Chapter 2️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

The next morning as everyone was sitting on the table for breakfast Jin asked, “Yoongi? Where's Yoongi?”

“Is he still sleeping? It's 9 am though... we have to go to an interview at 10!” Namjoon said, completely frustrated by the situation.

“I'm not waking him up.”

“Me neither.”

“Not me.”

Everyone knew that Yoongi wasn't a morning person and trying to wake him up was like signing up for your own death. Thus no one was willing to take this job.

Sighing, Jin turned towards Taehyung, “Can you? I'm busy otherwise I would have...”

“On my way!” and Taehyung bounced towards Yoongi's room.

“I don't understand why Hyung never screams at Tae...” Jimin said as they all stared at the younger's retreating back.

“I know right? It's crazy...” Hoseok agreed.

Back in Yoongi's room, Taehyung was standing by the door, “He looks so happy while that I think about it he looks the happiest while sleeping!” he chuckled.

Feeling a bit guilty for waking him up Taehyung walked over to him while singing a nursery rhyme and lightly slapped Yoongi's butt. As expected no response came from him and Taehyung lifted the blanket up.

“Hyung get up we have to leave at 10! Get uuuppp Hyung!” with that said Taehyung went back to the dining room.

“Is he up?” Jin asked, the others were already done eating their breakfast and Jin was washing the plates.

Taehyung nodded as he sat down and continued eating his now cold breakfast. A few minutes later Yoongi entered while rubbing his eyes.

“Yah you shouldn't rub your eyes! Here...” Jin handed him a plate, “Eat quickly. Tae make sure he finishes everything.” that said, Jin left to get ready.

“Eat hyung.” Taehyung said when a minute passed and Yoongi didn't start eating.

“You a ship name...when someone's part of name is used first...what does it mean?”


(Yoongi's POV)

Stupid... stupid stupid question! I cleared my throat and continued, “You know what I mean right?”

Taehyung stared at my face blankly and to avoid his eyes I started eating. I kept reading fanfics till early in the morning and all the while this bit of unknown information was bothering me.

Why does it have to be Taegi? Why not Yoonhyung...?!

“That person tops.”

I almost chocked but Taehyung didn't pay me any more attention and left. I didn't feel like eating anymore and was about to throw away the remaining food on my plate when Taehyung's voice popped out of nowhere.

“Finish your food hyung!”

I turned my head to look at him but he wasn't there, “Was that my imagination?” I mumbled as I looked down at the plate and forced myself to eat. I don't want Taehyung to actually scold me...


30 minutes later we're all at the Radio Station, waiting for the host to come. They were 10 minutes late and because of that we had to hurry with the rest of the process, the only bright side was that Taehyung was sitting beside me with Jimin on his other side.

Half way through the interview I started dozing off, one breath away from falling asleep right then and there, when Taehyung nudged me on my ribcage, “What?”

Taehyung jerked his head towards the host and a dash of the fresh smell of a sweet scented shampoo entered my nostrils.

“Yoongi-ssi what do you think about V-ssi?”

Such a nice smell... “I love it.”

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