Chapter 2️⃣1️⃣

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(Third Person POV)

The ride back home was understandably quiet. Taehyung was still in shock, so Yoongi had to drive. He was feeling so frustrated that he had thrown the bag containing the stuffed trophy on the back seat.

Upon their arrival, Taehyung wordlessly opened the car door and headed straight for their home.

Still inside the car, Yoongi stared at Taehyung's retreating back and sighed, “Was I too harsh?” sighing again, he picked up the bag and followed the younger.

“Yah Yoongi... what happened?” Jin asked as soon as Yoongi entered through the front door. All the other members were standing behind Jin, giving Yoongi curious looks.


“Tae left happy and returned sad...did you say something to him, Hyung?” Jimin asked, concerned about his best friend.

“I di- why would you guys just assume that it's because of me?!?!” Yoongi snapped, his frustration finally coming out. Feeling disappointed in his members, Yoongi went straight to his room.

“You think something happened during their date?” Jungkook asked.

“Seems like...” Hoseok replied.

“What about dinner then?” Namjoon asked.

“I'll have to cook I guess...” Jin sighed.


(Yoongi's POV)

“What just happened?!” I threw my body on top of the bed, my head was aching terribly.

I closed my eyes tightly, reminiscing the day's events. “Aghhhh why did I have to get upset over a stuffed toy?!”

I looked at the bag beside me and sighed. Pulling the bag towards me I took out the trophy and stared at it.

 Pulling the bag towards me I took out the trophy and stared at it

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A smile slowly formed on my lips, “Well...I do like trophies...” I held it close to my heart and mumbled, “It's a silly gift but a gift is a gift...”

Weirdly enough, the trophy toy reminded me of Taehyung, how happy he looked while giving it to me. And before I could realize anything, I had fallen asleep.


I was sleeping peacefully till I felt someone shaking me.

Who? There's only one person who'd dare to wake me up...

Feeling hopeful, I opened my eyes fully just to close them again. I was wrong.

“Hyung wake up... dinner is ready.” Jungkook said.

“Yeah... I'm up... I'll be out in a bit.” I replied.

“Okay. Don't fall asleep again...”

“Mmm I won't.”

I opened my eyes again when I was sure that Jungkook had left and sat up, “We missed our turn to cook...”

I got up reluctantly and walked towards the kitchen just in time to hear, “... hyung's awake but what about V Hyung?”

Is Taehyung sleeping too?

“Yah Yoongi!” Jin hyung said when he noticed me.

“Sorry Hyung...we missed our turn...” I apologized before he could say anything.

“It's not okay but it's okay. What's not okay is that Taehyung won't come out of his room!”

I realized my brain wasn't fully awake yet, as it took me some time to understand what Jin hyung said,“Why?”

“How would we know? Neither of you told us anything...” Namjoon replied while frowning.

I sighed, probably for the hundredth time that day, and quickly fixed a plate of food for Taehyung.

“Taehyung-ah?” I called out his name while knocking on the door softly.


(Tae's POV)

For the past four hours I had been lying on my bed, staring blankly at my phone which had turned off long ago. The door was locked.

I felt bad for Jungkook but my thoughts were only stuck on that one comment. What if I like it? Would Hyung too? What would the others think? Is it even possible? Are ‘we' even possible?

My train of thoughts were interrupted when someone, Yoongi Hyung, called my name from the other side of the door.

My gaze shifted from the phone to the door and I furrowed my brows, thinking intently about the person behind the door.

“Taehyung?” Hyung called me again and I continued staring at the door.

Five minutes later, I heard Hyung sigh and then say, “Come out when you are ready to eat... I'll be waiting.”

Thirty minutes after Hyung left, I was still thinking, thinking of possibilities.

“It wouldn't hurt to try.” determined, I got up and quietly opened the door. Tiptoeing towards the kitchen, I saw Yoongi Hyung washing the dishes. Two plates of untouched food were still on top of the table.

It definitely wouldn't hurt!


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