung opened it.

"Did you see the comments?" I asked as soon as he backed away from the door to make room for me to enter.

Hyung looked suspiciously uncomfortable as he stood beside his bed awkwardly, "What comments..."

I sighed and closed the door behind me so that the others couldn't eavesdrop on us, "Didn't you see the video?"

"What video...I was sleeping..." he pointed at his bed.

I looked doubtingly at the said furniture and asked him, "Really?"

Hyung nodded his head in affirmative and I asked again, "You didn't watch the video?"

"What video?!"

"The one where you said you love me!"

"I lo- what?"

"The Run BTS episode!"

"Ohh... I...what about it?"

"You seriously didn't see the comments?"

Hyung shaked his head in reply,"Okay...then just know that I'm liking that comment." I said while opening the door, not knowing that the others were still standing outside the door.

I suddenly felt very angry and frustrated. My own feelings were confusing me so much that it was getting hard for me to stand there so ignoring everyone's questioning gazes I walked straight to my room.


(Third Person POV)

"What are they talking about?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know...all I heard was Run BTS and something about a comment..." Jungkook,who had his ear on the door, replied.

"Let me he-"

Hoseok couldn't finish his sentence as the door suddenly opened and they flinched away from the door.

".... I'm liking that comment." Taehyung came out while saying and after a short pause went straight to his room.

"What was that?" Namjoon asked, shocked.

"I think they were talking about today's video... should we check th-"

This time Jin got interrupted as Yoongi came out of his room and power-walked towards Taehyung and Jungkook's shared room, opening the door forcefully. The door quick closed shut behind him.

"-e comments..." Jin finally got to finish, but everyone was already infront of the TV, with the video playing, "When did they even go there?" Jin mumbled to himself as he walked over to the others.

Jungkook, who had the remote, moved to the comments section and after five minutes of looking through all the love filled comments, they finally came upon 'the' comment.

Everyone had their mouths open by the time they finished reading all the replies of the main comment.

An awkward silence fell over them as they all processed the situation and Jungkook was the first one to break the ice, "V Hyung and I?!"

"Yoongi Hyung and I?" Jimin followed.

"Well... it's not too absurd..." Namjoon started but trailed off.

"I mean... So...woahh my brain isn't working." Hoseok laughed.

"So...I guess I'm sleeping in the living room tonight?" Jungkook asked while staring at his closed bedroom door, making everyone look at the door too.

"Yup." Jimin agreed.

"But...what do we do about them?" Jin asked the grave question.

"What's there to do?" Namjoon asked, confused.

"About them!" Jin pointed at the door.


"If they actually like each other then what can we do? If they like each other, then they like each other." Hoseok said.

"Yeah... let's be supportive." Jungkook agreed.

"I suddenly feel so tired..." Jin sighed.

" too... I'm off to bed...bye guys."

"But I still can't believe that someone supports Jikook!" Jungkook snickered.

"I know right? How could they? You're so annoying." Jimin glared at the maknae.

"Yeah just go sleep." Jin ordered and everyone complied, falling asleep as soon as their head touched the soft pillows.



Before anyone comes at me let me tell you that I love Taekook.

On a different note... How are you guys feeling about this FF so far? Please let me know ☺☺☺

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